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NUFC Sporting Ambition


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I don't know how a thread on "NUFC Sporting Ambition" can get to 3 pages when we don't have any.


This - not worth saying any more, Mick.


I just came on this thread to post: The words NUFC, Sporting and Ambition do not belong in a sentence together. Lock the thread iyam.

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The saddest part is how many fans have no ambition any more. You could just about live with Ashley having no ambition because there's always the hope he will fuck off one day. With the fans I don't know how you fix that.



People were actually ringing up total sport through the week, and stating they wanted to get on with supporting the idea of having no ambition without people complaining.


Fucking cunts- TOTAL SPORT is the name of the show- not TOTALLY NOT BOTHERED.

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I see we have fans defending their pro Pardew campaign with "I told you to be careful what you wish for". Like Pardew never got a hammering off Man Shitty before or a worse score against Liverpool perhaps. Same shit, different "coach".

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These cybertears are all a bit premature. Our newly appointed hotshot up-and-coming English manager didn't just say we were aiming for top half, he even intimated we might try to push on as high as NINTH or even EIGHTH!


Getting a nosebleed just thinking about it.



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Even with a 'proper' owner though...6th is a very good season. There's 3 clubs financially way ahead, Arsenal & Liverpool will always be there, just challenging those along with Spurs, Southampton & Everton is pretty much it without someone considering us as a play thing.


Even the cups....two of the clubs who we should be on par with at the minimum, Spurs & Everton have won 2-3 of the 50 domestic cups between them in the last quarter of a century. The whole thing is fucking rancid.

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Yeah, if only we had an owner worth billions.  The only difference between Ashley and the owners of the top clubs is that Ashley has no interest in winning anything, he got into this to promote his other business which doesn't require any form of success or ambition.  An owner with a quarter of Ashley's money but a genuine ambition to make this club what it could be would see us challenging for honours and SJP rocking every other week.


Unfortunately we're destined to zombie on until someone with a sense of honour, tradition, and ambition rides to the rescue.

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Even with a 'proper' owner though...6th is a very good season. There's 3 clubs financially way ahead, Arsenal & Liverpool will always be there, just challenging those along with Spurs, Southampton & Everton is pretty much it without someone considering us as a play thing.


Even the cups....two of the clubs who we should be on par with at the minimum, Spurs & Everton have won 2-3 of the 50 domestic cups between them in the last quarter of a century. The whole thing is fucking rancid.


You say that but Liverpool (and Arsenal to a lesser extent due to their pipeline) is very much in the hands of the Manager. Before Rodgers arrived they finished poorly and looked a mess and, as for Arsenal, we've not seen them without Wenger for years so nobody knows what that looks like but if you look at the problems Man Utd have had in replacing SAF then it's fair to say there are no guarantee's at Arsenal either.


It's a sporting competition, well a set if you include the cups, that we should start each season with the intention of winning. However unrealistic that is. Because that's what sport is about.


Do you think we'd have all these millions of sporting stories and movies, about unsung heroes, if Rocky gets twatted in the first few fights? No. They're are about dreams, in the same way sport should be. It should not be about going to Man City and effectively telling the team that they've got the day off because nobody expects them to do anything.


The other thing about the premiership which is never really reported/seems overlooked is that there are 20 teams in the league with only 3 at risk of failure. There are 7 chances at glory. Or, at least, what we would consider glory (even the Eufa cup would again represent progress).


Literally more chance of succeeding than failing and still we aim for that floaty bit in the middle.

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Also, on the cups comment, you only have to look at the number of 'nothing teams' who have made it to semi's/finals over the last few years to see that there is serious hope of, even if not winning the cup, raising the fans hopes (again, if that's not what sport is about, then what is it?) and also his company profile (if that's all he's in it for).........

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Too right, Minhosa. Everything is to play for and I absolutely despise any hint at the notion that that's not the case. I've said this before recently but if you've got enough of the right ingredients, anything is possible in this game.

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'All' it would take is the team we had when we finished 5th under the leadership of a good, innovative manager and we could have been a regular top 6/7 team and challenged for cups.  We've had the raw materials in the recent past, we just haven't had the manager to use them properly or the desire to reject bids for our better players.

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I genuinely believe that a all a better manager would mean would be that we would try to get by with even more mediocre players than we already have. The better the manager did, the more of our better players we could sell off and still finish mid-table.


That's the level of my cynicism towards the ownership of this club.

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I genuinely believe that a all a better manager would mean would be that we would try to get by with even more mediocre players than we already have. The better the manager did, the more of our better players we could sell off and still finish mid-table.


That's the level of my cynicism towards the ownership of this club.




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I genuinely believe that a all a better manager would mean would be that we would try to get by with even more mediocre players than we already have. The better the manager did, the more of our better players we could sell off and still finish mid-table.


That's the level of my cynicism towards the ownership of this club.




Hadn't actually thought of that, which is odd given how simple it is.

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My kids will probably end up being NY Redbull or NYC FC fans. Hopefully a team in Queens pops up by then cause those places are far from where I live.


Being a Newcastle fan in America has a bit of charm to it. If I tell someone I support us, they know I really like football because who else would subject themselves to this torture but a true fan of the club and the game. I can't respect the Barca, Real, Man Utd, Chelsea, and even Man City(Yes, I see people wearing Man City shirts in NYC). They don't know what it is to be a true fan. Over here you hear people say "I became a fan of 'Team X' after the CL final". It just sounds so wrong.



I started taking an interest in watching Baseball a year or two ago.


I decided last year to pick a team & follow / support them in an armchair, from a distance: I picked the NY Mets.


I knew little about them other than they appear to be perennial underachievers whose odds of winning a world series were not short, to say the least.


I got talking to an American bloke on holiday a few weeks ago & though his knowledge on English game wasn't great, he argued that I`ve probably inadvertently picked the US baseball version of NUFC.


I just don't seem to do winning, in a sporting sense


As a Mets, Jets and NUFC fan I can say that they are heartbreakers, all three of them.  Chronic underachievers and when you think they are about to break through and build something they rip your heart out, dash it upon some hard and flinty rocks and then stomp on it with spikes.  After the stomping, you heart is fricasseed to a smokey crispiness and then casually tossed into the garbage.


So, yeah...

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Living in the states the time difference has a big impact on my weekend and what it means if I want to watch the game live. Saturdays match was at a very lie-in friendly 12.30pm and as I sat down to watch the latest installment of mind numbing mediocrity that is supposed to be competitive Premiership football unfold in front of my eyes a familiar glaze of almost acceptance swept over me and I found myself realising that I had come to expect us to lose and to lose badly. Now this was probably because it was Man City and away from home etc etc but it got me thinking about my relationship with the club that I have supported my entire life.


I'm pretty sure that I have reached a point now where I don't really celebrate the wins anymore, because, frankly, they're meaningless. I love it when we score and hate it when we conceed (especially a last minute Peter fucking Crouch headed equaliser against Stoke!) but as for the overall result I find that it bothers me less and less. I will check the table for two things at the end of the weekend, firstly to see who's in the bottom three and secondly to see if we're still above the mackems. Where we are in relationship to the top or Europe has no bearing because as long as we're not in the bottom three nothing will change.


I've tried to think of an analogy to describe how we approach the league and the season overall and I toyed with 'treading water' but ultimately felt that that was inaccurate because to tread water you'd have to put effort in and need to know the basics of being able to swim in order to stay afloat. What MA appears to be doing with Newcastle is the opposite, he's making cuts at every opportunity in order to 'streamline' everything whilst hoping that the bargain basement staff he has collected have enough between them to coax 40 points out of our depleted and ever shrinking squad. Ambition doesn't even come into the equation.


I was asked the other day by my flatmate why I had bought the new FM this year given all the bugs in it etc and my answer was a simple one - I told him that on FM I manage Newcastle and I do this so that I can make them try and win games and try to finish higher up the league and try to win the cups and try to get in to Europe (not to mention try not to get dicked on by the mackems four times in a row!) It doesn't matter if I don't manage to do these things and that I have to try again the following season because I know that the ambition is there and that regardless of who we're playing we'll be trying to win.


I know this doesn't really reflect much on the sporting ambition of the club and is, on the whole, a rambling mess, I am merely vocalising my own particular way that I have begun to deal with it - it appears I care more what happens to my club on a computer game than in real life and that is really quite depressing.

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Though i rarely get to games these days, for a number of years I have still tried to get to a pc / tv for every one of our games regardless of day of the week or time. This is even with a young family and having zero other Newcastle fans in my family or group of friends. However like many other posters have put more eloquently than myself, I now just dont give a toss about the result. I found myself far more annoyed on Saturday about my Fantasy Football mini league opponent having captained Silva and his large haul of points, than the result itself. With a few months of the season left to play and nothing to play for, I will certainly be carefully considering how far I go out my way to follow the remaining games :(

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It's mad, like - I feel more for goals scored/conceded on FM than I do in real life. Obviously it's no comparison to times gone by - the times when Newcastle represented something different - but the Newcastle of today is so meaningless that I put more emotion into a 5 minute computer game than I do the real thing. The game actually offers a sense of achievement, however minor. I never, ever feel that with the club these days - just bitterness, anger and ultimately apathy.

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I travel overseas a lot with work, and can be sent almost anywhere in the world. Even 2 years ago I'd never miss a Newcastle match, irrespective of the time zone I was in or what time it meant stopping up until with work the next day.


Now even when I'm in the UK and the match is on a weekend, I'd rather go shopping with the wife.


I've been going to Newcastle games for 25 years and there'll never be another club that can replace them in my heart, but I can't take interest in a team that isn't even interested in itself.

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