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Alan Pardew


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Talk is cheap.


Neither the current playing or club captain are there adding weight to such PR guff. Surprise surprise.


Depressingly easy to believe that they're all protesting too much. As you and others say, the proof of the pudding is in the eating. They didn't look like they were fighting much at the weekend when they gave up on a home match after less than 20mins.


We just need to win a match, regroup and put this shitstorm of a season behind us.




I could've stomached the defeat to Liverpool if we hadn't just let do what they want for all bar 10 minutes of the game. It's not that hard to close out a game and use your head that getting walloped in a relegation battle isn't a great idea. Liverpool went down to 2nd gear after the 3rd and still scored 3. Obscene.


It stings so much more than the Sunderland result it's untrue. I am still fucking furious about it.


Just go out there and do your fucking jobs that your paid to do FFS. Worry about fucking off and the manager in the summer if you've got a modicum of pride in yourself or the club/fans.

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No quotes from those sneaky, divisive frenchies.


:lol: Or the club captain. Or vice captain (although he is also a sneaky frog so that would explain it)


Or Ben Arfa, who was no doubt too busy pumping iron in nothing but a pair of PSG budgie smugglers to comment.


The statement was taken at the top of a flight of stairs, ruling Ben Arfa out.

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They're hardly gonna come out and say "yep it's all gone to s***, everyone knows Pardew is s*** and no one wants to play for him but we think its best we stick with the useless gimp until the end of the season. With any luck we'll stay up and most of the players won't leave us in the summer"

However it could be the truth, we'll only find out once/if Pardew gets canned and the gagging order is removed from our players.


gagging orders will not be removed from the players not until they are sold. 


pardew will not say anything, they will probably give him a good pay off providing he dont talk anymore smack out of his arse anymore.  Thats if they sack him.

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Guest icemanblue

To be fair it wasn't three weeks ago players were out on their feet fighting for the win against Fulham. I've no doubt there's been some soul searching in the wake of the Sunderland and Liverpool games and there probably has been some few home truths voiced, but I certainly don't believe the talk of some huge split dividing the camp.


This where I'm at, like.

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Cisse and Tiote seem like 2 of the canniest lads going mind - if there was a dressing room split can't imagine anyone would suspect them of having anything much to do with it.

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I'm very cynical but the more they protest there's nothing untoward going on behind the scenes the less inclined I am to believe them. The ladies doth protest too much...

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Hatem has been sweating over DHL and the delivery of his PSG toiletries set.


lol people need to lay off HBA i thought he was untouchable.


i bet he forgot to have his laundry cleaned so all he had left was a psg jersey maybe he took it out of the frame. 

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I'm very cynical but the more they protest there's nothing untoward going on behind the scenes the less inclined I am to believe them. The ladies doth protest too much...


It's really clumsy PR.

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Guest icemanblue

I'm very cynical but the more they protest there's nothing untoward going on behind the scenes the less inclined I am to believe them. The ladies doth protest too much...


I don't know. Bit of a damned if you do type situation, isn't it? Could have felt as if they had to say something to counter the relentless negative onslaught from the media, to satisfy the 'impressionable' section of our support.

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This is a little overly defensive from the club. There probably have been complaints about the manager but I still don't understand why that's a problem, players aren't blind and will get to a point of frustration if the bloke in charge is making the same mistakes and isn't performing, it affects them.

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I'm very cynical but the more they protest there's nothing untoward going on behind the scenes the less inclined I am to believe them. The ladies doth protest too much...


It's really clumsy PR.


My view too. Suppose it's not going to do any harm but I'm surprised they felt the need to comment at all.

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I'm very cynical but the more they protest there's nothing untoward going on behind the scenes the less inclined I am to believe them. The ladies doth protest too much...




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Guest Howaythetoon

To be fair, anyone who has ever played football whatever the level, when you're low on confidence and losing heavy, your head drops quicker than a whores drawers. Still, there is no excuse for the manner of our recent 'endevours'.

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