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The other games today - 2013/14


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Some arsenal fans on another forum i look on (was in a football thread rather than a football forum) were bemoaning Wenger's unwillingness to try Podolski upfront, presumably the default set up up front is Cazorla Ozil Walcot behind Giroud, this leaves Podolski out the team and one suspects as backup to Giroud and possibly to come in on wing for Cazorla, but they also have Rosicky there, and Oxlaide Chaimberlain.


Their squad is certainly quite thin for what they'd hope be title contenders, but that front 4 is as good as anyone's imo, Chelsea lack a great striker, man u lack creativity if they continue to not use Kagawa, only City's seems as complete a package but they seem slightly disfunctional right now. If Arsenal can keep that front 4 out of injury (doubtful) and even if Podolski and Rosicky (who has looked good of late) are used fair bits they will do well.


Their defense is of course another issue.


Its like they don't even watch their own team :lol: Everytime i have seen him play upfront he's been poor....link up, hold up play and movement are all very bad which makes it very hard for Arsenal to maintain attacks.


Same thing with Walcott actually, he finds it hard to find space for himself and is much better coming off the wing finding space between the defenders where he isn't picked up as easily.


He's definitely much better coming off the wing into pockets of space and unleashing that fantastic left foot of his, unfortunately for him Wenger seems to prefer Cazorla on the left and Rosicky/Wilshere in the middle probably for control reasons. ( and now Ozil you'd imagine)

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Walcott is a winger through and through and I can't stand his glory hunting idiocy about thinking being a striker is a 'better' position. I for one love a great winger and while I understand he wants to imitate Henry, he is no Henry. I also think he's actually putting a lot of the doubts about him as a player behind him and being a very good player for them.

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Estonia lasted a full 2 minutes vs Holland. 1-0 Robben.


Classic Robben. Cut inside, top corner, bang. Very few players in the world better at that. Probably just Messi off the top of my head.


Sneijder should have scored there.

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