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Tammy Abraham joins Swansea

Figures 1-0 Football

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Well if he's holding the transfer up and if that effects our transfer activity (holding off on other targets waiting for him) then we should definitely move on IMO.  If Benitez has offered him first team Football here and he still can't decide, then he's too big for his boots and should be told to fuck off.  But there are lots of ifs there.. so we really should just wait and see.

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Abraham is on England U21 duty at Euro U21, so doubt anything will be done until they are knocked out and return home.


Edit - He ignored Sky's questions about his future really. Smiled when asked if he knew what was happening with his future and said he'll focus on club football at the end of the tournament.

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"remain confident" added to list including "closing in", "lining up", "preparing" and many more catchy descriptors newspapers use when they haven't got a fucking clue and need to print shit.

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The Swedish CB's barely gave him a sniff. I wasn't impressed at all tbh (only one game though). Playing against that level he should dominate. Don't want the greedy cunt.

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Not sure I'd belive anything from the DM like. They did print that Solanke was demanding 50k a week at Chelsea a while back and had to issue an apology when that turned out to be BS.

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Pay it. If he's gonna score goals it's worth it. Unusual but worth it.


The kid must be on peanuts at Chelsea if he has to look for that, not gonna criticise him for looking after his family.

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