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Latest Fans Forum minutes released


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Could do with the folk at sackpardew.com getting ahold of this and coming up with a response.


There's literally nothing for them to comment on :lol:



they could have acknowledged the good win against liecester like, instead of whining on about shit.

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DM asked about how ballboys and ballgirls are selected and suggested delays in returning the ball during Saturday's match may have hindered the team slightly.

The club noted DM's feedback and stated it is an area that is being reviewed.


Pardew had someone there.


Fucking hell.

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The words "Pardew" and "manager" (in relation to Alan Pardew) don't even feature in those meeting minutes. Not one of those fan representatives bothered to ask about how long he is permitted to take the club down? :spit:


I'd imagine any questions will have been vetted beforehand.

Defo not vetted beforehand. I asked the MYM one. Didn't feel intimidated and felt open to ask anything. As it was only my first one, I feel I will be more confident to ask some stronger questions next time.


I'm definitely not a Yes man btw as my posts from here should prove.

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The words "Pardew" and "manager" (in relation to Alan Pardew) don't even feature in those meeting minutes. Not one of those fan representatives bothered to ask about how long he is permitted to take the club down? :spit:


I'd imagine any questions will have been vetted beforehand.

Defo not vetted beforehand. I asked the MYM one. Didn't feel intimidated and felt open to ask anything. As it was only my first one, I feel I will be more confident to ask some stronger questions next time.


I'm definitely not a Yes man btw as my posts from here should prove.


As my representative, please request they sort out the standing water situation outside the Gallowgate after it's even threatened raining. My trainers thank you in advance. #bigissues

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The words "Pardew" and "manager" (in relation to Alan Pardew) don't even feature in those meeting minutes. Not one of those fan representatives bothered to ask about how long he is permitted to take the club down? :spit:


I'd imagine any questions will have been vetted beforehand.

Defo not vetted beforehand. I asked the MYM one. Didn't feel intimidated and felt open to ask anything. As it was only my first one, I feel I will be more confident to ask some stronger questions next time.


I'm definitely not a Yes man btw as my posts from here should prove.


As my representative, please request they sort out the standing water situation outside the Gallowgate after it's even threatened raining. My trainers thank you in advance. #bigissues

Haha. Aye same issue. I'll raise it at the next one but it's not until February so remind me nearer the time. Only had one question sent to me prior to this one and it was about only having 3 centre backs and them loaning out MYM being stupidity.

The words "Pardew" and "manager" (in relation to Alan Pardew) don't even feature in those meeting minutes. Not one of those fan representatives bothered to ask about how long he is permitted to take the club down? :spit:


I'd imagine any questions will have been vetted beforehand.

Defo not vetted beforehand. I asked the MYM one. Didn't feel intimidated and felt open to ask anything. As it was only my first one, I feel I will be more confident to ask some stronger questions next time.


I'm definitely not a Yes man btw as my posts from here should prove.


As my representative, please request they sort out the standing water situation outside the Gallowgate after it's even threatened raining. My trainers thank you in advance. #bigissues

Haha. Aye I'll raise it next time. Noticed it too tbh. Remind me nearer the time though because it's not until Feb. I dread to think of the issues Jan will bring!

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DM asked about how ballboys and ballgirls are selected and suggested delays in returning the ball during Saturday's match may have hindered the team slightly.

The club noted DM's feedback and stated it is an area that is being reviewed.


Pardew had someone there.


The kings spies.


Hi Alan.

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Donkeys led by donkeys.


Fanbase are far too scared to put them on the spot and ask them questions they don't want to answer. Ridiculous situation and the fans doing nothing, making no fuss, are part of the problem, whether it be in the ground watching the shite or in 'fan's forums'. They're safely tucked up in Ashley's back pocket and will be watching us struggle in the Championship next season.

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To be fair, I have no doubt that any searching questions would either be completely ignored or simply brushed under the carpet, with the person asking kicked off the panel.




Wouldn't surprise me if before the meeting they outright stated that they would not comment on Pardew's future.

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Every single one of them should have been asking questions about the performance of the team and the manager. Every fan of this club should be questioning the decision-making process and asking for them to justify their positions/decisions. The fact it's not happening is indicative of the deep malaise that's coursing through the club at every single level.


Paying your DD each month, turning up to matches and sitting in silence watching isn't getting the fucking job done folks.

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Every single one of them should have been asking questions about the performance of the team and the manager. Every fan of this club should be questioning the decision-making process and asking for them to justify their positions/decisions. The fact it's not happening is indicative of the deep malaise that's coursing through the club at every single level.


Paying your DD each month, turning up to matches and sitting in silence watching isn't getting the fucking job done folks.


They did ask about the ball boys mate, be sure to read it all next time yeah?

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Every single one of them should have been asking questions about the performance of the team and the manager. Every fan of this club should be questioning the decision-making process and asking for them to justify their positions/decisions. The fact it's not happening is indicative of the deep malaise that's coursing through the club at every single level.


Paying your DD each month, turning up to matches and sitting in silence watching isn't getting the f***ing job done folks.


They did ask about the ball boys mate, be sure to read it all next time yeah?



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A snapshot of the current predicament at Newcastle United.


A Level Sociology...it's been some time...smacks of the Bourgeoisie duping the proletariat though. It is done in the media, in the 'open' forums, and in the ground on a match day.


Big 'surfer' banners against Leicester City at home. Why? Because pressure had mounted on the untenable Pardew and they wanted to generate a positive atmosphere to spur them (the team) on. Only in a direct attempt to squash the efforts of the visual and vocal minority who were starting to grow (SackPardew campaigners). We shouldn't be so fucking stupid, man. I for one don't really agree with boycotting but the more this shite spirals out of control the more sense I see in it. The club is being ran by utter cunts with nothing but the intention of driving the club into the ground, and what's somewhat shocking is that it will be costly to his (the fat cunt-roller's) business.


Increased security (G4S) in case the result was shite. Increased measures -  in case people freely spoke out against the club (which you have your human right to do) and further intimidation and duping of the masses so that anyone being any other than supportive of the regime is silenced.


It's about time the support either didn't go, or went more gung-ho on these utter fuck-heads. They are making a mockery of each and every one of us. Whether we attend or not, and simply because collectively we cannot unite.


Ultimately, someone has to get into one of these forums and just play hell, even if it means playing devils advocate and not speaking what they truly believe. Show these fuckers we aren't all utter mongoloids who just happy-clap scrappy, fortunate, 1-0, wins against similarly shite opposition who will no doubt be around us come May with more fight in their tank and more tactical and strategical nouse the Pardocchio the fucking puppet and his twat of a boss.


If we get relegated I'm actually starting to think it might be a good thing. Back to the hardcore members of our support, not so-many day-trippers and hopefully Pardew and Ashley gone. Or would that all be too fairy-tale?

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TBF to the Fan's Forum, the tone and detail of the discussion is not conveyed in the minutes. 


I would hope that those attending were tougher in their questions than it would seem from the minutes but the club are always going to be vague in their responses.  And we know that there is no way they would hold these forums if they were not a UEFA requirement.


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DM asked about how ballboys and ballgirls are selected and suggested delays in returning the ball during Saturday's match may have hindered the team slightly.

The club noted DM's feedback and stated it is an area that is being reviewed.


Pardew had someone there.


:lol: :lol: We was done in by the ballboys!

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A "fan forum" and we're led to believe that not a single fan has expressed their dismay at the club's current predicament, and Pardew's management of the first team in particular? Fuck right off, what a charade. :lol:




This bullshit doesn't deserve any more future threads imo. It's just a total set up and not a single word of it can be trusted.

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Thinks it's largely a waste of time myself



edit: :giggs:


This - totally. Just a talking shop paying lip service to interest in supporters' concerns.

The fact that Moncur is 'Club Ambassador' indicates the depth of his a--e licking to the regime....wonder why Beardsley doesn't get a similar post...!?

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If we get relegated I'm actually starting to think it might be a good thing. Back to the hardcore members of our support, not so-many day-trippers and hopefully Pardew and Ashley gone. Or would that all be too fairy-tale?


this bit in particular will only happen if we stay down imo, and maybe not even then as the football will get cheaper still


in the same way our fans are afraid of looking stupid with protests etc. i also think the supafan element will keep many of them after relegation - we the "greatest fans in the world" don't forget and bailing at a relegation just wouldn't do


it'd probably take a few years of scrubbing around the doldrums of the championship, or worse

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