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I remember even on PES 2008, former Inter players Emre and Martins were ridiculously overrated in the Newcastle team.


The best team on that game was Nigeria, they were fucking incredible. I used to play 4-2-4 just so I could fit Martins, Kanu, Yakubu and Uche in the side because they were all far too good to leave out.


Tijani Babangida back in the day. VRRROOOOOOOOOOOOOOOM. Class.

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Ronaldinho was actually good at Milan, especially in his second season. Ridicilous that he didn't go to South Africa.


He really wasn't man. Trust me, he was a point machine but he had changed his game far too much and was slowing down play too much for Dunga's tactics. However I do agree that he, Ganso and Neymar should've gone. Those three would've brought something needed when going bad. Problem in 2010 was fact we didn't have one player off the bench that could make a difference. A bit like this year. Not one offensive player that could come off the bench and change the game.


Fuck's happened to Ganso btw man? Did he just believe his own hype too much?

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Ronaldinho was actually good at Milan, especially in his second season. Ridicilous that he didn't go to South Africa.


He really wasn't man. Trust me, he was a point machine but he had changed his game far too much and was slowing down play too much for Dunga's tactics. However I do agree that he, Ganso and Neymar should've gone. Those three would've brought something needed when going bad. Problem in 2010 was fact we didn't have one player off the bench that could make a difference. A bit like this year. Not one offensive player that could come off the bench and change the game.


f***'s happened to Ganso btw man? Did he just believe his own hype too much?


Injuries killed him. Still capable of the odd magic moment in the Brazilian league but he won't make it out of that league. Lost the little pace he had which means he's a non-dynamic number 10. But like Ronaldinho nowadays. Capable of magic but not good enough outside of South America.


Real shame because IMO he had bigger things ahead of him than Neymar, was absolutely magic when he started being able to pick out passes from absolutely nothing.

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The best team on that game was Nigeria, they were f***ing incredible. I used to play 4-2-4 just so I could fit Martins, Kanu, Yakubu and Uche in the side because they were all far too good to leave out.


Brought a tear to my eye. Just so depressing.

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Guest firetotheworks


The best team on that game was Nigeria, they were f***ing incredible. I used to play 4-2-4 just so I could fit Martins, Kanu, Yakubu and Uche in the side because they were all far too good to leave out.


Brought a tear to my eye. Just so depressing.


A KaKa post if ever there was one. :lol:

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Michael Johnson

Yoan Gouffran

Afonso Alves

Francis Jeffers

Aaron Spear


I'm an expert in falls-from-grace. Absolutely love it when players enter the wonderful world of international obscurity.


Michael Johnson's a good one.

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Thing that sticks out with Torres is that he keeps trying, keep making decent career moves and keep wanting to do well. Can't really say that about the Brazilians, they just stop giving a fuck once their bank account fills up.

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Guest firetotheworks

The funniest thing about the whole Torres thing was every time he scored Martin Tyler or whoever would tell everyone that "He's back!"

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:lol: Michael Ricketts was never not shit.


:lol: The man was a legend. He scored 15 goals by February in his debut season in the premier league.


An England cap never lies. Ask Franny Jeffers, Michael Ball and the mighty Gavin McCann.

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The funniest thing about the whole Torres thing was every time he scored Martin Tyler or whoever would tell everyone that "He's back!"


It's kind of like whenever Pardew won a game.


HE'S TURNED IT AROUND! Wait, that's not a great result. Ah, another one. Oops, and again. Really bad run now, getting a bit worryi-AH HE'S TURNED IT AROUND!


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In patches Torres has looked good but just 'unfortunate' in front of goal. Occasionally he's magic like against Man City for Chelsea or that goal he scored for Milan (...the only one). 90% of the time he looks crap though.

:thup: Even that shit miss against Man Utd a few years ago was after some really good play to get round De Gea

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Fall from grace?


Robert Griffin III


I'll see your RG III and raise you an Aaron Hernandez.


No way man. I bet Hernandez's numbers have gone off the charts since he made the switch to the Prison Football League.

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Fall from grace?


Robert Griffin III


I'll see your RG III and raise you an Aaron Hernandez.


No way man. I bet Hernandez's numbers have gone off the charts since he made the switch to the Prison Football League.


:D Never thought of that!

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:lol: Michael Ricketts was never not shit.


:lol: The man was a legend. He scored 15 goals by February in his debut season in the premier league.


An England cap never lies. Ask Franny Jeffers, Michael Ball and the mighty Gavin McCann.


He scored 12 goals in the league all season! And not a single one after January! That is a flash in the pan good sir, not a fall from grace.

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:lol: Michael Ricketts was never not shit.


:lol: The man was a legend. He scored 15 goals by February in his debut season in the premier league.


An England cap never lies. Ask Franny Jeffers, Michael Ball and the mighty Gavin McCann.


He scored 12 goals in the league all season! And not a single one after January! That is a flash in the pan good sir, not a fall from grace.


Mido disagrees.

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