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Trying to defend Neymar joining PSG for any other reason than chasing money ffs :lol:


Aye, it's completely innocent moving to an absolute shite standard of football (in comparison to where he could move) if he was genuinely unhappy playing every week for one of the best teams in the world.


Poor little lamb must be so distraught having to fight the endless battle of playing alongside Messi.

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Trying to defend Neymar joining PSG for any other reason than chasing money ffs :lol:


Aye, it's completely innocent moving to an absolute s**** standard of football (in comparison to where he could move) if he was genuinely unhappy playing every week for one of the best teams in the world.


Poor little lamb must be so distraught having to fight the endless battle of playing alongside Messi.


? If the reasons I laid out aren't sufficient for you to believe it's not all about money then you are just being stubborn. Lets not forget that without Neymar, PSG would've beaten Barcelona in the CL. The league standard is obviously poorer, but the only move he could make from Barcelona in that case would be to the PL and clearly no one is willing to pay his release clause.


Also don't forget he's 25 and the 3rd richest player in the world of football. He makes enough money already to become the richest of them all towards the end of his career. Hard to imagine this is all avout the money unless you mean wanting to go down as the most expensive player by far in history.


Again, still don't see this happening.

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PSG haven't made it past the QF stage of the Champions League since 1995 ffs :lol: Saying 'without Neymar, PSG would have won last season' is irrelevant, they didn't win. They collapsed like a pack of cards to one of the competition's worst ever exits.


The French league is dire, PSG don't ever challenge seriously in Europe - so what is he moving for exactly? To be the 'top man' at the club? Well if they aspire to be the best, then they'll sign better players... Will he throw his toys out of the pram if they sign someone better than him in 12 months?

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Grew up dreaming of playing Angers at the Stade Raymond Kopa I heard. Definitely not for monetary / retirement reasons.


Could work both ways. Grew up dreaming playing Huddersfield and Brighton on monday nights.

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PSG haven't made it past the QF stage of the Champions League since 1995 ffs :lol: Saying 'without Neymar, PSG would have won last season' is irrelevant, they didn't win. They collapsed like a pack of cards to one of the competition's worst ever exits.


The French league is dire, PSG don't ever challenge seriously in Europe - so what is he moving for exactly? To be the 'top man' at the club? Well if they aspire to be the best, then they'll sign better players... Will he throw his toys out of the pram if they sign someone better than him in 12 months?


There are three better players in the world. Two of them plays at the same club as him right now. That didn't make sense at all. He is a player that can put them into challenging seriously. Lets not forget PSG have done better than PL clubs last few seasons. So what is your point exactly?

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Nothing wrong with Flip is saying tbh, money is obviously one of the reasons but it's quite obviously not the only reason.


People laugh off the Messi thing but it's genuinely something that could happen.


Not every top player is Benzema and are happy to stunt his individual performances for another star player.


Some want to leave and be the main man, which will never happen for Neymar at Barcelona. People denying this isn't a factor in some way are being very naive, as sport is full of stars breaking up as they want to prove they can do it on their own in history.

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PSG haven't made it past the QF stage of the Champions League since 1995 ffs :lol: Saying 'without Neymar, PSG would have won last season' is irrelevant, they didn't win. They collapsed like a pack of cards to one of the competition's worst ever exits.


The French league is dire, PSG don't ever challenge seriously in Europe - so what is he moving for exactly? To be the 'top man' at the club? Well if they aspire to be the best, then they'll sign better players... Will he throw his toys out of the pram if they sign someone better than him in 12 months?


There are three better players in the world. Two of them plays at the same club as him right now. That didn't make sense at all. He is a player that can put them into challenging seriously. Lets not forget PSG have done better than PL clubs last few seasons. So what is your point exactly?


At this moment in time, yes - but that can and will change. My point was that you should aspire to play alongside the best players in the world, not throw a paddy because you're not the best superstar in your team.


I didn't say he should move to the PL, so not sure what you're talking about there. But it's a silly comparison anyway, the four PL teams don't earn a bye into the Champions League in the first place, they play in a competitive league to get in there as is noted by the fact that at least two of our 'elite' clubs miss out.


You'll defend Neymar until the sun goes down as he is your national treasure, I understand that. But it doesn't change the fact that his move is entirely motivated by greed.

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PSG haven't made it past the QF stage of the Champions League since 1995 ffs :lol: Saying 'without Neymar, PSG would have won last season' is irrelevant, they didn't win. They collapsed like a pack of cards to one of the competition's worst ever exits.


The French league is dire, PSG don't ever challenge seriously in Europe - so what is he moving for exactly? To be the 'top man' at the club? Well if they aspire to be the best, then they'll sign better players... Will he throw his toys out of the pram if they sign someone better than him in 12 months?


There are three better players in the world. Two of them plays at the same club as him right now. That didn't make sense at all. He is a player that can put them into challenging seriously. Lets not forget PSG have done better than PL clubs last few seasons. So what is your point exactly?


At this moment in time, yes - but that can and will change. My point was that you should aspire to play alongside the best players in the world, not throw a paddy because you're not the best superstar in your team.


I didn't say he should move to the PL, so not sure what you're talking about there. But it's a silly comparison anyway, the four PL teams don't earn a bye into the Champions League in the first place, they play in a competitive league to get in there as is noted by the fact that at least two of our 'elite' clubs miss out.


You'll defend Neymar until the sun goes down as he is your national treasure, I understand that. But it doesn't change the fact that his move is entirely motivated by greed.


Sure :thup: I don't agree whatsoever and has nothing to do with it being Neymar. Would be the same if it was Suarez or whomever in that situation.

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There's no point talking about PL clubs or anyone else as Neymar doesn't have that option.


PSG are the only ones mental enough to pay the release clause so if he wants to leave that's his only option.


:thup: It's really this simple.

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People acting like Messi isn't 30 and almost like he will hamper Neymar for the rest of his career :lol:


Neymar is 25, even if Messi retires at 35 which I doubt he will. Neymar will be 30 by then and the highly likelihood is he'll either drop off like every Brazilian ever or replaced by somebody younger.


So yes he will never be the main man at Barcelona.

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Trying to defend Neymar joining PSG for any other reason than chasing money ffs :lol:


Aye, it's completely innocent moving to an absolute s**** standard of football (in comparison to where he could move) if he was genuinely unhappy playing every week for one of the best teams in the world.


Poor little lamb must be so distraught having to fight the endless battle of playing alongside Messi.


Remember when we could go to PSG and buy who we wanted?

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Trying to defend Neymar joining PSG for any other reason than chasing money ffs :lol:


Aye, it's completely innocent moving to an absolute s**** standard of football (in comparison to where he could move) if he was genuinely unhappy playing every week for one of the best teams in the world.


Poor little lamb must be so distraught having to fight the endless battle of playing alongside Messi.


Remember when we could go to PSG and buy who we wanted?

Got some cracking players off them over the years - Daveed, Robert etc.
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Trying to defend Neymar joining PSG for any other reason than chasing money ffs :lol:


Aye, it's completely innocent moving to an absolute s**** standard of football (in comparison to where he could move) if he was genuinely unhappy playing every week for one of the best teams in the world.


Poor little lamb must be so distraught having to fight the endless battle of playing alongside Messi.


Remember when we could go to PSG and buy who we wanted?

Got some cracking players off them over the years - Daveed, Robert etc.

David Rozehnal.

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PSG haven't made it past the QF stage of the Champions League since 1995 ffs :lol: Saying 'without Neymar, PSG would have won last season' is irrelevant, they didn't win. They collapsed like a pack of cards to one of the competition's worst ever exits.


The French league is dire, PSG don't ever challenge seriously in Europe - so what is he moving for exactly? To be the 'top man' at the club? Well if they aspire to be the best, then they'll sign better players... Will he throw his toys out of the pram if they sign someone better than him in 12 months?

I don't understand this mindset, he isn't moving to Anzhi or China. France is still a major league, PSG is a massive club that will definitely challenge in Europe (it baffles me that someone thinks a club that is already competitive in the CL with struggle after adding Neymar), Paris is one of the premier world cities, and Neymar is allowed to shoulder more responsibility as a leader while still getting world class cheques.


I think it is a good move for him. If he doesn't desire to play second or third fiddle his whole career, what other clubs do you propose?

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Guest Howaythetoon

Are people seriously suggesting there could be more to this than the money? :spit:


It's obviously about the money, but being part of a project there will also be a huge influencing factor IMO. This won't be Robinho to Man City... Paris is a great City, he will be the highest paid player in the world probably, CL footy, he'll be the main man and the French League is of a decent standard. It's not a bad life for a 25 year old Brazilian...

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