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Crystal Palace manager


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Alan Pardew benefits massively from being English as well. Imagine what would have been said in the media if he was foreign. It would be all "He doesn't understand the game here" and he'd have been hounded out by them over two years ago. Instead the old boys network of terrible pundits and managers have backed him and spouted drivel non stop. Still difficult to stop PR campaigns and the club finding the one person in a million who backs him, so they can choose to air their views.  How long will it take for the majority to eventually see through it?


Bang on imo.


Had a foreign manager taken 19 points from the 75 available then he'd have been canned a long time ago. 

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Alan Pardew benefits massively from being English as well. Imagine what would have been said in the media if he was foreign. It would be all "He doesn't understand the game here" and he'd have been hounded out by them over two years ago. Instead the old boys network of terrible pundits and managers have backed him and spouted drivel non stop. Still difficult to stop PR campaigns and the club finding the one person in a million who backs him, so they can choose to air their views.  How long will it take for the majority to eventually see through it?


Bang on imo.


Had a foreign manager taken 19 points from the 75 available then he'd have been canned a long time ago. 


He'd be castigated by the media, that's for sure. Probably wouldn't affect his job security at this shambles of a club.

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Just been reading an article and the horrible b****** didn't even give Don Hutchinson permission to attend his own mothers funeral!




That is one of the worst things I've actually read about Pardew, I would have done time if somebody tried to keep me away from a parents funeral.

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Alan Pardew benefits massively from being English as well. Imagine what would have been said in the media if he was foreign. It would be all "He doesn't understand the game here" and he'd have been hounded out by them over two years ago. Instead the old boys network of terrible pundits and managers have backed him and spouted drivel non stop. Still difficult to stop PR campaigns and the club finding the one person in a million who backs him, so they can choose to air their views.  How long will it take for the majority to eventually see through it?


Bang on imo.


Had a foreign manager taken 19 points from the 75 available then he'd have been canned a long time ago. 


Pardew may be English in nationality, but he has the language skills of a Vietnamese whore when it comes to speaking his own native fucking language. 


Expect him to be yelling "too beaucoup" on the touch every time we send more than one player forward on attack. 

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Ahhhh this article. I remember reading this and being so fucking happy. Felt like we had a plan in place, I felt like things were moving in the right direction. We had this exciting team playing 4-3-3 and were signing quality players.


(Deep down, I wanted to sack Pardew in the summer and build on with a new top manager and sign new RB (Debuchy), CB (?), LB (?) and another winger.)


Fucking hell.

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Didn't anyone else read the article about Ashley taking advice from Lee Charnley and some PR GURU. The latter is the answer to the glowing reports from fan favourites. Typical PR tactic


I wouldn't put it past Ashley to have Max Clifford as his PR Guru.

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Pretty embarrassing that a bloke needs to have a grudge before he openly speaks his mind and is honest in his appraisal of a situation like this. This stupid unwritten rule where pundits refuse to question a manager's position regardless of how poorly the team are performing needs to be binned. The talking heads wouldn't have anyone sacked if it was their decision, let's never sack anyone again, everyone's doing a mint job and they all deserve more time to relegate their clubs. They're all lovely blokes and sacking a manager is never good or justified.


They can all fuck off.

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'It's never nice to see a manager lose his job' is one of the most horrific clichés that persists amongst managers and pundits. p*ss off.



Agreed. In fact, the more this Pardew circus rolls on the fewer pundits and ex-players I actually like and respect.


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