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Alan '48 points' Pardew

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:thup: :thup: :thup:


Man, that's the best thing I've ever read outlining why Pardew has been such a disaster at NUFC.  Please let us know if/when it's published, so I can share it.


I wish all of our fans could read that, it should be sent to every newspaper and sports news outlet going.


I was going to say the same thing,  that is a fantastic article and sums up NUFC under this regime brilliantly,  i know you have sent it to the Mag but you should be posting that all over twitter, the numerous NUFC fan pages on facebook including True Faiths and even send it to the Chronicles letters page.  It should be essential reading for every NUFC fan.

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Those comments are pretty funny tbf :lol:


If only Wullie had added in

Manager who has improved his team most since last year PL - (By 7 PL Places) - Alan Pardew

Manager with most points per £ spent in the Premier League this season - Alan Pardew


Then he wont have been bias :lol:

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Manager who has improved his team most since last year PL - (By 7 PL Places) - Alan Pardew


:lol: After Pardew had over-seen a 16th place finish, our worst ever in the Premier League without getting relegated, a drop of 11 places on the previous year. :lol:

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Guest firetotheworks

Manager who has improved his team most since last year PL - (By 7 PL Places) - Alan Pardew


:lol: After Pardew had over-seen a 16th place finish, our worst ever in the Premier League without getting relegated, a drop of 11 places on the previous year. :lol:


Aye, he's been rinsed by everyone tbf. He hasn't replied, so hopefully he's now recreating the shower scene from The Crying Game.

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That Edwards article.  :weep:


If Ashley doesn't sack Pardew, it's not because he's his own man, it's because he senses there's still enough Pardew supporters to allow him to keep him on. The Pardew apologists are effectively Ashley's shield.

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Wow that article was long Wullie  :buck2:


But fucking spot on. Felt the hairs rising on the back of me neck when I got to the bit about standing up and singing again :thup:

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Again, it's a mark of our maelstrom that the new contrary "balance" is that Pardew is ignorantly shit and a cunt, rather than knowingly shit and a cunt.





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In all seriousness though, excellent piece Wullie and very insightful into our drab performances. I think he's bought himself more time with shit wins = shit losses philosophy but that would never last in any scenario, it was always going to be a streak away from mutiny. It does beg the question of what this useless tart has to do for the whole crowd to turn against him though. Thankfully the majority is now a minority but I can't understand the staunch defence against such damning facts though.

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Just read Moncur's bollocks. :anguish:


I know. How somebody that's been connected to the club for so long can be so utterly clueless to what we're trying to get across.


He just comes out with the same cliché lines about "no investment" "who should we be above".


Total wanker.

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