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The other games today - 2014/15


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absolutely indefensible, fa should ban him for a while, but doubtless some ref will claim to have seen it and he'll get off scott free


:thup: should be a big ban without doubt. Reminds me of that Grimsby player that stuck one on Shearer. Cowardly.

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Am I alone in thinking that while a bad mistake the sunderland red card mixup looks nowhere near as bad as has been made out? from ref's angle i can see why he thinks wes brown had the final contact. Still stupid but not like he went to some player who couldn't possibly be involved


Forgivable error, I think.


Referee's body has claimed it wasn't an error. Personally I think that is unforgivable. To some extent I understand the hesitancy to tamper with decisions post-game, because it can potentially undermine the refs. But refusing to alter decisions that are clearly incorrect leaves them wide open to disrespect; supporting the refs tooth and nail can be such a destructive mantra and isn't likely to improve things.

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Why is not Sturridge not been starting? Thought he'd been back from injury for a bit now...


Been wondering the same; he's looked sharp to me. I understand easing him into the side, but it's been a month since he came back from injury.

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