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Paul Dummett

Guest palnese

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Club home grown player isn't he?


We'll be pushing for Europe next season and so will need to have some of these going forward.



Edited by KaKa

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31 minutes ago, MrRaspberryJam said:




Care to explain why this is a anything but a shite decision?


31 minutes ago, Yorkie said:


Trippier, Krafth, Manquillo, Lewis and Dummett will be our full-backs as of 1st June. You'd presume one will just be replaced like for like, as happened in January with Lewis/Targett. 


If that’s the case why are we keeping the shittest and most injury prone one of those five?

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7 minutes ago, KaKa said:

Club home grown player isn't he?


We'll be pushing for Europe next season and so will need to have some of these going forward.





Completely irrelevant for a one year deal. We don’t need to worry about that next season which is the one he’ll be sticking around for.

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3 minutes ago, Fantail Breeze said:


Completely irrelevant for a one year deal. We don’t need to worry about that next season which is the one he’ll be sticking around for.


Well I think it's a one year deal initially and based on how that goes they'll determine whether to extend with him, because he'll be useful going forward, or whether it would be preferable to use some of the younger players coming through instead in those club home grown slots.



Edited by KaKa

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"Dreadful" and "brainless". Don't say that NO doesn't love an overreaction :lol:


I personally didn't see the value in renewing his contract, but Howe obviousky does and he will have his reasons. Either way it's a pretty inconsequential decision.

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Can't believe the reaction :lol:


He's an experienced club home grown player they want to have another look at over next season, because he's been injured most of this one.


He can cover as a left back, centre back in a two, centre back in a three, and as a left wing back.


After seeing what Howe did with Krafth, it's not impossible that he could be a serviceable squad player if and when injuries start to tally up.


The key thing is ultimately that club home grown status though.

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2 minutes ago, The Prophet said:

"Dreadful" and "brainless". Don't say that NO doesn't love an overreaction :lol:


I personally didn't see the value in renewing his contract, but Howe obviousky does and he will have his reasons. Either way it's a pretty inconsequential decision.

Aye, it's either we keep on someone like Dummett as cover, or we go out and buy someone to fulfil the exact same, part time role. Either or it's pretty inconsequential like you say :lol:

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9 minutes ago, Fantail Breeze said:
42 minutes ago, Yorkie said:


Trippier, Krafth, Manquillo, Lewis and Dummett will be our full-backs as of 1st June. You'd presume one will just be replaced like for like, as happened in January with Lewis/Targett. 


If that’s the case why are we keeping the shittest and most injury prone one of those five?


Can't argue that he's injury prone but I'd argue/insist that he's better than Lewis (who's done absolutely nothing for us), plus he can play in more than one position. And like I suggested in the other post, he's an important character in the dressing room (that's according to the manager).

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On the one hand, I'm reading, he isn't very good. But on the other, he's always injured so he won't play anyway.


Sounds to me like his two biggest weaknesses cancel each out, so I don't know what people are complaining about.

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Guest HTT II
9 minutes ago, Hanshithispantz said:

He's a reliable defender providing 3rd choice cover in 2 positions. We're not realistically going to replace our entire squad and backup in the summer.



Reliable, he plays about 1 game a season and he’s utter shit :lol:

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Just now, Yorkie said:


Can't argue that he's injury prone but I'd argue/insist that he's better than Lewis (who's done absolutely nothing for us), plus he can play in more than one position. And like I suggested in the other post, he's an important character in the dressing room (that's according to the manager).


I don’t know why we’d keep either of them. Both Championship standard and should see the door. We had an opportunity to get rid of one for free and should have taken it.


Buy two youngsters with the ability to improve with the club, or bring an experienced older head in who is also on a free in the summer.


When we need back up next season, he’ll either not be available through injury (as we’ve encountered several times in the past few years) or, he’ll be torn to bits because he’s not good enough.

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5 minutes ago, KaKa said:

Can't believe the reaction :lol:


He's an experienced club home grown player they want to have another look at over next season, because he's been injured most of this one.


He can cover as a left back, centre back in a two, centre back in a three, and as a left wing back.


After seeing what Howe did with Krafth, it's not impossible that he could be a serviceable squad player if and when injuries start to tally up.


The key thing is ultimately that club home grown status though.

‘another look at’ :lol:


We normally get to see him half a season if we’re lucky and he’s never improved the whole time.

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