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The other games today - 2013/14


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Before that dreaded injury in Nov '11, Lucas was among the very best DMs in the world.


His performance against City a few days before that was one of the best performances I've ever seen by any individual.


Hasn't got near that level yet since his return, but he has it in him (I hope). Glad he's called up to Brazilian NT again, that should be good for his confidence


"best performances I've ever seen by any individual.".................Was that the first game of soccer you have ever watched ???


Nah. I remember the game was a few weeks after City's 6-1 thrashing of United, and Silva was in unstoppable form. Lucas absolutely destroyed both him and Yaya in that game.


Carroll nearly scored a last minute goal only to be denied by an excellent Hart save. Back when he was good.


On the side note, I'm very impressed by Kolo Toure. Fantastic bit of business signing him for free. He should start every week.

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I must admit I was wrong about Sturridge. Thought he'd flop big time, but he's class tbf to him. Pace, finishing and some great movement. He'll tear shit up for years to come.

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Before that dreaded injury in Nov '11, Lucas was among the very best DMs in the world.


His performance against City a few days before that was one of the best performances I've ever seen by any individual.


Hasn't got near that level yet since his return, but he has it in him (I hope). Glad he's called up to Brazilian NT again, that should be good for his confidence


This is a laughable post. Lucas has never been the best DM in Brazil yet alone the world. Get out of here.

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A front line with Suarez, Sturridge and Coutinho is as good as any in the league, imo.

Without a doubt. Chelseas dicking around with their strikers is pathetic, should have binned Torres ages ago and have Sturridge as their main man and Lukaku and Ba as back up.


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Why wasn't Suarez sent off btw? Pulled up his kit to show his t-shirt after both goals?


Because he didn't take his shirt off?


You have to take it off? Thought that rule had changed.

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Didn't say he was the best DM at the time, but he was definitely among top 5 based on his form from October 2010-Nov 2011. A year of pure brilliance. Our Dalglish team totally fell apart the moment he got injured.


Now, he is nowhere near, but still essential for us. He's banned for Palace at home, but the Yellows he has got have been incredibly soft.


Having said that, I hate the Lucas-Gerrard midfield. It's too static and struggles when they are pressed.

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Good interview from Ball to be fair to the Mackem t*** like.



what he say?


Nowt that you wouldn't expect like, but basically just answered each question honestly and in a composed manner, whilst protecting the players and club. He was asked if attitude was the main thing today and said well to be fair it is for every single game, etc.

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