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Blackburn Rovers v Newcastle United - 02/01/17 @ 3PM (live on Sky Sports)


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Be a cracking away day this like. Shame its Monday though as back to work Tuesday, going to be a killer after a full day on the booze for this.


Blackburn have annpunced a fan zone outside the away end btw from 12.30-2.30 and they will be selling alcohol, so that should be alright.


Hard to call this one like, think it'll be a poor game and finish a draw

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Be a cracking away day this like. Shame its Monday though as back to work Tuesday, going to be a killer after a full day on the booze for this.


Blackburn have annpunced a fan zone outside the away end btw from 12.30-2.30 and they will be selling alcohol, so that should be alright.


Hard to call this one like, think it'll be a poor game and finish a draw


Sounds a good idea, shame im fucking driving my lads, at least they can enjoy the drink.buggar

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Anyone fancy watching this somewhere in town?

Probably going to watch this at the Fat Ox in Whitley Bay. It has recently been done out as a sports bar and I have been meaning to check it out. I have work in Whitley a couple of hours afterwards it as well otherwise I would have contemplated going to town to watch it.
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Can only see 2-1 to them. Fenton with both of theirs.


Crickey! Still remember that as if it were yesterday.

It was this game that really killed off our PL title challenge...he scored 2 goals in a couple of minutes very close to the end of the match. We had performed a similar suicide act at Anfield a few days earlier.


I too will never forget these games and the total feeling of disappointment after them. We had blown a 12 point lead since Feb

and this was just too much on top of that...to make it worse, Fenton disappeared from the scene after that - it was as if he was some agent of evil sent to kill our dreams and then withdrawn back over the River Styx...!

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If we manage to fuck this one up, I'd be gutted if I was in the away end mind. Hope Rafa learnt his lesson against these from the home match. Watching it on Sky won't be nice if we lose again.


Our record on Sky:


Fulham (a) Lost 1-2

Brighton (h) Won 2-0

Derby (a) Won 2-0

Villa (a) Draw 1-1

Leeds (a) Won 2-0

Forest (a) Lost 1-2

Wigan (a) Won 2-0

Wednesday (h) Lost 0-1




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If we manage to f*** this one up, I'd be gutted if I was in the away end mind. Hope Rafa learnt his lesson against these from the home match. Watching it on Sky won't be nice if we lose again.


Our record on Sky:


Fulham (a) Lost 1-2

Brighton (h) Won 2-0

Derby (a) Won 2-0

Villa (a) Draw 1-1

Leeds (a) Won 2-0

Forest (a) Lost 1-2

Wigan (a) Won 2-0

Wednesday (h) Lost 0-1





We lost 1-0 to Fulham.


Would be delighted with 3 points here, hope Diame and Atsu leave us with a good performance

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If we manage to f*** this one up, I'd be gutted if I was in the away end mind. Hope Rafa learnt his lesson against these from the home match. Watching it on Sky won't be nice if we lose again.


Our record on Sky:


Fulham (a) Lost 1-2

Brighton (h) Won 2-0

Derby (a) Won 2-0

Villa (a) Draw 1-1

Leeds (a) Won 2-0

Forest (a) Lost 1-2

Wigan (a) Won 2-0

Wednesday (h) Lost 0-1





We lost 1-0 to Fulham.


Would be delighted with 3 points here, hope Diame and Atsu leave us with a good performance

Aye..sorry about that. Don't know why I put it down as a 1-2 loss.

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Their fans are planning a protest march and a sit in for this. http://www.brfcc.com/mb/index.php/topic/31964-newcastle-march-on-ewood/page-1


As we have a couple of hours after the game until our train home, half tempted to join them with their sit-in protest.


Horrible way they are being run.


I doubt sky will show much as its straight to another match after our

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yedlin      lascelles    clark    dummet

            hayden      diame

      ritchie    perez          atsu


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Aye - the dumps are usualy where you have the best away days, give me a trip to Blackburn over Chelsea for example any day. Proper football


I hate London away games in general, think they're crap as there are so many pre-drinking venues so you there isn't a great pub beforehand and you never really seem to get great atmospheres in the grounds either.

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We're going to get absolutely rinsed by Newcastle. Last time, Coyle pulled off his one season high profile victory, much like what Kean did.


This time, he won't get lucky and I can see Newcastle just completely destroying us, live on sky as well.


Be amazed if we concede less than 3.


A post many of its kind from one of their forums. Don't think they're very confident. So 1-0 Blackburn.

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