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Hit Ashley in the pocket


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It's the sort of idea I would get on board with, but I just can't see how it would take off. If you really wanted to wear a Newcastle shirt (a good Newcastle shirt), you would go to someone like Toffs. Some do but people will always buy the replica top. I've no idea why. There's a spanner I work with (who no longer talks to me cos I told him I've bouycoutted the club) who said he'd buy the shirt no matter what - he hadn't even seen it at this point. There's no further explanation needed. It's just the way some people are.


This guy is an absolute plank, btw. I used to get on really well with him; he'd given me a couple of lifts up to Newcastle and I went to visit him in hospital, etc, but fucking hell he comes out with some shite. He was going on at me the other day about how I've 'given up' and how I 'talk the talk' as a Newcastle fan, but he 'walks the walk'. Literally every single day it's: "I'd get a season ticket if we were in the Unibond, me." "I'll buy the shirt no matter what." "I do 200 miles every Saturday, it costs this much petrol." Yada yada yada. I wouldn't normally drop to his superfan levels but I was so wound up that I retorted with a "where were you when I was buying my season ticket for the Championship year?" (he didn't have one then), and he's blanked me ever since. :lol:


Would he rather see Newcastle reserves draw 1-1 than England win the world cup? I bet he would.

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It's the sort of idea I would get on board with, but I just can't see how it would take off. If you really wanted to wear a Newcastle shirt (a good Newcastle shirt), you would go to someone like Toffs. Some do but people will always buy the replica top. I've no idea why. There's a spanner I work with (who no longer talks to me cos I told him I've bouycoutted the club) who said he'd buy the shirt no matter what - he hadn't even seen it at this point. There's no further explanation needed. It's just the way some people are.


This guy is an absolute plank, btw. I used to get on really well with him; he'd given me a couple of lifts up to Newcastle and I went to visit him in hospital, etc, but fucking hell he comes out with some shite. He was going on at me the other day about how I've 'given up' and how I 'talk the talk' as a Newcastle fan, but he 'walks the walk'. Literally every single day it's: "I'd get a season ticket if we were in the Unibond, me." "I'll buy the shirt no matter what." "I do 200 miles every Saturday, it costs this much petrol." Yada yada yada. I wouldn't normally drop to his superfan levels but I was so wound up that I retorted with a "where were you when I was buying my season ticket for the Championship year?" (he didn't have one then), and he's blanked me ever since. :lol:


Would he rather see Newcastle reserves draw 1-1 than England win the world cup? I bet he would.


That would be vaguely reasonable compared to some of the stuff he comes out with. Just desperately, desperately thick - really. I've not even mentioned the racist stuff.

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Do people actually think not spending money on the club hits Mike Ashley? :lol:


Business Studies should perhaps become a mandatory GCSE if so.

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The only way to effectively hit Ashley's pockets is for large number of fans to not renew their season tickets and not go to games. Fans always seem desperate to find ways of protesting that avoid this but quite frankly it's the only thing an owner will give a single fuck about. Those alternative scarves some man u fans wear to protest the glazers have hardly got them shivering in their boots.


I don't blame people for not doing it, it's easy for me since I normally make only a few games a season at the moment due to vicarious finances and not living there anymore so it's all very well me demanding people who go regularly do it. It would also mean even if I were going often not cheering Ben Arfa on who really seems to appreciate fans support, if he felt less at home due to a loss of atmosphere and fled would be both understandable and tragic for us. Still, this club will have no ambition, no long term plan and no care for the fans until Ashley is out.

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I reckon the wonga shirt is the worst selling we've had in years. There was 3000 empty seats at our first home game, 6000 last week, so Mike Ashley is fully aware of the reaction to what he's doing. But it's not, nor will it ever be enough, and he doesn't care anyway.


My advice it to find something else to occupy your Saturdays, for the next few years at least.


Unfortunately it's been the best selling one in years. Work that one out


Seriously? Well i'll be chuggered.


I didn't buy it, and wether it hits Ashley in the pocket or not i wont buy a ticket til he's gone.

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The prime time to hit Ashley in the pocket is the Leeds game - totally agree that the only way to make him sit up and start to worry is not attending home games and as much as it will hurt people, it really is the only way to get the fat c*** out of the club.

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The prime time to hit Ashley in the pocket is the Leeds game - totally agree that the only way to make him sit up and start to worry is not attending home games and as much as it will hurt people, it really is the only way to get the fat c*** out of the club.


I don't think there's a way to get him out. He'll sell when he gets a great offer that he values more than using us as SD advertisement board.

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I agree that it would nearly be impossible to pull off and even if this idea took off who's to say it would actually to effect Ashley that much. However I feel something other than writing on bedsheets has to be done or its 13-17 place finishes at best for us with dire football to boot for the next 4/5 years.


The only way I can see it working is if it somehow took off on twitter, everyone slates it but it can be useful to start  movements or gain support.

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I doubt we'd ever get enough people to stay away to make a difference, and i'd never tell anyone not to support NUFC so that's a non starter as far as i'm concerned. We're just having the piss taken out of us, it's as simple as that. You either accept that and go to the games, or you don't.

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People won't stop going to the games (understandable, it's a huge part of many people's week) and people won't stop buying the shirts (not really understandable, because they're fucking awful).


Fuck, it's hard enough to get people to stop buying pissy pints of flat Fosters in the ground when you have to remortgage your house to actually afford one.


It's the only way to have an impact, but unless he anally violates Monty Magpie in the centre circle while wearing a Sunderland shirt most of our fans simply won't do anything that drastic.

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Great idea, sounds tough to do but good luck. Only money I've given to Ashley in the past few years has been one ticket. Not that I could go to many games anyway but even though I'll be a lot closer to Newcastle from next month I certainly won't put a penny more in until he's gone.

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