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Rafael Benitez

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Guest alijmitchell

Who the fuck is saying Rafa has unsettled players? The only person that has unsettled the club is Ashley. A new fixer, a bunch of unhelpful statements, a backstabbing MD who promises a lot but undermines the manager. If you guys swallow anything other than that you deserve the shite you get from this club



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Who the f*** is saying Rafa has unsettled players? The only person that has unsettled the club is Ashley. A new fixer, a bunch of unhelpful statements, a backstabbing MD who promises a lot but undermines the manager. If you guys swallow anything other than that you deserve the s**** you get from this club



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Yep, its exactly what they did to KK, Hughton and Rafa.  Its not like theres no past history here.  They also did the same with Allardyce when he was shouting in the summer we need to get moving on transfers as we are missing out on some vital players, he said the same in the January and was then sacked.


Anyone that pushes for players and pushes Ashley to bring players in gets shuffled out the door.

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My biggest worry is we're too predictable. We're not flexible and we don't have different options about how we are going to set up.


I'm not sure we have the players to play the formation Rafa wants. We still concede goals with this formation, it's not like we look super secure at the back.


We have pace on the wings, and strikers who can head a ball. We've never seen the big man/little man partnership of Mitro/Gayle at all.


Rafa clearly has a very valid point with Snide Ashley and the lack of investment, but IMO we're not playing to the strengths of the squad we have.


4-4-2 (especially at home) would work a lot better IMO.

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I think peoples meltdown gets to me more than anything. I do feel it's time to stick with the players. If we turn on them, well that's curtains, they will never recover.


I'm not saying it would be the fans fault if we went down. I'm just saying that wr can play our part in keeping them up.


Remain calm, for now.


This. Rafa's already explicitly said there would be some tough times ahead and everyone, including us as fans need to stick together, and already a sizeable proportion of our fan base is panicking with some even starting to turn on and blame Rafa. Ashley must be fucking loving this. Makes me feel physically sick.

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My biggest worry is we're too predictable. We're not flexible and we don't have different options about how we are going to set up.


I'm not sure we have the players to play the formation Rafa wants. We still concede goals with this formation, it's not like we look super secure at the back.


We have pace on the wings, and strikers who can head a ball. We've never seen the big man/little man partnership of Mitro/Gayle at all.


Rafa clearly has a very valid point with Snide Ashley and the lack of investment, but IMO we're not playing to the strengths of the squad we have.


4-4-2 (especially at home) would work a lot better IMO.


This goes to the heart of the problem with our club, when the manager can't buy (within financial constraints) who they want, and has to make do with fourth, fifth or sixth down the list. We've hired a world class manager who isn't known for being flexible in terms of strategy. If we're not going to give him the tools he needs we might as well not have bothered with hiring him.


When Rafa came in I was hopeful, not just because of his track record, but also because it signaled change might be on the way in terms of control over transfers and funds being made available. Unfortunately it seems Ashley and his minnions are too set in their ways. I can't see Rafa riding this one out. As soon as he gets an interesting opening elsewhere he will be on his bike, and who could blame him?

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Rafa has probably upset the squad morale with his comments directly and indirectly with the press, but what choice does he have with an estranged owner whom he has no contact with? He has made empty promises and left the club high and dry, gambling with our fate again in complete disregard of anything but his bottom line.


As others have said, Rafa has a very rigid system and doesn't stray from that much at all. This wouldn't be an issue if he was given the players he asked for and indeed was promised as Unbeleavable! stated.


Bottom line is, Ashley is responsible for the issues at the club, always has been and as long as he's here, always will be. Every manager in the last 10 years has had their hands tied, been lied to and used as a scape goat, yes I include Pardew in that but the difference being he gladly took it up the arse to keep his job. The PR spin is in full throttle and too many people, including some on here, are buying into it. The minute we start booing the players and Rafa, Ashley's won, again! Another scape (escape) goat, another misdemeanour brushed under the carpet. It's time the cancerous, horizontally challenged, leech was gone for good.

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Its been time Ashley was gone for good for years. Its beyond our power. We cant publically pressure a man into giving the club away. Until someone actually wants it - which seems like never, we're stuck. Likely till he dies or gets to a state of health where he can't be involved.

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Its been time Ashley was gone for good for years. Its beyond our power. We cant publically pressure a man into giving the club away. Until someone actually wants it - which seems like never, we're stuck. Likely till he dies or gets to a state of health where he can't be involved.


Think the issue is we'll never know if someone wants it as Ashley has never been serious about selling. Pretending to invite offers whilst asking a price that is prohibitive is what he's done. Why would he want to sell when he's got it so easy here?

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Minus £8 million net spend to build a squad to get promoted and a squad to survive in a league whereby £50 million gets you England's 2nd choice right back!


Fuck off Ashley!


Ridiculous isn't it?! And still some can't see the wood for the trees.

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Its been time Ashley was gone for good for years. Its beyond our power. We cant publically pressure a man into giving the club away. Until someone actually wants it - which seems like never, we're stuck. Likely till he dies or gets to a state of health where he can't be involved.


Think the issue is we'll never know if someone wants it as Ashley has never been serious about selling. Pretending to invite offers whilst asking a price that is prohibitive is what he's done. Why would he want to sell when he's got it so easy here?


I'm still struggling to see what we do. The man is immune to our pressure, he's proven that before. He pretty much ignores it. We're stuck in a pit we can never get out of.

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Its been time Ashley was gone for good for years. Its beyond our power. We cant publically pressure a man into giving the club away. Until someone actually wants it - which seems like never, we're stuck. Likely till he dies or gets to a state of health where he can't be involved.


Think the issue is we'll never know if someone wants it as Ashley has never been serious about selling. Pretending to invite offers whilst asking a price that is prohibitive is what he's done. Why would he want to sell when he's got it so easy here?


I'm still struggling to see what we do. The man is immune to our pressure, he's proven that before. He pretty much ignores it. We're stuck in a pit we can never get out of.


He isn't immune to pressure. That's a fallacy. It's the level of pressure needed to do anything seismic that's tricky. He's stubborn for sure. He wouldn't do these weird interviews if he wasn't fussed by any of it.

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Yeah he's not immune to pressure but unfortunately the tactics that he employs when under pressure (putting club up for sale, a PR offensive, spending some of the money that's been piling up for seasons on end, etc) appear to work and allow him to survive.

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Its been time Ashley was gone for good for years. Its beyond our power. We cant publically pressure a man into giving the club away. Until someone actually wants it - which seems like never, we're stuck. Likely till he dies or gets to a state of health where he can't be involved.


Think the issue is we'll never know if someone wants it as Ashley has never been serious about selling. Pretending to invite offers whilst asking a price that is prohibitive is what he's done. Why would he want to sell when he's got it so easy here?


I'm still struggling to see what we do. The man is immune to our pressure, he's proven that before. He pretty much ignores it. We're stuck in a pit we can never get out of.


He isn't immune to pressure. That's a fallacy. It's the level of pressure needed to do anything seismic that's tricky. He's stubborn for sure. He wouldn't do these weird interviews if he wasn't fussed by any of it.

The AO/SP campaigns in 2014/15 well put the pressure on him.
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I think everyone knows Rafa is not the one to blame, it's Ashley.  But let's be realistic, no way Ashley would bow down to Rafas demand to give out his own money, just no. 


However, I do expect Rafa to do a better job, even if it means little sacrifice on his own pride or belief.  He has the tactical ability to bring out the best of our players, and that should be more than enough to survive, rather than trying to fit the players who aren't up to standard into his own system.  The TV money, which we believed that Ashley has tricked him, will still be here after this season if we survived, and Rafa can start to spend by then.  Rafa can turn things around if he is willing to fight one more year, rather than starting the PR war and playing a suicidal squad just to "make a statement". 


He has every right to do it, I don't blame him, just that I am disappointed by the latest development because I did see there is possibility that both can work together, but obviously the chance has gone, and it may not come again.  Rafa has choice, to use his ability and patience to solve the problem, rather than to start war that may end up everyone's the loser.


Utterly disappointed, not only to Ashley but also to Rafa.  As a fan, I really don't like being sacrificed for the war between the manager and the owner.  I really don't, even if Rafa has every right to do it. 

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I think everyone knows Rafa is not the one to blame, it's Ashley.  But let's be realistic, no way Ashley would bow down to Rafas demand to give out his own money, just no. 


However, I do expect Rafa to do a better job, even if it means little sacrifice on his own pride or belief.  He has the tactical ability to bring out the best of our players, and that should be more than enough to survive, rather than trying to fit the players who aren't up to standard into his own system.  The TV money, which we believed that Ashley has tricked him, will still be here after this season if we survived, and Rafa can start to spend by then.  Rafa can turn things around if he is willing to fight one more year, rather than starting the PR war and playing a suicidal squad just to "make a statement". 


He has every right to do it, I don't blame him, just that I am disappointed by the latest development because I did see there is possibility that both can work together, but obviously the chance has gone, and it may not come again.  Rafa has choice, to use his ability and patience to solve the problem, rather than to start war that may end up everyone's the loser.


Utterly disappointed, not only to Ashley but also to Rafa.  As a fan, I really don't like being sacrificed for the war between the manager and the owner.  I really don't, even if Rafa has every right to do it.


Rafa could work with Ashley quite happily if he was cut from the same cloth as Pardew in terms of not giving a fuck about our club or our fans. It's not working because he is striving to improve not just the club but the way the club operates. I for one am truly glad that this is the case and am thankful that Rafa is trying to 'get our club back' as it were. But it comes across as if you might be happier if Pardew was back pretending everythings great and patronising the fanbase by coming out with gulf such as "we can't compete with (insert any club here)..

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Ashley doesn't care if we get relegated. It may well cost the club money but as long as we come back up he doesn't care. There is no ambition. If he cared we wouldn't be arseing around with recruitments at this late stage. We wouldn't be jeopordising league status by insisting the dead wood goes first, or insisting our player valuation is correct with no ifs, buts or maybes.


Expecting Rafa to abandon his ambitions is ludicrous. Ambition is not the same as expectation. We don't demand a team that wins we expect a club that tries.

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So what are you asking Ashley to do now? give a free check book to Rafa? Sell the club for nothing to a sugar daddy?  I am not defending the fat c*** but sometimes your "requirement" are just unrealistic.  Basically you are asking Ashley to give out his own money for Rafa to play and for your entertainment.  And within the whole process he gets nothing but potential huge loss if we relegate.  Tell me why would he do so?  Ambition? Ambition for what? Oh yeah I am the owner of a top 6 finish club, and the cost is 100m or even more?  What's the point?


I am very very puzzled.  You can blame Ashley for lots of poor decisions but to blame him for not being a sugar daddy and give out money like donation is ridiculous.  He DID give the money within the club to Rafa to spend, as I stated before, and it is the future income that has not been received that is in question.  So all additional money would come from Ashley pocket, and why would he do so? You keep on saying he should give out in order to be ambitious or to try, but what's the benefit for Ashley? Some suggest he can take it back later and it's just a kind of investment - ok I can't imagine what's the reaction here if his loan to the club is reduced later.  FYI his loan to the club, which is interest free, just keep on increasing since the takeover.


Be realistic, please.

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