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Rafael Benitez

Jesse Pinkman

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Rafa clearly has money to spend. He only had his meeting with the club last month. Plus does anyone really think Ashley isn't going to give Rafa a budget to spend when we're a newly promoted side? Even he knows we'd go straight back down. It's too easy for the media to post these stories and I expect to see them every couple of months now we're back in the Premier League spotlight. People fall for it every single time. Rafa came out and committed his future literally about 7 weeks ago, is he supposed to do it again?

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Rafa clearly has money to spend. He only had his meeting with the club last month. Plus does anyone really think Ashley isn't going to give Rafa a budget to spend when we're a newly promoted side? Even he knows we'd go straight back down. It's too easy for the media to post these stories and I expect to see them every couple of months now we're back in the Premier League spotlight. People fall for it every single time. Rafa came out and committed his future literally about 7 weeks ago, is he supposed to do it again?


Finally someone talking sense. The masses on here won't have any of it though.. "there MUST be a crisis"

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Looked at premierleague.com and transfermarket.co.uk. The prices listed vary on occasion, but the dates and total spend is interesting. So the promoted teams last year signed the following, in the Summer window.


Burnley 7 players: 4 at total spend of £13m, two on 19th July, others 16th & 31st August. Plus 2 on loan, one free 30th June to 13 July.


Hull 7 players: 4 at total spend of £11.5m, on 30 & 31 August; plus whatever they paid for Mannion on 1st July. Plus 2 on loan (July & August).


Middlesbrough 12 players: supposedly paid for 8, 3 loans and a free, but transfermarket.com only shows four with fees, totalling £26.4m. All signings in July (9) or August (3).


Could be a fair bit of patience still required if this season follows suit.





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Rafa clearly has money to spend. He only had his meeting with the club last month. Plus does anyone really think Ashley isn't going to give Rafa a budget to spend when we're a newly promoted side? Even he knows we'd go straight back down. It's too easy for the media to post these stories and I expect to see them every couple of months now we're back in the Premier League spotlight. People fall for it every single time. Rafa came out and committed his future literally about 7 weeks ago, is he supposed to do it again?


Finally someone talking sense. The masses on here won't have any of it though.. "there MUST be a crisis"


As much as I think you're right, it's a bit weird to blame NUFC fans for being worried about what's going on in the boardroom.

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Guest firetotheworks

Rafa clearly has money to spend. He only had his meeting with the club last month. Plus does anyone really think Ashley isn't going to give Rafa a budget to spend when we're a newly promoted side? Even he knows we'd go straight back down. It's too easy for the media to post these stories and I expect to see them every couple of months now we're back in the Premier League spotlight. People fall for it every single time. Rafa came out and committed his future literally about 7 weeks ago, is he supposed to do it again?


Finally someone talking sense. The masses on here won't have any of it though.. "there MUST be a crisis"


Please refrain from this bollocks. The 'masses' just aren't naive enough to think that it's out of the question. It's called learning from experience.

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Guest neesy111

Rafa clearly has money to spend. He only had his meeting with the club last month. Plus does anyone really think Ashley isn't going to give Rafa a budget to spend when we're a newly promoted side? Even he knows we'd go straight back down. It's too easy for the media to post these stories and I expect to see them every couple of months now we're back in the Premier League spotlight. People fall for it every single time. Rafa came out and committed his future literally about 7 weeks ago, is he supposed to do it again?


Finally someone talking sense. The masses on here won't have any of it though.. "there MUST be a crisis"


Please refrain from this bollocks. The 'masses' just aren't naive enough to think that it's out of the question. It's called learning from experience.


They took the piss out of him only 5 months ago.  I'm surprised that isn't on everyone's minds still.

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Rafa clearly has money to spend. He only had his meeting with the club last month. Plus does anyone really think Ashley isn't going to give Rafa a budget to spend when we're a newly promoted side? Even he knows we'd go straight back down. It's too easy for the media to post these stories and I expect to see them every couple of months now we're back in the Premier League spotlight. People fall for it every single time. Rafa came out and committed his future literally about 7 weeks ago, is he supposed to do it again?


Finally someone talking sense. The masses on here won't have any of it though.. "there MUST be a crisis"


I accept your point, but the landscape of the club has changed since Benitez has been here. Mike Ashley simply cannot throw his weight around because we have a world class manager who doesn't need to be here.


How expensive is it going to be to settle a constructive dismissal case if he were really fucking around?


None of it adds up, I think the press know that of all the clubs we're probably the most intense when it comes to wanting to know what happens. It's click bait rubbish that they have already backtracked on.


Please refrain from this bollocks. The 'masses' just aren't naive enough to think that it's out of the question. It's called learning from experience.

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Just need to get a few fucking signings in to calm me nerves down about this, every morning I get up and I'm like alright, lets load up twitter and see we've signed someone....then all I see is Mark Douglas promoting his fucking book.

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On e of the main criticisms of Carr when he was here was that he "missed" often as well as he "hit" in terms of incoming quality. The counter argument being that Ashley /Charnley got cheap & settled for second /third targets rather than those identified by Carr as a priority, so to speak.


Assuming the current inertia to be a result of the same mindset, I would imagine the current rumors would almost certainly be on the money. Its almost like f***ing groundhog day with this lot man. If they force Rafa out (& almost certainly Employ another Pardue-esqe patsy) I`m out.


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A typical conference call, during the months of July & August..... 1pm.


Barnes (from his billiards den, still dressed in his nightwear, armed with a Scotch on the rocks) : "Hello Lee, I'll call you back in a moment...............You've reached me on the secret number. This had better be good. Mike is now on the line also."


Charnley (from SJP's Transfer War Room) : "Hello Sir. I was working through Rafa's list of transfer targets. Rafa  has identified [insert the name of a slick midfielder from Spain or England] as a high priority target. He would like us to make a move. So I'm requesting the green light to do so, Sir."


Barnes: "What is the club's valuation Lee?"


Charnley: "22 million pounds Sir. What shall be our opening bid?"


Barnes: "Hmmmmmmm...... Lodge a bid of 10.72 million pounds. It will be rejected."


Charnley: "Yes Sir!" (Hangs Up)


Ashley (from his soundproof BDSM dungeon, after having just raped another handburger with the lot & extra cheese) : "Barnsey...... you're a quick learner at all this transfer market caper. Have a good one mate." (hangs up)


(Barnes hangs up, satisfied at job well done)


Two days later after having supplied another list to Lee, and still with no word back from Charnley, Rafa wipes up a now crusty layer of lubricant from around his raw & tender butthole.



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I know it's the summer and we need something to fill our time, but this thread is just going round and round in circles with nothing of any actual proof or substance. Yet somehow I keep feeling compelled to open it and read every new comment. What the hell is wrong with me?



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I know it's the summer and we need something to fill our time, but this thread is just going round and round in circles with nothing of any actual proof or substance. Yet somehow I keep feeling compelled to open it and read every new comment. What the hell is wrong with me?


What you on about? there is actual proof that we typically don't bring in many players in June. And certainly not on a fee.


People on here are just getting in early, in the hope that they get that glorious opportunity to say "I told you so".

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I know it's the summer and we need something to fill our time, but this thread is just going round and round in circles with nothing of any actual proof or substance. Yet somehow I keep feeling compelled to open it and read every new comment. What the hell is wrong with me?


What you on about? there is actual proof that we typically don't bring in many players in June. And certainly not on a fee.


People on here are just getting in early, in the hope that they get that glorious opportunity to say "I told you so".


That isn't it at all :lol: People are just concerned history will repeat itself and they are right to be concerned tbh.

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We've been beaten up so many times, that at the slightest hint or a raised hand, we still cower in the corner.


Yes, Mr Rafa is a much nicer pimp than we had previously, but until he manages to get us that job with those nice looking Chinese fellas, we still need to keep the lube and the arnica handy.

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I know it's the summer and we need something to fill our time, but this thread is just going round and round in circles with nothing of any actual proof or substance. Yet somehow I keep feeling compelled to open it and read every new comment. What the hell is wrong with me?


What you on about? there is actual proof that we typically don't bring in many players in June. And certainly not on a fee.


People on here are just getting in early, in the hope that they get that glorious opportunity to say "I told you so".


That isn't it at all :lol: People are just concerned history will repeat itself and they are right to be concerned tbh.


Not based on a lack of transfer activity in June they are not. Everything else yes.

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No idea why people can't just take a step back and wait to see what state we're in at the start of the season. Totally no need for the childish "I want my signings now" attitude. Like kids in Fenwicks toy department some people.

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No idea why people can't just take a step back and wait to see what state we're in at the start of the season. Totally no need for the childish "I want my signings now" attitude. Like kids in Fenwicks toy department some people.


So you can seriously forget all about football during the summer months then ? You don't get excited when we are linked with players that could improve us ? You don't get disappointed when we miss out on players that you liked ? If yes to all why are you even posting on here, complaining about people getting a bit anxious, why does it even bother you, why don't you just go and enjoy the sun or something ?


It's not all childish "I want it now" people, most are just genuinely concerned because of our track record with this owner and the need to keep Rafa happy so he sticks around.

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According to Beardsley. Mike Ashley and Rafa get on like a house on fire. :lol:


“He’s had a chat with Mike. Him and Mike get on like a house on fire. There’s no doubt about that. “Everybody wants to know what goes on. They know what’s going on. That’s all that matters.”



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No idea why people can't just take a step back and wait to see what state we're in at the start of the season. Totally no need for the childish "I want my signings now" attitude. Like kids in Fenwicks toy department some people.


So you can seriously forget all about football during the summer months then ? You don't get excited when we are linked with players that could improve us ? You don't get disappointed when we miss out on players that you liked ? If yes to all why are you even posting on here, complaining about people getting a bit anxious, why does it even bother you, why don't you just go and enjoy the sun or something ?


It's not all childish "I want it now" people, most are just genuinely concerned because of our track record with this owner and the need to keep Rafa happy so he sticks around.


I don't get overly excited at anything NUFC related and never will until MA leaves and we have someone at the top who genuinely gives a shit about us as a competitive football club. To get this wound up like some people do every year is just stupid and borderline self-harm.

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