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Hypothetically    ;D


If we won a trophy under Ashley/Charnley/McClaren


What would your reaction be?


I realise how mental this sounds but its Thursday and its sunny and i wanted to know everyones thoughts :idiot2:

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Guest Roger Kint

i was thinking about this yesterday, hopefully mclaren 1-0's his way to the league cup so mike fucks the fuck off asap


Not sure which would be the bigger reason to celebrate tbh :lol:

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You know, if we invest heavily in the squad this summer and McClaren has us playing decent football (don't care about results at the moment) I'll celebrate like mad. But I highly doubt any of these things will happens so I'll keep on falling more and more out of love with this club. Although I am ready to give it all a new fresh start if we invest heavily this summer.

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i was thinking about this yesterday, hopefully mclaren 1-0's his way to the league cup so mike fucks the fuck off asap

The way I see it Ashley sort of promised to leave if he won something, right? So two reasons to celebrate.


He blatantly wouldnt leave though.  Didnt say he'd leave, he said he "won't be selling it until we win something".  To follow through on his "promise" he could just chuck the club up for sale for £900 million and say "there, it's up for sale now. promise fulfilled" knowing full well he isnt going anywhere  :lol:

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It's an interesting question actually. I get the impression that the damage caused by Ashley is irreparable in the eyes of many. If we suddenly invested heavily, played decent football and ultimately won a trophy, would the damage be too far done that it would still all be very bittersweet as it was done under Ashley?

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It's an interesting question actually. I get the impression that the damage caused by Ashley is irreparable in the eyes of many. If we suddenly invested heavily, played decent football and ultimately won a trophy, would the damage be too far done that it would still all be very bittersweet as it was done under Ashley?


That was my point... you just articulated it betterer

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It's an interesting question actually. I get the impression that the damage caused by Ashley is irreparable in the eyes of many. If we suddenly invested heavily, played decent football and ultimately won a trophy, would the damage be too far done that it would still all be very bittersweet as it was done under Ashley?


Nah, I mean if Ashley somehow has had a stroke and changed his ways and all of that actually happened I'd be willing to support the club again. But it's never going to happen is it, so what's the point?

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It's an interesting question actually. I get the impression that the damage caused by Ashley is irreparable in the eyes of many. If we suddenly invested heavily, played decent football and ultimately won a trophy, would the damage be too far done that it would still all be very bittersweet as it was done under Ashley?


Nah, I mean if Ashley somehow has had a stroke and changed his ways and all of that actually happened I'd be willing to support the club again. But it's never going to happen is it, so what's the point?


Do we really need to suffix everything we say on this forum with "it's never gonna happen" etc, I'm pretty sure we can all work out what's hypothetical and what's not. Particularly in a thread called "Imagine" :lol:


Sorry... pet hate.

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Dunno, its going to take some blagging to get to the final of a competition.


I dont even want to think about it.




You know what'll happen, we'll probably line up strong in the early rounds and still go out. Got first round exit written all over us after the statements :lol:

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The point of a winning a trophy is to be a successful, big club. I'd rather have a period like KK or SBR with no trophies than a Swansea League Cup or a Leicester. But of course i'd take a Wigan over the crap we've had the last 7-8 years.


IMO as a club the minimum we should be is where Spurs were a few years ago when they won the League Cup. Constantly in Europe, reaching the latter stages. Trying to push on into the top 4.


Newcastle should be a top 6/7 club, taking the cups very seriously each year. And I wouldn't mind a decline in league form if we gave Europe a serious push,

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It's an interesting question actually. I get the impression that the damage caused by Ashley is irreparable in the eyes of many. If we suddenly invested heavily, played decent football and ultimately won a trophy, would the damage be too far done that it would still all be very bittersweet as it was done under Ashley?


Nah, I mean if Ashley somehow has had a stroke and changed his ways and all of that actually happened I'd be willing to support the club again. But it's never going to happen is it, so what's the point?


Do we really need to suffix everything we say on this forum with "it's never gonna happen" etc, I'm pretty sure we can all work out what's hypothetical and what's not. Particularly in a thread called "Imagine" :lol:


Sorry... pet hate.


:lol: Sorry, but that's what happens after all these years. Even in this thread, it's still going to end with never gonna happen.

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It's an interesting question actually. I get the impression that the damage caused by Ashley is irreparable in the eyes of many. If we suddenly invested heavily, played decent football and ultimately won a trophy, would the damage be too far done that it would still all be very bittersweet as it was done under Ashley?


Nah, I mean if Ashley somehow has had a stroke and changed his ways and all of that actually happened I'd be willing to support the club again. But it's never going to happen is it, so what's the point?


Do we really need to suffix everything we say on this forum with "it's never gonna happen" etc, I'm pretty sure we can all work out what's hypothetical and what's not. Particularly in a thread called "Imagine" :lol:


Sorry... pet hate.


:lol: Sorry, but that's what happens after all these years. Even in this thread, it's still going to end with never gonna happen.


:lol: :thup:

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I'm resigned to the fact that I will never see us winning anything of significance in my lifetime.


Should it happen, I would most likely take a week off to celebrate and smoke a lot of weed.

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