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Radio 5 live are going with the '5 Live understands Pardew retains the backing of Ashley' line and repeating what his lawyers said about it being a joke. Was Tony Livesy who said it I think.

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He simply got pissed and let his mouth run, and there happened to be a journalist there.


The paper contacted his office, they've tried to cover his drunken stupidity and said it was joke.


He probably didn't even mean it. People say shit all the time when they're pissed. Conspiracy central here :lol:

This :lol: :thup:


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He simply got pissed and let his mouth run, and there happened to be a journalist there.


The paper contacted his office, they've tried to cover his drunken stupidity and said it was joke.


He probably didn't even mean it. People say shit all the time when they're pissed. Conspiracy central here :lol:


Hmmm Sounds like you know more than you're letting on to me.

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Swear Martinez just uses the press to talk shit about Pardew and no one picks up on it.


:lol: It does seem like he's talking directly to us


:lol: Every time.


:lol: newcastle has legit driven everyone mad


:lol: Nah, man. Fuck that, son. Read his quotes on football. He's talking in codes to us, like he knows Pardew is in the room with us.

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Guest neesy111

Phil Thompson on soccer Saturday, Ashley will have to pay out for whole 8 year contract so Pards wont b going nowhere, contracts are watertight


How would Phil Thompson know about that?

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Phil Thompson on soccer Saturday, Ashley will have to pay out for whole 8 year contract so Pards wont b going nowhere, contracts are watertight


How would Phil Thompson know about that?


He's got a nose for this sort of thing.

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Phil Thompson on soccer Saturday, Ashley will have to pay out for whole 8 year contract so Pards wont b going nowhere, contracts are watertight


How would Phil Thompson know about that?


Ive no idea but claimed he found out this week that was the case, seemed pretty convinced

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Not every single thing is some ruse like. Before Joe Kinnear signed, Ashley gobbed off in a London bar that he would get the job. He's a loud mouth.  He got drunk and let his mouth go.  If it was a PR thing, why get his lawyers involved at all? Wouldn't you prepare a better speech than that? These conspiracy theories are crazy man

For me, I think it's more a mechanism to avoid getting my hopes up.

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Swear Martinez just uses the press to talk shit about Pardew and no one picks up on it.


:lol: It does seem like he's talking directly to us


:lol: Every time.


:lol: newcastle has legit driven everyone mad


:lol: Nah, man. Fuck that, son. Read his quotes on football. He's talking in codes to us, like he knows Pardew is in the room with us.


:lol: you're a truther mike


:lol: Fuck off. Read that quote ffs. He's talking to us!

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Seems a stupid, stupid contract to agree too. Full severance of all remaining years left. I thought the norm would be one year maybe.

Totally beleivable with this cretinous owner. How the fuck he has made 'billions' is beyond me, seems totally inept and surrounds himself with lackies at every turn.


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Swear Martinez just uses the press to talk s*** about Pardew and no one picks up on it.


:lol: It does seem like he's talking directly to us


:lol: Every time.


:lol: newcastle has legit driven everyone mad


:lol: Nah, man. f*** that, son. Read his quotes on football. He's talking in codes to us, like he knows Pardew is in the room with us.


:lol: you're a truther mike


:lol: f*** off. Read that quote ffs. He's talking to us!


:lol: I can hardly talk tbh I've convinced myself pardew does everything to personally get at me


Don't be so precious! He's clearly trolling me :lol:

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Swear Martinez just uses the press to talk s*** about Pardew and no one picks up on it.


:lol: It does seem like he's talking directly to us


:lol: Every time.


:lol: newcastle has legit driven everyone mad


:lol: Nah, man. f*** that, son. Read his quotes on football. He's talking in codes to us, like he knows Pardew is in the room with us.


:lol: you're a truther mike


:lol: f*** off. Read that quote ffs. He's talking to us!


:lol: I can hardly talk tbh I've convinced myself pardew does everything to personally get at me


Don't be so precious! He's clearly trolling me :lol:


He gave me the patented pardew death stare tbh


And yet you're still here to tell the tail? A likely story!


On the Ashley thing if he is truly thinking of dumping him he's not going to do it now on Monday for not wanting to look like a fool. If he is "joking" then both the fuckers are trolling me.

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Swear Martinez just uses the press to talk s*** about Pardew and no one picks up on it.


:lol: It does seem like he's talking directly to us


:lol: Every time.


:lol: newcastle has legit driven everyone mad


:lol: Nah, man. f*** that, son. Read his quotes on football. He's talking in codes to us, like he knows Pardew is in the room with us.


:lol: you're a truther mike


:lol: f*** off. Read that quote ffs. He's talking to us!


:lol: I can hardly talk tbh I've convinced myself pardew does everything to personally get at me


Don't be so precious! He's clearly trolling me :lol:


He gave me the patented pardew death stare tbh


And yet you're still here to tell the tail? A likely story!


Its how he fell. He dodged it on some  Matrix shit. A mile away, a fucking bird dropped out of the sky stone dead.


We almost lost San.

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Swear Martinez just uses the press to talk s*** about Pardew and no one picks up on it.


:lol: It does seem like he's talking directly to us


:lol: Every time.


:lol: newcastle has legit driven everyone mad


:lol: Nah, man. f*** that, son. Read his quotes on football. He's talking in codes to us, like he knows Pardew is in the room with us.


:lol: you're a truther mike


:lol: f*** off. Read that quote ffs. He's talking to us!


:lol: I can hardly talk tbh I've convinced myself pardew does everything to personally get at me


Don't be so precious! He's clearly trolling me :lol:


He gave me the patented pardew death stare tbh


And yet you're still here to tell the tail? A likely story!


Its how he fell. He dodged it on some  Matrix s***. A mile away, a f***ing bird dropped out of the sky stone dead.


We almost lost San.



:lol: :lol:


Next time, take a mirror, that'll learn him!

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