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The other games today - 2013/14


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Silva has weirdly not been great today


He's been rather inconsistent for a long time. Still prefer him to Nasri mind a million times.


Personally i think he's been fantastic this season when fit problem is he's been out quite a lot with injuries.


Do agree that last season and 2nd half of the season before that he was wildly inconsistent.


As for Negredo i didn't rate him that highly when i saw him in La Liga, massively wrong on that one.  :idiot2:

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Maybe with Negredo it was a case (for Pellegrini) of "if we can get him better service he can score way more" or himself improving massively since joining them.


STATS TIME: Fourth career hat-trick, all of which coming within the last 10 months, second since joining City.

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West Ham are f***ing garbage, wish we were playing them this weekend. We'd batter them 2-0.




I hope hippo head doesn't get the sack. Within a couple of seasons it will be gospel that he'd have kept them up.

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Big Sam has to go soon surely, they're down if he stays. Looks like he couldn't give two f***s about them.


Couple of days before we play them, book it.


It probably will be as well, defeat to Cardiff on Saturday will be the final straw I reckon.

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