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Alan '48 points' Pardew

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Nothing matters with regards to him losing the dressing room etc.


We're 9th and Ashley has a manager capabel of keeping us in the Premier League on a presumably low salary.


He's not going anywhere.


Ultimately, as an outsider, you're 9th.


Nobody is going to get sacked for getting you 9th. Not in modern football, with the lowered expectations it means for all but a handful of clubs.


Unfortunately you are absolutely right, we have no more lofty goals and pardew is hitting his target.

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The fact is the kind of managers that harp on about passion are usually the ones that don't know what they're doing.


I didn't watch the game tonight and think those guys were just going through the motions. They just looked unprepared. They were running around for sure, but looked like a bunch of headless chickens.


Must be incredibly infuriating to then go in the dressing room, and have this bush league manager yelling at you to give life and limb. It beggars belief.


More passion, more investment, more English players. All this sort of rhetoric always makes me very wary.

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He's STILL fucking going on about it.



"I have sympathy for André," said a man who nearly lost his job at Newcastle after the strain of Europa League commitments precipitated a relegation dalliance last spring. "It's not surprising that the managers of teams in the Europa League from the Premier League and the Championship have all got sacked this season.


"I don't think that playing in the Premier League on the Sunday after the Thursday night in Europe you can get to the required level. I've been saying that ever since Stoke warned me about it when we went in it."




Did Spurs withdraw from the Europa League when Villas Boas left? Assume they must have done judging by tonight's efforts.

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Guest neesy111

AVB well known to be friends with Alan Pardew.



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AVB well known to be friends with Alan Pardew.




Haven't his benches and our benches got into arguments as well? :lol:

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I reckon more people wanted shot of Bobby Robson near the end than is the case with Pardew now.  NUFC managers were seen to take a fair proportion of the blame for poor performances and results by media and the vast majority of the fans in those days mind.

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I reckon more people wanted shot of Bobby Robson near the end than is the case with Pardew now.  NUFC managers were seen to take a fair proportion of the blame for poor performances and results by media and the vast majority of the fans in those days mind.


Wish our fans were more like 'those days' because this fraudster would be gone.  His job would had been untenable along time ago.

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I reckon more people wanted shot of Bobby Robson near the end than is the case with Pardew now.  NUFC managers were seen to take a fair proportion of the blame for poor performances and results by media and the vast majority of the fans in those days mind.


Robson was 70 years of age - if more people want to retain this failure at his age and after the series of humiliations that have been heaped on the club under his tenure then those fans deserve everything they are going to get.


This club is heading for an extended period of mediocrity beyond anyone's worst nightmare.

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I reckon more people wanted shot of Bobby Robson near the end than is the case with Pardew now.  Managers used to get a lot of the blame from media and the vast majority of the fans in those days mind.


I've got a great many thoughts on why this is, but in the main I think the fact that he doesn't buy his own players is, for many, a complete get-out-of-jail-free card. If a player was shit under Robson, or any other manager, it was because the manager had bought a shit player - manager's fault. As someone who has posted on here for more than ten years now, it always strikes me how little we hear it now on this forum because of the way we are now run. Every manager used to be judged more than anything else on who they had bought. Endless discussions on potential future managers usually ended up with people just listing a particular manager's transfer hits and misses.


Robson - bought some crap (I have seen dozens of pro-Robson posts over the years be met with a response of "wasn't that good, bought Viana, Cort and Bramble")

Souness - bought some crap

Roeder - bought some crap

Allardyce - bought some crap

Pardew - hasn't bought any crap (unless you give him credit for Obertan)


A huge amount of football supporters (and even a lot of the press) seem to have a hard time grasping that a manager's job extends to much more than a) buying players and b) picking the team (actually that's not true about the press, they'll acknowledge a manager's positive effect but if it's shit, they'll blame the players but I digress). Pardew only has responsibility for one of those and because he gets off completely scot-free on that charge, that basically lets him get away with anything because it also gets him off charge b) in a roundabout way. He consistently fails to get the best out of, say, the Acronym Brothers, MYM and HBA, so drops them, getting away with selecting the wrong personnel without any finger ultimately pointing at him because he didn't buy them. He can make every single talented player look like total shit and then hold his hands up saying "not my fault, I didn't choose this rubbish".


But suggestion that a manager might affect their performances has scorn quickly poured all over it, after all they're paid enough to take responsibility for themselves.


You hear it all the time - "Don't blame Pardew, what could he have done differently today?" - coached the team to a competent standard over a 3-year period perhaps? But people think you've got a screw loose if you think he's doing anything wrong beyond what team he picked and what subs he makes, as if it's some sort of paranoid conspiracy theory to suggest that maybe the manager could possibly have any sort of effect on the performances of the players before or after he's written their names on the teamsheet.

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Nothing matters with regards to him losing the dressing room etc.


We're 9th and Ashley has a manager capabel of keeping us in the Premier League on a presumably low salary.


He's not going anywhere.


Ultimately, as an outsider, you're 9th.


Nobody is going to get sacked for getting you 9th. Not in modern football, with the lowered expectations it means for all but a handful of clubs.


Er - remember a chap called Chris Hughton...?? We weren't far below 9th in December 2010, had beaten Sunderland 5-1 at SJP and then......

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Fucking perfect opportunity to sack the shitstain now as well. Laudrup available, week and a half til next game, fans and players at their lowest in need of anything to give them a boost, season ticket renewals hopefully going down by the second. Just fucking do it.

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I reckon more people wanted shot of Bobby Robson near the end than is the case with Pardew now.  Managers used to get a lot of the blame from media and the vast majority of the fans in those days mind.


I've got a great many thoughts on why this is, but in the main I think the fact that he doesn't buy his own players is, for many, a complete get-out-of-jail-free card. If a player was shit under Robson, or any other manager, it was because the manager had bought a shit player - manager's fault. As someone who has posted on here for more than ten years now, it always strikes me how little we hear it now on this forum because of the way we are now run. Every manager used to be judged more than anything else on who they had bought. Endless discussions on potential future managers usually ended up with people just listing a particular manager's transfer hits and misses.


Robson - bought some crap (I have seen dozens of pro-Robson posts over the years be met with a response of "wasn't that good, bought Viana, Cort and Bramble")

Souness - bought some crap

Roeder - bought some crap

Allardyce - bought some crap

Pardew - hasn't bought any crap (unless you give him credit for Obertan)


A huge amount of football supporters (and even a lot of the press) seem to have a hard time grasping that a manager's job extends to much more than a) buying players and b) picking the team (actually that's not true about the press, they'll acknowledge a manager's positive effect but if it's shit, they'll blame the players but I digress). Pardew only has responsibility for one of those and because he gets off completely scot-free on that charge, that basically lets him get away with anything because it also gets him off charge b) in a roundabout way. He consistently fails to get the best out of, say, the Acronym Brothers, MYM and HBA, so drops them, getting away with selecting the wrong personnel without any finger ultimately pointing at him because he didn't buy them. He can make every single talented player look like total shit and then hold his hands up saying "not my fault, I didn't choose this rubbish".


But suggestion that a manager might affect their performances has scorn quickly poured all over it, after all they're paid enough to take responsibility for themselves.


You hear it all the time - "Don't blame Pardew, what could he have done differently today?" - coached the team to a competent standard over a 3-year period perhaps? But people think you've got a screw loose if you think he's doing anything wrong beyond what team he picked and what subs he makes, as if it's some sort of paranoid conspiracy theory to suggest that maybe the manager could possibly have any sort of effect on the performances of the players before or after he's written their names on the teamsheet.


nail on head


after the latest mackems "game" i was chatting with a lad in his 30's who had been going to games since he was 3 years old (literally), he said to me with absolute honesty that he felt the display was 80% down to the players...i used to sit watching games with him when we were playing shit and finishing 5th, then playing shit and avoiding relegation, and every week he was blaming the players


totally agree with the buying players thing, the surface perception that people have is he's fighting a losing battle due to having players he doesn't buy forced on him and then sold out from under him "all the time to line ashley's pockets" etc.


only flaw in the logic is they're for the most part quality players he's mismanaging

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Fucking perfect opportunity to sack the shitstain now as well. Laudrup available, week and a half til next game, fans and players at their lowest in need of anything to give them a boost, season ticket renewals hopefully going down by the second. Just fucking do it.


if history is anything to go by during these breaks the likelihood is ashley will have appointed vinnie jones the new DoF by the time we see villa

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It doesn't matter a fuck how us fans are feeling, Pardew is doing a very good job as to how the owner wants the club to be performing. Results don't matter in the slightest as we are safe and performance even less so . Between the pair of them,  they've drained any enthusiasm I have.


In fact I won't watch us until Frank Dreben gets the tin tack.


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Guest Dontooner

150 games in charge..

Has any style being developed ? It is a fact this goon can't play creative players since our game plan is to defend 1st, put crosses in and hit in long under pressure...


Pardew is so limited with tactics is so glaring for any individual....

A new manager will definitely improve us and there are currently some good footballing managers out there.




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I know people are using the 'he's top 10 so Ashley will be happy' line, but do people really think that players he'd have earmarked to sell for a big profit (Sissoko, Ben Arfa, Cisse, Mbiwa etc) are either not performing how they should or even not playing at all? Let's hope this makes him get twitchy.


I know player performances aren't 100% the manager's fault, but it's a big factor. Hopefully the millions being wiped off their value might bring about a change.

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I hope this cunt dies tbh, that's my feelings now.


I can understand losing key players effecting the team but not to the degree that you ship 10 goals without reply in 3 games. That is disgusting and clearly the coaching and management is shocking, mentality is all wrong and tempo shot to bits

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