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The other games today 2017/18


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Unsworth is becoming more Carver-like after every game.

This. And the way he goes on about wanting the job is so Carver-like.


Everton really need rid of him because he's just making the players worse. Clearly they don't want to play for him or don't think he's good enough. Either way, players' confidence is rock bottom right now.

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Guest Howaythetoon

I don’t get all the hate about Unsworth, yes he’s proving to be way out of his depth, but I’d rather encourage the likes of him than the old hat pack like Pardew et al.

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I don’t get all the hate about Unsworth, yes he’s proving to be way out of his depth, but I’d rather encourage the likes of him than the old hat pack like Pardew et al.


I agree to an extent, and I also don't think he's especially Carverlicious. It's just the painful narrative that surrounds his 'shot' at it which is so irritating and compels me to want him to fail.


So fucking irritated by the absolute guff surrounding British managers and their alleged lack of chances in the Premier League. It simply isn't true, and even if it was true - fantastic managers from abroad, usurping traditional British methods, is hardly a major issue. It certainly doesn't do any harm to the English national team; key players like Kane and Stirling do just fine under their foreign coaches, it's only when they get in a room with shite bastards like Hodgson and Southgate that they turn to shit.

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Guest Howaythetoon

I don’t get all the hate about Unsworth, yes he’s proving to be way out of his depth, but I’d rather encourage the likes of him than the old hat pack like Pardew et al.


I agree to an extent, and I also don't think he's especially Carverlicious. It's just the painful narrative that surrounds his 'shot' at it which is so irritating and compels me to want him to fail.


So f***ing irritated by the absolute guff surrounding British managers and their alleged lack of chances in the Premier League. It simply isn't true, and even if it was true - fantastic managers from abroad, usurping traditional British methods, is hardly a major issue. It certainly doesn't do any harm to the English national team; key players like Kane and Stirling do just fine under their foreign coaches, it's only when they get in a room with s**** b******s like Hodgson and Southgate that they turn to s***.


The media are to blame for the give it to him/a Brit narrative. They are desperate for someone to succeed so they can knock them down again when they fail. It’s the same narrative with players. It’s always been the case. They try it with foreign managers, but they usually have something to back it up with on their CV.


I hate the media in this country, especially the sporting media.


Mind it doesn’t help when they hire ex pros with average careers who keep banging the same drum about English managers, brits and proper players etc.


Looking at the current coaching level I regard Dyche, Howe and Hughton very highly. They are all doing outstanding jobs and are of a different breed to your Pardew, Moyes’, Allardyces’ etc. We just need one to kind of break the mould.


Back to Unsworth, it’s a shame how things have went for him, because again, I’d rather see someone like him cut it than the same old merry go round of the usual old hat managers get back on the gravy train.


It’s a tough environment the PL though, for everyone, Brit or foreign, young or old. You cannot have a bad run of form or a bad season these days even if you have shown you’re capable.


It has been like that for a while. When we finished 5th under Sir Bobby fans deemed it not good enough and so did the media and while there was some kind of merit in that if you looked and analysed performances and results, you need context to evaluate it all otherwise that’s when you start making critical mistakes.


It’s all about the right appointment though and that’s a very very tricky thing to get right even if you think you may have the right man.

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I feel slightly bad for wanting Unseh to fail, but I can't help it after watching chumps on Sky saying he's a better choice for Everton than Diego Simeone, I still haven't got over it. The problem is though those mental statements just get forgotten, there will be no follow-up where Geoff Shreeves turns to Chris Kirkland and says "So Chris, Unsy is a better choice than Simeone is he? You absolute mug, leave the studio!", as there should be.

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