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Bielsa pls. Need a strong, charismatic character for this dressing room. Needs to command respect instantly

Is that before or after I get a blowjob from Natalie Dormer?

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Where McClaren has failed, I think, is on the character front. He's not been able to engage the squad or to make them want to play for him.


At times, in fairness to him, and albeit in fleeting moments earlier in the season he's had us playing some ok football.


The problem has been in the resolve of the squad to keep going when the tide turns. There's not enough character in the squad and he's not been able to create any form of backbone in them.


If you compare him to someone like a Klopp or a Keegan whose personality resonates and lifts up a whole club, or indeed city then there's a huge and fundamental difference.


The side effect of appointing a warm, motivator type is that they are generally quite 'emotional' beings who will, on occasion, get the hump and need managing themselves.


They'll also need to believe that everyone, from top to bottom, is engaged in the 'project'. God, I fucking hate that term, in relation to football.


When you work for a cold, calculated money man who is not motivated by sentiment or indeed motivated at all other than survival then where do you get your motivation from?


That leaves either a young coach full of energy (like a Howe at Bournemouth/Neville type character) or an older, perhaps safer alternative, who can drill a system/playing regime into the squad which would make us effective/harder to beat.


I guess Moyes falls into the latter in terms of character but I'm not sure he inspires much other than organisation. He certainly wouldn't be the lift we'd necessarily get from a positive influencer like a KK.


This city is driven by emotion. Half the battle is the feel good factor.


Robson brought it, KK brought it and, to a far lesser extent, Chris Hughton did through his professionalism/just downright decency.


I don't think David Moyes brings it in the same way I didn't think SMc did, all those months ago.


There's a real skill in making people perform for you and the key is them feeling like they are actually wanted/needed/valued. If you didn't personally choose that player (as has been the case with many of the new signings under SMC - see Saivet, Doumbia etc) then the chances of the player actually performing have to be far reduced.


This all points to the recruitment process needing to be based on the ability of the applicant to motivate, to be a 'man manager' and to be able to be a force for cohesion across the club including fanbase etc.


I don't think I know of anyone out there who could do this, as of now.


Edit - if TL/DR - then the team is a reflection of the manager. That's why we're a souless mess at the minute. Robson's and KK's had heart, energy and positivity in abundance.


Spot on mate.

Exactly why i believe Moyes would be a disaster.


Rafa might manage out of respect and his non nonsense approach.


Either we need a manager that is a excellent motivator, or a manager that can shake up these spoiled players we have.


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Re: Moyes;


short-term, fine. But long-term I'm afraid he'd be the perfect Ashley manager, i.e he'd keep us mid-table constantly with little investment. Which would be OK if he delivered good, attacking football. But he doesn't.

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Re: Moyes;


short-term, fine. But long-term I'm afraid he'd be the perfect Ashley manager, i.e he'd keep us mid-table constantly with little investment. Which would be OK if he delivered good, attacking football. But he doesn't.


I'm not even sure he'd be a good short term bet. There's as much chance of him doing another Sociedad as there is another Everton.


There's also some rose coloured specs about his time at Everton, some of which was utter garbage.


It's easy to criticise and see the negative with all of the names being bandied about and not come up with an alternative but I honestly can't think of one (realistic) alternative that I'd be happy with.


A big part of the problem is that as NUFC fans you're no longer able to dream of the unrealistic/unthinkable/out of the box options that you perhaps would have in the times of SJH and Shepherd, where public opinion/sentiment could potentially sway such decisions. For all of their faults (and christ knows, there were many) at least the direction to the manager was a positive one. At best, I suspect the next manager/head coach (:lol:) will get is a neutral 'keep us up, toe the line, don't kill the brand' message.


Still, that's life in a corporate operation and not sporting institution. If you dance with the devil...........

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Where McClaren has failed, I think, is on the character front. He's not been able to engage the squad or to make them want to play for him.


At times, in fairness to him, and albeit in fleeting moments earlier in the season he's had us playing some ok football.


The problem has been in the resolve of the squad to keep going when the tide turns. There's not enough character in the squad and he's not been able to create any form of backbone in them.


If you compare him to someone like a Klopp or a Keegan whose personality resonates and lifts up a whole club, or indeed city then there's a huge and fundamental difference.


The side effect of appointing a warm, motivator type is that they are generally quite 'emotional' beings who will, on occasion, get the hump and need managing themselves.


They'll also need to believe that everyone, from top to bottom, is engaged in the 'project'. God, I fucking hate that term, in relation to football.


When you work for a cold, calculated money man who is not motivated by sentiment or indeed motivated at all other than survival then where do you get your motivation from?


That leaves either a young coach full of energy (like a Howe at Bournemouth/Neville type character) or an older, perhaps safer alternative, who can drill a system/playing regime into the squad which would make us effective/harder to beat.


I guess Moyes falls into the latter in terms of character but I'm not sure he inspires much other than organisation. He certainly wouldn't be the lift we'd necessarily get from a positive influencer like a KK.


This city is driven by emotion. Half the battle is the feel good factor.


Robson brought it, KK brought it and, to a far lesser extent, Chris Hughton did through his professionalism/just downright decency.


I don't think David Moyes brings it in the same way I didn't think SMc did, all those months ago.


There's a real skill in making people perform for you and the key is them feeling like they are actually wanted/needed/valued. If you didn't personally choose that player (as has been the case with many of the new signings under SMC - see Saivet, Doumbia etc) then the chances of the player actually performing have to be far reduced.


This all points to the recruitment process needing to be based on the ability of the applicant to motivate, to be a 'man manager' and to be able to be a force for cohesion across the club including fanbase etc.


I don't think I know of anyone out there who could do this, as of now.


Edit - if TL/DR - then the team is a reflection of the manager. That's why we're a souless mess at the minute. Robson's and KK's had heart, energy and positivity in abundance.


Perfect explanation, this club is crying out for an identity, someone of a KK or Sir Bob ilk to bring the players, the club and the fans back together, everyone is pulling in different directions at the moment and we need a real character to galvanise the club, inside and out.

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Where McClaren has failed, I think, is on the character front. He's not been able to engage the squad or to make them want to play for him.


At times, in fairness to him, and albeit in fleeting moments earlier in the season he's had us playing some ok football.


The problem has been in the resolve of the squad to keep going when the tide turns. There's not enough character in the squad and he's not been able to create any form of backbone in them.


If you compare him to someone like a Klopp or a Keegan whose personality resonates and lifts up a whole club, or indeed city then there's a huge and fundamental difference.


The side effect of appointing a warm, motivator type is that they are generally quite 'emotional' beings who will, on occasion, get the hump and need managing themselves.


They'll also need to believe that everyone, from top to bottom, is engaged in the 'project'. God, I fucking hate that term, in relation to football.


When you work for a cold, calculated money man who is not motivated by sentiment or indeed motivated at all other than survival then where do you get your motivation from?


That leaves either a young coach full of energy (like a Howe at Bournemouth/Neville type character) or an older, perhaps safer alternative, who can drill a system/playing regime into the squad which would make us effective/harder to beat.


I guess Moyes falls into the latter in terms of character but I'm not sure he inspires much other than organisation. He certainly wouldn't be the lift we'd necessarily get from a positive influencer like a KK.


This city is driven by emotion. Half the battle is the feel good factor.


Robson brought it, KK brought it and, to a far lesser extent, Chris Hughton did through his professionalism/just downright decency.


I don't think David Moyes brings it in the same way I didn't think SMc did, all those months ago.


There's a real skill in making people perform for you and the key is them feeling like they are actually wanted/needed/valued. If you didn't personally choose that player (as has been the case with many of the new signings under SMC - see Saivet, Doumbia etc) then the chances of the player actually performing have to be far reduced.


This all points to the recruitment process needing to be based on the ability of the applicant to motivate, to be a 'man manager' and to be able to be a force for cohesion across the club including fanbase etc.


I don't think I know of anyone out there who could do this, as of now.


Edit - if TL/DR - then the team is a reflection of the manager. That's why we're a souless mess at the minute. Robson's and KK's had heart, energy and positivity in abundance.


Good post.

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Rogers lost his way at Liverpool. Nice football but some of the signings were atrocious.


Did he have full say?  I thought Benteke was the first time that he was allowed to get his man? 


Not exactly a success story :lol:  But I was under the impression they had a similar transfer set up to us? 

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Seems to me that Rodgers was very much a victim of his own success in many ways.  Not saying he would be my first choice, but coming second in 13-14 was a huge overachievement which he then suffered for when the team's performance dipped.

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I think Rodgers would be a passable long-term appointment but I don't think he'd keep us up. Can't see unmotivated players buying in to his management speak mumbo jumbo.

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Guest Roger Kint

Some loons on Twitter actually want Pearson in, I'd rather keep McClaren.


Theres a growing number tweeting paddy power asking for prices on Craig Brown. Allegedly hes 25/1 down from 100/1 since this morning. Can you fucking imagine the players reaction to that knacka turning up sounding worse than the Geordie on Castle? :lol:

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Some loons on Twitter actually want Pearson in, I'd rather keep McClaren.


Theres a growing number tweeting paddy power asking for prices on Craig Brown. Allegedly hes 25/1 down from 100/1 since this morning. Can you fucking imagine the players reaction to that knacka turning up sounding worse than the Geordie on Castle? :lol:


He's 75 FFS :lol:

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Guest The Little Waster


Bookies latest


Moyes, David 15/8


Pearson, Nigel 9/4


Rodgers, Brendan 9/2


Benitez, Rafa 5/1


Redknapp, Harry 12/1


Di Matteo, Roberto 18/1


Gourvennec, Jocelyn 20/1


De Boer, Frank 20/1


Laudrup, Michael 20/1


Galtier, Christophe 25/1


Dyche, Sean 25/1


Fournier, Hubert 25/1


Sherwood, Tim 25/1


Favre, Lucien 25/1


Bruce, Steve 33/1


Hoddle, Glen 33/1


Monk, Garry 33/1


Jokanovic, Slavisa 33/1


Warburton, Mark 33/1


Klinsmann, Jurgen 33/1


Howe, Eddie 50/1


Pulis, Tony 50/1


Vieira, Patrick 50/1


Carver, John 50/1


Shearer, Alan 66/1


McCoist, Ally 66/1


Di Canio, Paolo 100/1

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The only person who I think could come in and give everybody a lift from day 1 would be Rafa Benitez.  Do I think he'd come here?  I think he would if the offer was right for him and I think we're capable(have the means) of putting a good enough package to him but unsure we've got the intelligence at the club to do it.

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