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Chancel Mbemba


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Yes, it's laughable that we've signed a CB that hasn't improved us defensively and people are falling over themselves to give him some weird type of praise.

He has improved us though. Unless you seriously think we'd have performed better with Williamson?

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Guest reefatoon

Hhmmm, in all fairness, he hasn't improved us at all, we are still just as s*** at the back.  Worst goal difference in the league is proof that nothing has improved.

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Yes, it's laughable that we've signed a CB that hasn't improved us defensively and people are falling over themselves to give him some weird type of praise.

He has improved us though. Unless you seriously think we'd have performed better with Williamson?


No he hasn't improved us at all to be fair and saying that he is better than Williamson is more to the standard of shit we have at this club than anything else.

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Guest Howaythetoon

Of all our summer signings, Mbemba looks our best buy. That isn't saying much like, but he looks the most capable of performing at this level for us. He is on a hiding to nothing, however, playing in a side that defensively is as bad as it gets, from 'keeper to midfield.

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We've got 3 defenders and 4/5 midfielders performing to absolute s****, Mbemba was far and wide our best defender and looked farmore assured than any of the doylam's who's played at the back for us this season, especially in the earlier games - it's only been the past 4 games he's looked s*** and that's as the rest of the squad has declined, it's not a coincidence. He would be fantastic in an actual football teams defence but because he's surrounded by s*** here who are letting him down time and time again both in defence and midfield the response is "he hasn't improved us at all". Bit difficult to do that when you've got Janmaat nowhere to be seen/captain back off. Sissoko won't cover him so the task falls to Mbemba.


Colo couldn't catch a cold, so obviously it falls to Mbemba to cover him - yet another job he has to do. He's practically responsible for 3 defensive positions so to give him any flack over the plight of the team is a joke. So aye, he has improved us but due to the 7 other players in defence and midfield around him he's looked s**** on the goal difference front which is all anybody is looking at when making the statement that he "hasn't improved us at all".

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LOL - there's nothing to suggest he's a good PL defender.


Really? He's been as shite a everyone else of late but he's shown glimpses of potential. Far too early to go overboard, he's a young centre half being expected to hold together a tragic defence in a vastly superior league. Same goes with Lascelles.

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It's like any tedious opinion on here, the wrong person gets in early then tries to ram it down everyone's throats ad nauseum for months on end while they get excited they might be proven right eventually.  Nobody gives a shit, man.


Tedious Contrary Drabness.


I like what you did there.

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Tbf I think it's tough to judge him when all around him is burning ashes, he can't exactly marshal the back line and the centre-mid on his own. He has no protection in front of him and an ageing lump of horse shite next to him.

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It's like any tedious opinion on here, the wrong person gets in early then tries to ram it down everyone's throats ad nauseum for months on end while they get excited they might be proven right eventually.  Nobody gives a shit, man.


Tedious Contrary Drabness.


I like what you did there.

Really wish I'd gone for "Drivel" now tbh, but I was in a hurry.

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LOL - there's nothing to suggest he's a good PL defender.


Really? He's been as s**** a everyone else


Aye, hence my comment.

he's shown glimpses of potential.

I haven't seen much of it in terms of being able to deal physically with the league. He's as easy to rag doll as Colo, he's as bad in the air as Colo although he is much faster.


he's a young centre half being expected to hold together a tragic defence in a vastly superior league. Same goes with Lascelles.

The bolded is tragic in itself. Totally the wrong defender for us. In terms of experience and type. That is the reason he's come in and made zero impact defensively.


He's obviously got talent. But he hasn't improved us except now we can pass it nicely among the back 6 from time. That's not what the team needed. We needed someone that can come in and make us immediately more solid. Someone to head the ball away, someone to deal with Connor Wickham ffs.


We've spent about £20m on M'biwa, Lascellas and Mbemba. None of these capable of hitting the ground running. It's not like we've got John Terry & Carvalho in defence either and these are back-up youngsters. Carr needs sacking.


In the right environment I can see Mbemba going on to be a decent PL defender btw. He's come into a bad situation that was inevitably going to end up this way.

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Ah so you're stating the fucking obvious again. Everybody knows giving Colo a new deal was a fucking disaster and they did at the time, doesn't mean Mbemba was a bad signing in isolation. Of course everyone knows players aren't signed for their suitability anymore but again you're stating the fucking obvious like it's a Newsnight/Panorama/X Files Special.

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It's like any tedious opinion on here, the wrong person gets in early then tries to ram it down everyone's throats ad nauseum for months on end while they get excited they might be proven right eventually.  Nobody gives a shit, man.


Tedious Contrary Drabness.


I like what you did there.

Really wish I'd gone for "Drivel" now tbh, but I was in a hurry.


Dillusion would have sufficed also.

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Guest reefatoon

We've got 3 defenders and 4/5 midfielders performing to absolute s****, Mbemba was far and wide our best defender and looked farmore assured than any of the doylam's who's played at the back for us this season, especially in the earlier games - it's only been the past 4 games he's looked s*** and that's as the rest of the squad has declined, it's not a coincidence. He would be fantastic in an actual football teams defence but because he's surrounded by s*** here who are letting him down time and time again both in defence and midfield the response is "he hasn't improved us at all". Bit difficult to do that when you've got Janmaat nowhere to be seen/captain back off. Sissoko won't cover him so the task falls to Mbemba.


Colo couldn't catch a cold, so obviously it falls to Mbemba to cover him - yet another job he has to do. He's practically responsible for 3 defensive positions so to give him any flack over the plight of the team is a joke. So aye, he has improved us but due to the 7 other players in defence and midfield around him he's looked s**** on the goal difference front which is all anybody is looking at when making the statement that he "hasn't improved us at all".


Not sure what point you are trying to make here. Someone said he has improved our defence when in reality, this has been the worst overall defensive performance from us ever in the premier league. He might look a decent player and good propect, but no way has he improved us.

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Yes, it's laughable that we've signed a CB that hasn't improved us defensively and people are falling over themselves to give him some weird type of praise.

He has improved us though. Unless you seriously think we'd have performed better with Williamson?


No he hasn't improved us at all to be fair and saying that he is better than Williamson is more to the standard of shit we have at this club than anything else.


So you think we'd have been better off not buying him and keeping Williamson alongside Colo?

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Guest reefatoon

Yes, it's laughable that we've signed a CB that hasn't improved us defensively and people are falling over themselves to give him some weird type of praise.

He has improved us though. Unless you seriously think we'd have performed better with Williamson?


No he hasn't improved us at all to be fair and saying that he is better than Williamson is more to the standard of s*** we have at this club than anything else.


So you think we'd have been better off not buying him and keeping Williamson alongside Colo?


He is a better player individually than Williamson, no doubts about it. But he has not improved us at all. Like I said, this is the worst defensive record we have ever had so far in the premier league. That is not an improvement. 

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Mbemba hasn't improved how we perform defensively as a unit, but he isn't the weak leak. He seems to be quite steady, it doesn't help that he gets pulled in all different directions thanks to others at the back going missing.

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Put Thiago Silva next to Colo/Dummet/Janmaat and he would struggle just as much.


That's not true like. That's why you buy players, to improve the team. If you buy someone and nothing improves that's not a positive sign. Give us Smalling or heck.. Delaney and we would've improved.


He's not a weak link by any means. He's just not a strong one (at the moment). He needs exactly what we needed in the summer, a strong partner alongside who is a leader. We've bought a "21" year old Colo to play alongside a shit Colo.

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People slagging off Mbemba already clearly don't understand the fundamentals of being a CB. There was an interesting piece by Pat Nevins pretty recently which put forward why England should push ahead and stick with Stones and Smalling as our starting CBs from now on, even through early mistakes. CBs are generally one of the latest positions to peak and revolve around reading the game and experience, one mistake and it generally costs your team a goal. He put forward examples from Germany and Spain where the likes of Hummels, Mertesacker and Boateng were continually trusted by German club teams and the national teams despite their glaring mistakes as they knew it would make them better players in the long run. Now they have arguably the best defense in the world, but it isn't by coincidence and it didn't just magically happen.


He suggested this is now what's happening to Smalling, someone who had the talent but made a lot of mistakes is now turning into one of the best defenders in the world due to his increase in experience and trust from the Man U coaching set up and exposure in the England team.


Obviously I'm not comparing Mbemba to Hummels but the point rings true. He's a young player playing in a new league, he will make mistakes and since he is the last line of defence it will cost us goals but if we preserve with him and pair him with a good CB, we could have one of the best defenders we've had in recent years on our hands.


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I think you're missing the point. I don't think anyone's doubting his potential ability. The point is we needed X, Y & Z in a new defender and we got E & F. We needed that third line - an experienced - ideally PL defender with his best abilities in the air, strength and organising.


Also - everyone you've mentioned (bar Mertesacker) had elite level potential and had all the physical attributes of a top defender. Smalling, Boateng, Hummels (to an extent) & Ramos all 6'2+ who are great in the air, strong and quick. At least 3 of them also played a significant proportion of their games at bigger clubs earlier in their career at FB. Mbemba isn't good in the air. That's what we needed. With Mitro - his issues are experience and perhaps tactical. Mbemba doesn't have the tools needed to make a difference to this team. A lot of his issues aren't mistakes - he just doesn't have the attributes (yet).


We didn't need a young defender with potential we can shift to RB. We don't have Ferdinand, Vidic or an Evans to stick them behind and learn from. We needed to spend decent money to get in a player in his prime. We didn't and here we are with the worst defence in the league (the whole unit including midfielders).

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