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Neil Cameron ‏@NeilCameron5  20m20 minutes ago

I know I'm away from Newcastle but absolutely back any boycott. Carver saying "Toon Army" will support as always is patronising.


Cameron has turned face!


No longer working for NCJ.

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Neil Cameron ‏@NeilCameron5  20m20 minutes ago

I know I'm away from Newcastle but absolutely back any boycott. Carver saying "Toon Army" will support as always is patronising.


Cameron has turned face!


:lol: He was sound as fuck all along!  And NOTHING will ever be the same again!

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Hasn't Cameron always been areet when it comes to things like this?


He occationally says something that makes me think he's a knob but I seem to recall him backing Sackpardew too, or atleast he wasn't dismissive of them? Fuck knows, I may have made that up.

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Neil Cameron ‏@NeilCameron5  20m20 minutes ago

I know I'm away from Newcastle but absolutely back any boycott. Carver saying "Toon Army" will support as always is patronising.


Cameron has turned face!


No longer working for NCJ.


Yep, clearly the writers there are told to tow the party line, that doesn't excuse the retardedness shown by Ryder though :)

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Ryder's priceless. Retweeting any comment that agrees with him.


Lee Ryder retweeted

Steve R @steeeeeeve1020  ·  2m 2 minutes ago

@lee_ryder your article is very fair.  Don't know why everyone is getting upset


:lol: The second bit.


Someone tweet him a positive acrostic using MONG or WINDOW LICKER.


Closest I got was "more over, not going shows fans have the real power" sent it anyway.

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Guest firetotheworks

I always get Cameron and Douglas mixed up for some reason. Either way, one of them is very 'we are at war with Eurasia, we have always been at war with Eurasia'

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Like I said yesterday, this will be pathetic as our fans can't organise f*** all...



I'll probably not bother going to the game. Will I go to the protest? Well that depends how many plan on doing it. The last few have been embarrassing. The odd 50 people, it just looks stupid!


I think more than 50 will boycott and turn up.


I'm not confident. Our fucken lot couldn't organise a pissup in a brewery. Even when we do, like last season when it seemed everyone had agreed to walk out of the Cardiff game on 60 minutes, along came NUST and decided to throw a spanner int he works by declaring the 69th minute was a better option. Everything was organised for the 60th, why not just go along with that. Too many people wanting to be the leader and have their own idea to be the one carried out by everyone so if it works, they can say "that was my idea".


And that is my point, there'll be nee c*** goes to this protest next Sunday. Probably a bunch of chavs who weren't going to the game anyway.


So they can organise everything, is that what you are telling us. Seems to contradict your musings from yesterday


Fans couldn't organise f*** all. It'll all be a shambles as usual.


How have I contradicted myself from yesterday. I said yesterday we couldn't organise I pissup in a brewery. Tit.




By the bit I have put in bold. Read it back and it might sink in.


Hardly well organised when nee f***er ever goes along or joins in like in past "demonstrations". Like is said, couldn't organise a pissup in a brewery.


Make your mind up.  One minute you are saying we can't organise a p*ss up in a brewery, then the next minute you are saying we can't organise f*** all.  You keep contradicting yourself.


*Not sure if serious or not*


Hope this helps.


A double negative is the nonstandard usage of two negatives used in the same sentence so that they cancel each other and create a positive. In Shakespeare's day, double negatives were considered emphatic, but today, they are considered grammar mistakes.


I thought it was an ultra catch one to be honest.

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"Please get behind the team"... John Carver's response to #BoycottSpurs plans here: http://t.co/mXOO9fpMSM #nufc http://t.co/hHMWPkOdEP



Fucking prick. I'm done with watching this fucking team or offering anything near support for the team until the cunts from Manager to Owner leave.


To much, my season ticket has renewed and I stupidly let it but gonna cancel it now as last game was it for me. I can't stand to watch the absolute dross served up, that ball bag coming out with his drivel and the cunts at the top tearing my club apart.


Gone are the days I went to Antwerp, or Leverkusen. He'll seeing us dismantle spurs or Leicester without being told can't can't can't.


- can't compete

- can't buy players

- can't hire a good manager

- can't play in cups

- can't keep players

- can't stop lying


And soon can't get any fans through the doors unless the naive and tragic fans still attend and waste 2 hours of their fucking lives watching us struggle to string 2 passes together

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Hasn't Cameron always been areet when it comes to things like this?


He occationally says something that makes me think he's a knob but I seem to recall him backing Sackpardew too, or atleast he wasn't dismissive of them? Fuck knows, I may have made that up.


Is this in the style of Lee Ryder?

:lol:  :lol: fuck you
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Can we get a poll about people's current intentions for this game if they have a ticket?


I'm a season ticket holder and I won't be going. Didn't bother with the last home game either.


This (bold). First one I'll have missed this season.

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Can we get a poll about people's current intentions for this game if they have a ticket?


I'm a season ticket holder and I won't be going. Didn't bother with the last home game either.


This (bold). First one I'll have missed this season.


Because of the boycott?

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Can we get a poll about people's current intentions for this game if they have a ticket?


I'm a season ticket holder and I won't be going. Didn't bother with the last home game either.


This (bold). First one I'll have missed this season.


Because of the boycott?


We'd already discussed not bothering going (amongst our group of 4) but may have ended up going anyway out of habit. Definitely supporting the boycott now though.

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