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The other games today 2016/17


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Guest firetotheworks

A Leicester fan I know at there match tonight said their fans are fuming.

Tell him from me that they're all fucking idiots if that's true.

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A Leicester fan I know at there match tonight said their fans are fuming.

Tell him from me that they're all f***ing idiots if that's true.


A lot of them calling for Ranieri to leave on phone-ins like :lol: Mental.


Leicester are currently performing where they should be in the league. Their squad is full of lower PL and upper Championship players that massively over-performed last season beyond anyone's wildest possible thoughts. There was a good reason they were 5,000-1 to win the league and players don't turn into world beaters overnight.


Kante, Mahrez, Schmeichel and Fuchs are their outstanding players, the rest are in the lower PL/Championship bracket. Kante has obviously left now and Schmeichel has been injured a majority of this season.


Europe has been a bit of a false sense of security because they've played some incredibly poor teams in that group.


Their success last season was phenomenal but they cant possible shout and scream when everything goes back to reality. They could have and should have recruited better this summer mind.

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Indeed Leicester did get as complacent in the summer window as we did back in summer 2012 after finishing 5th.


And now they're getting their comeuppance as we did. A relegation battle is on the horizon. If they're lucky they'll have a boring mid table season but not looking that way at the moment.


They'll probably use the 'Europe distracted us' excuse that was used by our club for a shit season when we got to the Europa last 8 too.


What a shame for them. They were in a brilliant position to push on and make and continue to make a name for themselves but they've showed a massive lack of ambition it's clear that they're more than happy to take last season as a once off miracle and they've no ambition to push on and make themselves as big a club as they can. They're happy to carry on now being a quiet mid table club that's their ambition. They might think they've a chance to win the UCL and make history there? Premier League's big clubs having an off season is one thing, Europe's is another. And never does every big club in Europe have an off season. They've got no chance and I expect them to be out the next round.

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They made a mess of the transfer window and Ranieri has failed to readjust this season. Losing Kante, they lost all the protection for their two limited and aging CBs. Because Huth and Morgan were such a key part of them winning last year, they've showed too much loyalty to them, and without Kante there they've been massively exposed in that 4-4-2. Kante made that system work, without him its a mess.


Spending £50 million on Slimani and Musa might have made sense - strengthen and upgrade on the likes of Albrighton, Okazaki, Ulloa - but it all looks futile when what made them successful has gone. Without the system working, confidence has suffered, they players are losing a bit of faith in Ranieri and he's failing to change the system for the new reality.

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What a shame for them. They were in a brilliant position to push on and make and continue to make a name for themselves but they've showed a massive lack of ambition it's clear that they're more than happy to take last season as a once off miracle and they've no ambition to push on and make themselves as big a club as they can.


It's completely incomparable to us. We spent £6 million on Vurnon Anita that summer, essentially a break even since we got some chump change for Best and Forster. They've spent £60 million on Slimani, Musa, Kaputska, Mendy. They agreed a £38 million deal with Adrien Silva at the end of the window before it fell through.


The problem wasn't a lack of ambition. It was just bad decision making.

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What a shame for them. They were in a brilliant position to push on and make and continue to make a name for themselves but they've showed a massive lack of ambition it's clear that they're more than happy to take last season as a once off miracle and they've no ambition to push on and make themselves as big a club as they can.


It's completely incomparable to us. We spent £6 million on Vurnon Anita that summer, essentially a break even since we got some chump change for Best and Forster. They've spent £60 million on Slimani, Musa, Kaputska, Mendy. They agreed a £38 million deal with Adrien Silva at the end of the window before it fell through.


The problem wasn't a lack of ambition. It was just bad decision making.


Not all that comparable to us maybe not, but I would personally class selling your best player, the one who made the biggest difference of all, as showing a lack of ambition. We showed our lack of ambition by spending f*** all, they showed it by selling their best player to Chelsea, a potential rival for them if they really had big ambitions. In my opinion no club who wants to stay at the top gives away their best player for just 30m these days. That's the same price as Sissoko ffs.

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Leicester are underachieving. No excuses should be made for Raineri on that front. They are a better side than Boro or Sunderland without question and have been easily outperformed by both in the last two weeks. The loss of Kante has only been exacerbated by the bizarre commitment to 4-4-2, when the personnel just no longer fits given injuries. Whenever I have seen them, teams run rampant over the likes of Andy King. They are meant to be bringing over Ndidi in January and maybe he can approximate Kante, at least in terms of energy and athleticism, though obviously not ability.


A decline is acceptable, but a relegation is not by any means, imo. Raineri has essentially lost one player from last season and seen serious investment.

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I would add that it's just not the sale of their best player that has me concerned about Leicester ambitions (not that I really give any hint of a fuck about the club).


But their manager is even coming out and saying their target is 40 points and to do well in the champions league. He has said himself they'll be happy to just stay up this season and have a good run in Europe. So back to being a shitty mid table team once the UCL is over essentially. Great ambition Leicester, great ambition.

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What a shame for them. They were in a brilliant position to push on and make and continue to make a name for themselves but they've showed a massive lack of ambition it's clear that they're more than happy to take last season as a once off miracle and they've no ambition to push on and make themselves as big a club as they can.


It's completely incomparable to us. We spent £6 million on Vurnon Anita that summer, essentially a break even since we got some chump change for Best and Forster. They've spent £60 million on Slimani, Musa, Kaputska, Mendy. They agreed a £38 million deal with Adrien Silva at the end of the window before it fell through.


The problem wasn't a lack of ambition. It was just bad decision making.


Not all that comparable to us maybe not, but I would personally class selling your best player, the one who made the biggest difference of all, as showing a lack of ambition. We showed our lack of ambition by spending f*** all, they showed it by selling their best player to Chelsea, a potential rival for them if they really had big ambitions. In my opinion no club who wants to stay at the top gives away their best player for just 30m these days. That's the same price as Sissoko ffs.


Wasn't selling Kante because of a release clause so they had no option if he wanted to move?

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Guest firetotheworks

I'm sorry like but Leicester won the fucking league. :lol: There was no complacency, they could have signed everyone that they had the possibility of buying and they wouldn't have repeated the same feat or got anywhere near it this season. They're on a ride that they need to learn to enjoy because it's not happening again.

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Fair enough take back what I say about Kante then as I obviously wasn't aware of that fact. I was wrong it wasn't complacency.


But I am still 100% slating them for their lack of ambition by the fact they've come out and basically admitted they're happy to just have a decent UCL campaign and then go back to being a boring mid table side. At least try and push on and be better than you were before the miracle. Even if it means aiming for top 10 or Europa. Not just 40 points.


Edit: In fact yeah I got my initial analysis horribly wrong. Better now though thanks to the good folk here enlightening me and calling me out when I was wrong. Still don't approve of the whole 'we only want 40 points' thing though.

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I'm sorry like but Leicester won the f***ing league. :lol: There was no complacency, they could have signed everyone that they had the possibility of buying and they wouldn't have repeated the same feat or got anywhere near it this season. They're on a ride that they need to learn to enjoy because it's not happening again.



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Mendy's only played once in the Premier League. He's had family problems and injuries


There was a stat before the Sunderland game that Mahrez had only completed one pass to Vardy since the middle of September in the Premier League

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Mendy being absolute pants in comparison to Kante the root of it, then? Also can't understand why, with cash to do so, he didn't buy a proper foil for Vardy.


Mendy has been injured, barely played for them.

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I'm sorry like but Leicester won the f***ing league. :lol: There was no complacency, they could have signed everyone that they had the possibility of buying and they wouldn't have repeated the same feat or got anywhere near it this season. They're on a ride that they need to learn to enjoy because it's not happening again.


So much this :lol:. They did brilliantly, and everything that could have possibly gone their way went their way. It hasn't this year. Them's the breaks.

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