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Video technology in football


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About time. It's important though that people realise that there will always be an element of interpretation and thus subjectivity involved in making calls, but at least things like obvious diving, stonewall penalties etc. should be a thing of the past. I think the (professional) game will be much better for it.

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I'm not 100% sure to be honest, IMO the best approach would just be a constant TV official who communicates with the ref at all times.


I can see too many problems with stop and review systems.


Regarding big calls I think the referee should be given time to see the footage himself. With modern technology surely this could be done on some sort of device (electronic watch?) he carries around with him on the pitch so as not to be too time consuming?

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About time. It's important though that people realise that there will always be an element of interpretation and thus subjectivity involved in making calls, but at least things like obvious diving, stonewall penalties etc. should be a thing of the past. I think the (professional) game will be much better for it.


Where do you draw the line though? Get rid of obvious errors and naturally the focus will then move to less obvious ones. The stakes are so high that we could end up with anything being deemed a 'game changer'.


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I'd honestly prefer a change to the rules regarding retrospective punishments, the thing that if a ref saw an incident then there's nothing they can do after the fact is silly. I kind of understand them not wanting to undermine refs but the ability to clamp down on ridiculous diving and punish malicious tackles would go a long way.


Having said that video tech could mean less pens wrongly either being given or not given which would be a good thing.

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About time. It's important though that people realise that there will always be an element of interpretation and thus subjectivity involved in making calls, but at least things like obvious diving, stonewall penalties etc. should be a thing of the past. I think the (professional) game will be much better for it.


Where do you draw the line though? Get rid of obvious errors and naturally the focus will then move to less obvious ones. The stakes are so high that we could end up with anything being deemed a 'game changer'.



Nah. Up to the referee to decide when he makes use of it and I think it's a good idea to allow teams to "force" the ref to have a look if they think they've spotted something big that may have been missed, such as a bookable offence or a clear foul in the build up to a goal. I would cap that at one per half, with none taken off when they are in the right. The way I see it currently refs hold far too much power in the game as their decisions frequently change the outcome of games, and as the more and more money comes into the game, so does the potential for match fixing by refs. I wouldn't be surprised at all if this was already quite a widespread phenomenon.

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Guest Roger Kint

I don't really believe in challenges, if the point is to get decisions correct it shouldn't be up to the managers/players to decide.


Think i prefer your idea about a real time video ref helping out tbh rather than set challenges or regular pauses to check with him. Like Dave said where do they draw the line, thats my biggest worry about it.

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Everything depends on how it's implemented really. I can see situations like a challenge being made because someone believes they should've had a penalty, it takes multiple angles and many replays to decide and then the officials are still wrong in the eyes of most fans.


Then you have the issue that no stoppage in play has occurred, so where does the challenge come in?

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Is goal line technology used in the FA Cup yet? As in, at every ground etc?


Not sure how this would work logistically, if they can't apply the same refereeing standards to Morecambe vs Bristol City as Man Utd vs Watford. They would be better off doing it in the PL IMO, if this is the direction they want to go in.


Offsides and goal-line technology are the only ones which I can see as being empirically measurable beyond doubt. Also, mistaken identity I suppose.


Everything else is and always will be subjective. Even so-called 'stonewall penalties'. I'd much prefer if retrospective subjectively-assessed punishments were handed out for diving*, everything else is just intrinsically part of the game.



* - even that is tricky, because at present only something which a broadcaster highlights would be up for review by the panel responsible for deciding whether a player dived. As we all know, Sky and the BBC have biased idiot pundits.


It sounds silly, but having non-media staff whose job it was to search for simulation would be better. They'd then submit each case to the 'diving' panel for adjudication and sentencing.

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Guest firetotheworks

Best way to do it is having the 4th official watching the match on a TV and being in constant communication with the ref. Anything other than that with teams challenging decisions etc and it'll be a farce.

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Guest Roger Kint

Best way to do it is having the 4th official watching the match on a TV and being in constant communication with the ref. Anything other than that with teams challenging decisions etc and it'll be a farce.





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How do they make money out of this?


"Looks like the referee is going to send this one up to the Nike™ VidRef, brought to by booking.com - you got it bookin' right"


Followed by camera trained on a screen like this





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