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FIFA World Cup


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But then we would have had a first Arab (as well as African) World Cup and FIFA would have missed out on the bribes from Qatar.


Second, Blatter genuinely believed (perhaps he still does) that he would win the Nobel Prize for Peace and this would have been greatly abetted by South Africa as opposed to Morocco.


Third, South Africa was able to pay bigger bribes. Morocco paid Jack Warner $1m for his vote, but SA paid him $10m, so he voted for SA and kept both bribes.

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Hard to tell who should have won really considering apparently Morocco were bribing people as well, they just got out bribed by South Africa :lol:


As I mentioned in the post above yours...


(and 2.5hrs before the Telegraph reported it)

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Boo.  :'( ... but hardly an issue.


Telegraph reporting that Warner was apparently engaged in a 'triple bluff' now. News to me, but hardly surprising behaviour from the lying, racist thief.


Overall, however, it's encouraging that there's an increasing belief that FIFA cannot survive this. I think that the majority of people that care about football want the total deconsturction of FIFA, and I certainly feel that way myself.


New administration with complete transparency - I don't see or hear anyone who would object to that, apart from FIFA.


p.s. love your avatar...

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@sportingintel  54m54 minutes ago

STAT of the weekend: FIFA film United Passions made $607.00 (£397.63) in its opening weekend in the USA. (That's c.68 people of 314 million)

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@sportingintel  54m54 minutes ago

STAT of the weekend: FIFA film United Passions made $607.00 (£397.63) in its opening weekend in the USA. (That's c.68 people of 314 million)

people actually paid money to go see it?

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@sportingintel  54m54 minutes ago

STAT of the weekend: FIFA film United Passions made $607.00 (£397.63) in its opening weekend in the USA. (That's c.68 people of 314 million)



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It was already clear, so many people are going to prison for this right? Not white collar resort prison, but federal pound me in the ass prison.


Thankfully, there are federal white collar pound me in the ass resort prisons.

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@sportingintel  54m54 minutes ago

STAT of the weekend: FIFA film United Passions made $607.00 (£397.63) in its opening weekend in the USA. (That's c.68 people of 314 million)





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It was already clear, so many people are going to prison for this right? Not white collar resort prison, but federal pound me in the ass prison.


:lol: That's so weird, just watched that film last night.


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@sportingintel  54m54 minutes ago

STAT of the weekend: FIFA film United Passions made $607.00 (£397.63) in its opening weekend in the USA. (That's c.68 people of 314 million)





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From Wiki


'The film currently has a rating of 0% on Rotten Tomatoes based on 9 reviews.[14] On Metacritic, the film has a 1 out of 100 rating based on 7 critics.[15] It is one of eight films in the history of the site to carry the lowest rating; the previous films being The Human Centipede 3 (Final Sequence), Not Cool, 10 Rules for Sleeping Around, inAPPropriate Comedy, Chaos, The Singing Forest, and Bio-Dome.'

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From Wiki


'The film currently has a rating of 0% on Rotten Tomatoes based on 9 reviews.[14] On Metacritic, the film has a 1 out of 100 rating based on 7 critics.[15] It is one of eight films in the history of the site to carry the lowest rating; the previous films being The Human Centipede 3 (Final Sequence), Not Cool, 10 Rules for Sleeping Around, inAPPropriate Comedy, Chaos, The Singing Forest, and Bio-Dome.'


Bio Dome  :lol: :lol:

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