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2014 FIFA World Cup Brasil™ - Germany win again

Guest ManDoon
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I really cannot give Wilmots any credit for THAT performance against Argentina.  The team is totally broken and disjointed.  No communication, no movement, no chemistry.  Fair play to say "well done to achieve the target", but it is simple: would you welcome Wilmots to be your manager? The answer is fucking straight forward isn't it?

Of fucking course I would.
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Guest firetotheworks

I really cannot give Wilmots any credit for THAT performance against Argentina.  The team is totally broken and disjointed.  No communication, no movement, no chemistry.  Fair play to say "well done to achieve the target", but it is simple: would you welcome Wilmots to be your manager? The answer is f***ing straight forward isn't it?


You say this as if I wouldn't welcome you as our manager. I would.

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I really cannot give Wilmots any credit for THAT performance against Argentina.  The team is totally broken and disjointed.  No communication, no movement, no chemistry.  Fair play to say "well done to achieve the target", but it is simple: would you welcome Wilmots to be your manager? The answer is f***ing straight forward isn't it?


If it wasn't for Pardew I'd say based on this WC I probably wouldn't take 28-30 of the manages. van Gaal, Scolari, Sabella, Löw have all had problems getting performances from their teams against weaker opposition. It's not as simple as that. Same way Belgium went to the quarters and lost is the same way the so adored Chile and Colombia lost to an extremely weak Brazilian performance.

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Couldn't understand Wilmots taking off Hazard to bring on Chadli at all.


Appalling no doubt, but in the game against the US he was probably the worst Belgian player on the pitch. Everytime he got the ball he slowed the play down and their was no fluency to their attacks when he got the ball and he didn't improve in the Argentina match. My problem with that sub wasn't Hazard, it was the fact that Chadli came on (no idea why he's rated as a footballer). I can't understand many substitutions though, why did van Gaal wait until the 119th to put a goalkeeper on or until the 105th to move away from the 5 line defense when he was playing Costa Rica who were even more tired? Why didn't he put in more fresh legs earlier instead of happily going to the pens? Why didn't Scolari put a midfielder on against Colombia when it was clear that Colombia were winning the midfield in the 2nd half? Why did Löw play Lahm at right back when Mustafi had already failed to impress against Portugal? Why did Sabella play a 5 man defense in the first game when they've crushed all opponents with a 4-3-3 in qualifiers? Managers make mistake, especially more under circumstances like knockouts. I'm not saying give Wilmots praise either, I'm just saying that his achievements in this World Cup were in line with the expectations, so why ridicule him as some did?

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Genuinely intrigued why some think Wilmots has a good enough track record to have been appointed Belgium manager in the first place or even performed well enough for them in this World Cup. I guess objectively a WC quarter final for Belgium is a decent result, and they won their first four matches, albeit vs poorer squads than their own. Only vs USA however can they claim to have played well. Their tactics have been nowt special in my opinion and he didn't get the best out of his best players, mainly Hazard and Lukaku, at all. Whilst losing to Argentina is nothing to be ashamed about, I do feel they have underachieved looking at the quality of their squad.


Put it this way, if Pardew was sacked and Wilmots appointed I would be happy about the former, but still be massively underwhelmed overall.

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Genuinely intrigued why some think Wilmots has a good enough track record to have been appointed Belgium manager in the first place or even performed well enough for them in this World Cup. I guess objectively a WC quarter final for Belgium is a decent result, and they won their first four matches, albeit vs poorer squads than their own. Only vs USA however can they claim to have played well. Their tactics have been nowt special in my opinion and he didn't get the best out of his best players, mainly Hazard and Lukaku, at all. Whilst losing to Argentina is nothing to be ashamed about, I do feel they have underachieved looking at the quality of their squad.


Put it this way, if Pardew was sacked and Wilmots appointed I would be happy about the former, but still be massively underwhelmed overall.


That's absolutely fair enough. But managers aren't always appointed on track record and maybe as an assistant he was appreciated/respected. I mean Queiroz got a job at Real Madrid a lot thanks to being a fantastic assistant to Sir Alex. (even if he had a better track record than Wilmots before)

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Genuinely intrigued why some think Wilmots has a good enough track record to have been appointed Belgium manager in the first place or even performed well enough for them in this World Cup. I guess objectively a WC quarter final for Belgium is a decent result, and they won their first four matches, albeit vs poorer squads than their own. Only vs USA however can they claim to have played well. Their tactics have been nowt special in my opinion and he didn't get the best out of his best players, mainly Hazard and Lukaku, at all. Whilst losing to Argentina is nothing to be ashamed about, I do feel they have underachieved looking at the quality of their squad.


Put it this way, if Pardew was sacked and Wilmots appointed I would be happy about the former, but still be massively underwhelmed overall.


That's absolutely fair enough. But managers aren't always appointed on track record and maybe as an assistant he was appreciated/respected. I mean Queiroz got a job at Real Madrid a lot thanks to being a fantastic assistant to Sir Alex. (even if he had a better track record than Wilmots before)


i think that's fair enough, but what would also be fair enough imho would be the belgian fa to can him and try and appoint a top class manager to get something out of that squad

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Genuinely intrigued why some think Wilmots has a good enough track record to have been appointed Belgium manager in the first place or even performed well enough for them in this World Cup. I guess objectively a WC quarter final for Belgium is a decent result, and they won their first four matches, albeit vs poorer squads than their own. Only vs USA however can they claim to have played well. Their tactics have been nowt special in my opinion and he didn't get the best out of his best players, mainly Hazard and Lukaku, at all. Whilst losing to Argentina is nothing to be ashamed about, I do feel they have underachieved looking at the quality of their squad.


Put it this way, if Pardew was sacked and Wilmots appointed I would be happy about the former, but still be massively underwhelmed overall.


It's not too uncommon for former internationals like Wilmots to get into international management without having had a stellar career at club level. Niko Kovac, Maradona, even Klinsmann when he was managing Germany came into their jobs with little to no experience. Obviously Wilmots wasn't on the same level as a player as some of those names, but it's all relative I guess.

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Genuinely intrigued why some think Wilmots has a good enough track record to have been appointed Belgium manager in the first place or even performed well enough for them in this World Cup. I guess objectively a WC quarter final for Belgium is a decent result, and they won their first four matches, albeit vs poorer squads than their own. Only vs USA however can they claim to have played well. Their tactics have been nowt special in my opinion and he didn't get the best out of his best players, mainly Hazard and Lukaku, at all. Whilst losing to Argentina is nothing to be ashamed about, I do feel they have underachieved looking at the quality of their squad.


Put it this way, if Pardew was sacked and Wilmots appointed I would be happy about the former, but still be massively underwhelmed overall.


It's not too uncommon for former internationals like Wilmots to get into international management without having had a stellar career at club level. Niko Kovac, Maradona, even Klinsmann when he was managing Germany came into their jobs with little to no experience. Obviously Wilmots wasn't on the same level as a player as some of those names, but it's all relative I guess.


I know it's not uncommon. Rijkaard and Van Basten got the Holland job in similar circumstances. I just don't think it's a great idea. On the other hand apppointing a successful club manager is equally no guarantee for success, mainly because the mentality to perform well in an international competition for a few weeks under huge pressure from the entire nation is completely different to managing a club side for a full season across multiple leagues and cups. You only have a limited set of potential players at your disposal, some of which may not want to work together or complement each other. You don't have much time to work on tactics, or to implement your style of play. It requires the manager to be much more pragmatic, to focus only on the next match/opposition and perhaps most importantly on the mental side of the game, i.e. squad unity, implementing a clear hierarchy and making sure that your best players are played in such a way that they can express themselves and feel confident. I just think generally speaking more experienced, respected managers are more suited to this kind of task. I also feel that to become the manager of a national team should be a huge honour (preferably reserved for people from the nation itself), something a manager hopes to achieve one day to cap of a distinguished club management career.

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Enjoy the match Flip. Said earlier I hope Germany win, but that's only because I think Holland would stand no chance vs home country Brazil in the final, and my dream is to see us hold the cup after having seen off all three teams we were beaten by in finals before. Hope for you that you win and have a great game as well as a fantastic party afterwards. :indi:

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why did I read (some of) that



I posted that article as response for the other view. It's clearly very extreme in it's views but it was a response to the NYTimes post that deuce posted. Matter of fact is that the referee was horrible but Brazil didn't instigate the dirty fouling both teams had equal parts in it.

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Really excited for tonight's game, mind. Brazil and Germany are probably the 2 biggest, most successful international sides of all time - if Neymar and Silva were available, it'd be very tough to call.

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Enjoy the match Flip. Said earlier I hope Germany win, but that's only because I think Holland would stand no chance vs home country Brazil in the final, and my dream is to see us hold the cup after having seen off all three teams we were beaten by in finals before. Hope for you that you win and have a great game as well as a fantastic party afterwards. :indi:


:thup: Don't think we'll win but you never know in a semi. Early set piece goal and three central midfielder not letting germany control the game could win it for us.

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