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Alan Pardew


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Guest bimpy474



FFS, more Gifs  :jesuswept:


Your predictable response to every single post where I include a number is the boring part of the stats debate.


Others have said they appreciate them and commented on points of interest raised.  The argument of stats being bollocks or not is fucking tedious.  I prefer to stick to the footballing discussion, irrespective of the degree to which you think the numbers might illuminate the argument or not.


Because the stats, not you, are bollocks. Stats do not tell you everything and can be used to decieve and mislead. They're bollocks. Personally i find gifs funny and stats boring as bollocks, but that's just me.


Speaking of stats, do you work out what night to rivet the wife, i mean is it done a percentage scale, worked out by days, months etc. Because you dont half remind of the teacher from Little Britain.


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Guest bimpy474

"stats don't tell you everything" doesn't mean they tell you nothing. this anti-stats crusade is canny retarded imo


Kind of retarded to not realise when you say "stats don't tell you everything", by definition that would mean they tell you something and not nothing.


Then I suppose being retarded would mean you someone wouldn't realise it, would you not think ?.

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Three statisticians go duck hunting on a lake. They spot a duck. The first one fires, but misses six inches to the left. The second one fires and misses six inches to the right. The third one shouts 'Got him!'


Please yourselves.

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Guest bimpy474

Three statisticians go duck hunting on a lake. They spot a duck. The first one fires, but misses six inches to the left. The second one fires and misses six inches to the right. The third one shouts 'Got him!'


Please yourselves.



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Guest bimpy474

I wasn't sure I'd ever side with Happy Face, then N-O's answer appeared to be GIFs and Little Britain clips.  Reconsidering my position.


No, they're my answers, and mine alone.

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Guest bimpy474

Ahhh.  Still. :lol:


You may well have noticed i'm not a fan of stats. HF is probably a perfectly nice man in his percentaged, pie charted, spreadsheeted starter for ten life. I just detest stats, never do they tell the whole story, ever.

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Ahhh.  Still. :lol:


You may well have noticed i'm not a fan of stats. HF is probably a perfectly nice man in his percentaged, pie charted, spreadsheeted starter for ten life. I just detest stats, never do they tell the whole story, ever.



by the law of averages they must do occaisionally.

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Ahhh.  Still. :lol:


You may well have noticed i'm not a fan of stats. HF is probably a perfectly nice man in his percentaged, pie charted, spreadsheeted starter for ten life. I just detest stats, never do they tell the whole story, ever.


by the law of averages they must do occaisionally.


I'd like to see some stats on that TBH.

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I just detest stats, never do they tell the whole story, ever.


There's not a post in this thread, no matter what length, that tells the whole story. Daft to demand a view that is panoptic in ANY form.



what story are you talking about?

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Guest bimpy474

I just detest stats, never do they tell the whole story, ever.


There's not a post in this thread, no matter what length, that tells the whole story. Daft to demand a view that is panoptic in ANY form.



Do shush, you just dont like the fact that stats are bumhole, twist around like a twisty thing all you like. It's guff and you know it.

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