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The other games today 2016/17


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That penalty for Burnley may have been one of the worst decisions I've ever seen.


I've only just seen this. Hope Anthony Taylor and that lino get demoted to League One for the rest of the season.

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Was reading on another forum that if in a hypothetical situation if Real Madrid offered Gareth Bale in a straight swap for Harry Kane that most Spurs fans would keep Kane because of how terrible they are at buying strikers and how good Kane is in their system

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Was reading on another forum that if in a hypothetical situation if Real Madrid offered Gareth Bale in a straight swap for Harry Kane that most Spurs fans would keep Kane because of how terrible they are at buying strikers and how good Kane is in their system

That's a no brainier to me, you would get more out of Kane, he is younger plus he doesn't rely on his athleticism/physique like Bale does. Age/Injuries will reduce the effectiveness of Bale.

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