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Alan '48 points' Pardew

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Where did Elliott say Keegan was a poor manager? I know the Pardew apologists are capable of coming up with some eye watering quotes but I can't believe he'll be allowed to get away with that.

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He'll be one of the first out the door in the summer. He has no future here and this will be his last season at this level. No wonder he's sticking up for pards, he'd never have got anywhere near the premeiership without him.

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Where did Elliott say Keegan was a poor manager? I know the Pardew apologists are capable of coming up with some eye watering quotes but I can't believe he'll be allowed to get away with that.


Said it to The Guv


He's lucky he won't be on the pitch on Saturday then, if nothing else will get the crowd steamed up, that might do it. Elliott wouldn't have been allowed to clean the boots of the squad Keegan put together.

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Guest firetotheworks

Where did Elliott say Keegan was a poor manager? I know the Pardew apologists are capable of coming up with some eye watering quotes but I can't believe he'll be allowed to get away with that.


Said it to The Guv


He's lucky he won't be on the pitch on Saturday then, if nothing else will get the crowd steamed up, that might do it. Elliott wouldn't have been allowed to clean the boots of the squad Keegan put together.


Or this one tbf. He's a fat mess.

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The club is becoming staffed by losers who are managed by a loser who is dictated to by a mendacious and greedy leech who happens to be a success at piling tat high and selling it cheap...


Anyone on the staff is bound to have Pardew's 'thick Geordies' view of the fans because they wouldn't get a sniff of the PL unless they were at this Christmas Club..

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Guest firetotheworks

I can't get over the "but he doesn't try hard enough" remark after it was brought to his attention that he assisted our last goal. As if trying on it's own wins matches, as if assisting and scoring doesn't come under "trying". Fucking retard.

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I can't get over the "but he doesn't try hard enough" remark after it was brought to his attention that he assisted our last goal. As if trying on it's own wins matches, as if assisting and scoring doesn't come under "trying". f***ing retard.




It's such an awful mentality.

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It does feel like the beginning of the end for him, not that it makes up for all the pain we've suffered.


I dunno about you but when I speak to people in the real world about Pardew - sensible, canny people - they think I'm crazy. In return, this convinces me that they are because how can they not see what we see? What this latest twist has done is start to vindicate us, enable us to smugly sit there and say "I was right all along" and I can't wait for it to be like that. We're in a good place right now - when a respected club captain like Coloccini rips him apart, you have to think the players have gave up on him.


Hopefully we can lose the last four and make a fuss about it. Pardew - the shithead - has lost both the players and the plot. Soon it'll be the fans.

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It does feel like the beginning of the end for him, not that it makes up for all the pain we've suffered.


I dunno about you but when I speak to people in the real world about Pardew - sensible, canny people - they think I'm crazy. In return, this convinces me that they are because how can they not see what we see? What this latest twist has done is start to vindicate us, enable us to smugly sit there and say "I was right all along" and I can't wait for it to be like that. We're in a good place right now - when a respected club captain like Coloccini rips him apart, you have to think the players have gave up on him.


Hopefully we can lose the last four and make a fuss about it. Pardew - the shithead - has lost both the players and the plot. Soon it'll be the fans.


What's colo said?

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Guest firetotheworks

Basically someone that would be shouting "Get rid of it! Pass it...Pass iiiiiiiiit.....get a cross in....switch it....switch iiiiiiiiiiiit!"....then being p*ssed off because they scored. We all grew up with those pricks when we played football.

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I don't really get the HBA work rate thing - when Pardew was picking him regularly, his work rate was absolutely fine.  At the risk of starting a Ginola/Robert discussion - HBA was doing more tracking back than they ever did.


And how has HBA been responsible for 7-8 goals being conceded??  I can barely think of any.  He's rarely on the pitch.


You're absolutely right. Not that I disliked either of them as well, the opposite is true. It's been debated before but Robert wouldn't have got into Pardew's team and been seen as a luxury that couldn't be afforded, despite him being one of the best players in the league under SBR. You just have to look at him under Souness to see that.


I don't want HBA to defend. I want the less capable players to cover for him and allow him the freedom to get on the ball and motivate him to push forward. Happy to score 6 and concede 5 than to score 0 and concede 4. Having HBA just hanging around in their half all game immediately draws out 2-3 of the opposition players.


I said this last week, but 4-5-1 / 4-2-3-1 / whatever you want to call it would allow us to do this. It gives the defensive cover in midfield that Pardew craves by instructing one of the 3 centre mids to cover the wide area if the winger is upfield, whilst allowing our most creative players to be on the pitch at the same time. Fat chance of it happening though

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Where did Elliott say Keegan was a poor manager? I know the Pardew apologists are capable of coming up with some eye watering quotes but I can't believe he'll be allowed to get away with that.


Said it to The Guv


He was going on about him being poor in comparison to him and that the players here in 2008 didn't rate him. Are there any left? :lol:


I told him that KK made the club believe in itself whereas Pardew just wants us to be happy with our lot. In 8th or 9th place.


A dangerous game that will see us relegated next year :thup:

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Guest firetotheworks

Where did Elliott say Keegan was a poor manager? I know the Pardew apologists are capable of coming up with some eye watering quotes but I can't believe he'll be allowed to get away with that.


Said it to The Guv


He was going on about him being poor in comparison to him and that the players here in 2008 didn't rate him. Are there any left? :lol:


I told him that KK made the club believe in itself whereas Pardew just wants us to be happy with our lot. In 8th or 9th place.


A dangerous game that will see us relegated next year :thup:


So who would that be then? Taylor and Ameobi. I can't imagine Shola ever slagging anyone off.

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I was speaking to Rob Elliot in a club last night for about 10 minutes.


My God you can tell he's played under Pardew. He was having a go at the fans for turning after a few bad results. I said it's for months of shit not just 4 games...He wasn't having any of it. I then proceeded to tell him that we've not come back from going in at half time losing in what 70 games? He then got aggressive saying that's 'total lies.' I pushed him on it and asked him when we had then? He then said we did it at Charlton under him :lol:


He also lambasted HBA saying he's only set up at most 3 goals and how he's been solely responsible for 7-8 goal conceded! He said the players hate him and he has no work rate.


I kept telling him that this was Pardew shite coming out of his mouth and that he's been brainwashed. He honestly was like a Pardew drone.




consider the expert job this man has done in reducing fan expectations to little more than being able to pay to breathe free oxygen and then think what he could do to a squad of players who he works with day in day out....they'll be getting told workrate is everything every minute of every day and probably have pics of HBA up on the dartboard, or he gets the private pile treatment :lol:



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I guarantee Ameobi's least favourite manager, if you asked him, would be Allardyce as he seems to be the only guy who tried to get rid of him.


Don't think Keegan played him, but I don't recall him trying to sell.


He did to stoke didn't he?



sure keegan sent him to stoke aye

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I guarantee Ameobi's least favourite manager, if you asked him, would be Allardyce as he seems to be the only guy who tried to get rid of him.


Don't think Keegan played him, but I don't recall him trying to sell.


Keegan binned him off to Stoke.


Saw straight through the useless sack of shit, which tbf Allardyce did too - probably one of a few things he got right at SJP.

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Guest firetotheworks

Vaguely remember an interview with KK where he basically said something along the lines of "A lot of managers have seen something in him, but he needs to show it where it matters"


What we've all been saying for like 13 years basically.

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