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The 2013/14 Betting Thread


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Oh well. First real loss of the week. Take it on the chin and move on.


Annoying thing is both teams will revert to type in their next games. Also sort of proved why Napoli aren't going to win the title. Drop a few players and they don't look anywhere near as good.

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Withdrawn a decent wedge before I make a very regrettable bet.


Think I'm about £250 up from the past 3/4 days. Could have been much, much bigger if Napoli had played in anything above second gear tonight, but ah well. Them's the breaks.


Keeping an eye out on Real Madrid, anyway. 0-0 HT.

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Diego Costa anytime in the Madrid derby on Saturday. He's in brilliant form, and there is usually a fair few goals in this fixture, and that's without Real's rather shaky defence.


He's between 6/4 and 2/1 with most places, which in itself isn't bad at all. However, shop about and you can get 11/4 or even 3/1 on him to score anytime.


Dunno about you, but I think that's bloody great value. Definitely worth a few quid.

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If any PL match this weekend ends in a draw, PP are refunding all singles placed on 1st/last GS, correct score and score casts.

Anyone see any value in there? Any clever ideas of winning a few quid? Surely there will be one draw?


Does it mean ALL singles? As in if you place 10 FGS from the matches, all will be refunded or is it just the one?

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