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Man City 4 - 0 Newcastle United - 19/08/13 - post-'match' reaction from page 63


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Guest icemanblue

I was canny deflated last night, like. Not an unexpected result, but the manner of it was very disappointing. After sleeping on it, it's not hurting as much as it probably should. I've read, a fair few times, that our season starts against West Ham. I hope that is the case, as this result can soon be forgotten about.


A win there would be absolutely enormous like as well as, on the basis of last night, a massive surprise. But it's a new week. Who fucking knows?


Can't believe NOTHING improved, man. Not even the basics like discipline.


It perhaps wasn't the best game to judge us in, as they terrified us from kick off. Just far, far too much pace and movement. Any team out there would have struggled to contain them. Some might have dealt with it better, but not many. We don't play Man City away every week, though.


The next four or five games will give us a better idea of where we're at this year. I just hope we get the bodies in that we so obviously need.

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I was canny deflated last night, like. Not an unexpected result, but the manner of it was very disappointing. After sleeping on it, it's not hurting as much as it probably should. I've read, a fair few times, that our season starts against West Ham. I hope that is the case, as this result can soon be forgotten about.

It will be forgotten about alright - Newcastle fans have short memories...

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I was canny deflated last night, like. Not an unexpected result, but the manner of it was very disappointing. After sleeping on it, it's not hurting as much as it probably should. I've read, a fair few times, that our season starts against West Ham. I hope that is the case, as this result can soon be forgotten about.


A win there would be absolutely enormous like as well as, on the basis of last night, a massive surprise. But it's a new week. Who fucking knows?


Can't believe NOTHING improved, man. Not even the basics like discipline.


It perhaps wasn't the best game to judge us in, as they terrified us from kick off. Just far, far too much pace and movement. Any team out there would have struggled to contain them. Some might have dealt with it better, but not many. We don't play Man City away every week, though.


The next four or five games will give us a better idea of where we're at this year. I just hope we get the bodies in that we so obviously need.




It's hard to take watching your team being totally unable to compete with Man City, after the success we've tasted in our lifetimes, but sadly that is the fact of how far certain clubs have moved ahead of the rest. City will hand out comfortable defeats to most of the league this season.


I still have mixed feelings about the season TBH, the Cabaye thing is a setback obviously. But on the pitch, we got the inevitable beating and just need to move on now.

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In a match like this, you should lose due to the difference in class that comes with the extra spend on players.  That Aguero finish just inside the post for number two for example.


You shouldn't lose due to lack of effort, poor organisation, hot-headedness, not giving the man on the ball an option, taking set pieces that have you desperately defending five seconds later, etc., etc. If you do you're seriously taking the p*ss out of everyone that follows the team, especially  the lads and lasses that went down there for an 8pm kickoff on a Monday. The point in commentary about the (few) empty seats in our end was well low. It's your fault for scheduling the game then you c*nts.


I heard that discussed on the radio as Scudamore was praising the away attendances for the opening game and they said that the only 2 teams who had not sold out their away allocation was us and Fulham.  But then as you say Sky don't help with their scheduling.


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I was canny deflated last night, like. Not an unexpected result, but the manner of it was very disappointing. After sleeping on it, it's not hurting as much as it probably should. I've read, a fair few times, that our season starts against West Ham. I hope that is the case, as this result can soon be forgotten about.


A win there would be absolutely enormous like as well as, on the basis of last night, a massive surprise. But it's a new week. Who fucking knows?


Can't believe NOTHING improved, man. Not even the basics like discipline.


It perhaps wasn't the best game to judge us in, as they terrified us from kick off. Just far, far too much pace and movement. Any team out there would have struggled to contain them. Some might have dealt with it better, but not many. We don't play Man City away every week, though.


The next four or five games will give us a better idea of where we're at this year. I just hope we get the bodies in that we so obviously need.




It's hard to take watching your team being totally unable to compete with Man City, after the success we've tasted in our lifetimes, but sadly that is the fact of how far certain clubs have moved ahead of the rest. City will hand out comfortable defeats to most of the league this season.


I still have mixed feelings about the season TBH, the Cabaye thing is a setback obviously. But on the pitch, we got the inevitable beating and just need to move on now.


It's the manner of the defeat that bothers me, half the team looked like they wanted to be somewhere, anywhere, else. That doesn't fill me with much confidence for the rest of the season.

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It's the manner of the defeat that bothers me, half the team looked like they wanted to be somewhere, anywhere, else. That doesn't fill me with much confidence for the rest of the season.


I'm not sure what to make of it TBH. It could just be a natural reaction to being so badly outplayed on the night. We'll see if we manage to pull it together in the next few games. If not, serious repercussions for Pards.

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Not according to Sky.




According to my eyes it was 4-4-2.




They started off 4-3-3, for the first 6 minutes or so. As soon as Zabaleta started hurtling down the flank, Jonas pushed out left to counter him. 4-4-2/4-4-1 for the majority of the match.


Go and watch the replay of the game.


We were never ever in a 4-3-3.


Gouffran went up top straight away, and Jonas to the left.


I even mentioned it in the match thread immediately.


We were never 4-3-3. Can't believe you lot didn't see that. Strange.

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The bench last night was poor and we were only really missing Santon.  Only one defender who then went on to make his Premier League debut, the Ameobis ...


Now that Jonas is injured and Taylor is out for 3 games, (regardless of what people think of them) it just highlights even more how weak the squad is.



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Guest DebuchyAndTheBeast

Ben Arfa was amazing and the only positive in an ocean of shit. Colo was good in the first half  , average in the second. Sissoko and Tiote did put in a lot of effort running around but their first touch was that of a rapist and their passing lacked that extra quality to switch play to the wings, so we often lost momentum when pushing forward. Jonas also put in a shift and did try to take on players but he's past it. Mbiwa was average and although he did put in some decent tackles was being teared apart in the first half by their right wing combination. Debuchy was really poor and often got caught out on the wrong side of his attacker. He didn't have the protection in front of him but his positioning and reading of the play was catastrophic. Krul made some good saves and given he's slowly returning from a long term injury did what he could. Cisse didn't have much of a service and his positioning and first touch were poor at times. Gouffran was our second best player and once he was off there wasn't any chance we were gonna score. Honestly think that he should be playing on the right with Ben Arfa on the left or mid. Taylor was just shit, couldn't be arsed to put in a tackle or challenge (except with his hand  :lol:) and deservedly got a red card and ruined the infinitesimal  chances we had of coming back in match.

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It's the manner of the defeat that bothers me, half the team looked like they wanted to be somewhere, anywhere, else. That doesn't fill me with much confidence for the rest of the season.


I'm not sure what to make of it TBH. It could just be a natural reaction to being so badly outplayed on the night. We'll see if we manage to pull it together in the next few games. If not, serious repercussions for Pards.


Yeah I agree with that, my next concern is that serious repercussions for Pards will result in JFK taking over...

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I was canny deflated last night, like. Not an unexpected result, but the manner of it was very disappointing. After sleeping on it, it's not hurting as much as it probably should. I've read, a fair few times, that our season starts against West Ham. I hope that is the case, as this result can soon be forgotten about.


A win there would be absolutely enormous like as well as, on the basis of last night, a massive surprise. But it's a new week. Who fucking knows?


Can't believe NOTHING improved, man. Not even the basics like discipline.


It perhaps wasn't the best game to judge us in, as they terrified us from kick off. Just far, far too much pace and movement. Any team out there would have struggled to contain them. Some might have dealt with it better, but not many. We don't play Man City away every week, though.


The next four or five games will give us a better idea of where we're at this year. I just hope we get the bodies in that we so obviously need.




It's hard to take watching your team being totally unable to compete with Man City, after the success we've tasted in our lifetimes, but sadly that is the fact of how far certain clubs have moved ahead of the rest. City will hand out comfortable defeats to most of the league this season.


I still have mixed feelings about the season TBH, the Cabaye thing is a setback obviously. But on the pitch, we got the inevitable beating and just need to move on now.


It's the manner of the defeat that bothers me, half the team looked like they wanted to be somewhere, anywhere, else. That doesn't fill me with much confidence for the rest of the season.

its nothing unusual this set of players has shown time and again they're precious and can't cope with the slightest thing going against them

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realised last night how much our support has changed from a few years ago. fair play to them for going but all you can hear is high pitched singing to the opposition fans. sad times

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realised last night how much our support has changed from a few years ago. fair play to them for going but all you can hear is high pitched singing to the opposition fans. sad times


The banter was woeful.

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I wended up watching the game in the pub last night, started off early in the day with some blind optimism that we might actually get something from the game, until any positive thoughts were ripped apart when the news that Cabaye had been pulled an hour before the match. Arsenal and PSG or whoever couldn't have found a better time to launch a bid eh?

I always knew in the back of my mind that we would get torn to shreds by their attack, and tbh, they really did look slick and hungry last night...

Anyway, heres my points ranking for the game:

Krul (7) - He actually played pretty well but shipping 4 goals... oh well

Debuchy (4) - I really cannot seee what this boy has, late tackles, easily turned, no pace...ffs!

Saylor (5) - The defense was all over the place and he was at his stupid handball antics before he was sent off. Liability tbh. What the hell happened when Silva ghosted into miles of space for the first goal.

Colo (7) - Colo played reasonably well, not helped by the clowns either side of him though. Again was caught for pace a couple of times and nearly gave an early penner.

Mapou (5) - Beaten time and time again, gives too many loose balls away, needs pace to help recover from dodgy positioning. Looked panicky every time he was on the ball.

Jonas (7) - Looked a decent outlet all night, tracked back well and put in a shift. Don't understand the amount of stick he gets.

Ben Arfa (8) - Only player who looked on the same level as the opposition, tracked back a lot although he hasn't a clue how to tackle or cover the pass...

Tiote (5) - Passing was crap and he didn't really get started. Yaya and fernandinho really showed them how to play.

Sissoko (4) - For the size of the guy you would think he could handle himslef both on ground and in air, easily pushed off the ball and didn't win a header all night. his runs into space are ok but he was really lacking defensively especially when needed to track the runners, caught out a few times and left defense wide open. Not impressed at all!

Gouffran (7) - Tried his best all night, just doesn't quite have the technical stuff to make a difference in the way HBA does.

Cisse (3) - I don't think I've seen a player so easily handled as he was last night, looked really weak and was pushed off the ball every time. might be ramadan or something but not working at moment and doesn't suit Pardews hoof ball...


Positives: We seem to want to pass the ball about a bit more, at least early on we did! We played the best team in the league by far.

Citeh: They looked top nothc all over the park, really hungry for the win and challlenged every ball with 100%, even saw Silva win a few balls from Debuchy because he was more focused and up for it. I can only dream....


Pardew: I wish he would grow a pair of balls! Both pre and post match he didn't say anything near positive and anyone would take a swipe at them above for lack of activity and for the cabaye shiiite....

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I could give the whole "let's see where you are in a couple of games" spiel, but I'd be fuming myself if my team did some of the stuff you did last night, I can't lie. It was only one game against one of the best teams in the league who were desperate to impress, yes, but there's only so much that can be used as a reason for the result and performance.

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I could give the whole "let's see where you are in a couple of games" spiel, but I'd be fuming myself if my team did some of the stuff you did last night, I can't lie. It was only one game against one of the best teams in the league who were desperate to impress, yes, but there's only so much that can be used as a reason for the result and performance.


I think it should be clear that people are fuming like.

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I could give the whole "let's see where you are in a couple of games" spiel, but I'd be fuming myself if my team did some of the stuff you did last night, I can't lie. It was only one game against one of the best teams in the league who were desperate to impress, yes, but there's only so much that can be used as a reason for the result and performance.


I think it should be clear that people are fuming like.


I'm not saying they're not. :lol:


I hope for your sake you've got a couple of decent players lined up if/when Cabaye trots off.

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I'm beginning to think the club announces a 4-2-3-1 despite it being 4-4-2 in attempts to trick fans into believing it's a more fashionable and popular formation.

tbh I couldn't give 2 shits about formation, way too overblown. 442 worked out well enough for City last night

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