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Allan Saint-Maximin (now playing for Fenerbahce, on loan from Al-Ahli)


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Guest reefatoon

Where are people getting this no end product/lack of decision making stuff from? He’s played about 4 games and been instrumental. Bit early to make claims of no end product like, sounds like lazy rhetoric to me.


I'd imagine from his 'highlight videos' online, as most show no end product after his many runs and tricks.


Also, from his career statistics? They aren't that great in weaker leagues to be fair.


Hes 22 for fuck sake. Most attacking players dont hit their peak until 25 at the earliest.


What is with this fascination we have with trying to destroy players? ASM has transformed our attack with his pace, I dont need statistics to see that.


With his growing confidence and influence on our side, goals and assists will come, Almiron too.


Who would you rather in your side, someone like Richie who will definitely chip in with goals and assists but who will also slow the pace of our attacks right down.


I'd rather take a chance with these two young lads, who might, not guaranteed but might, turn into top class players very soon.


It's a no brainer in my eyes. On the other hand, Joelinton needs monitored closely, as we cant have a centre forward going for a dozen games with one goal, even if he too is raw.


BTW, this post wasnt specifically aimed at Sean.  :lol:


The bit in bold seems an odd thing to say. I think everyone would prefer to have someone in the team that scores and creates, no matter who it is, to someone that runs with the ball but doesn't score or create. If he brings that to his game (I am sure he will), then all that running he does will be worth it, but without any goals and assists, the running is all pretty pointless if it doesn't bring anything to the play. Maybe put him on the bench and he can do some keepy ups in front of you to keep you entertained while we have someone on the pitch chipping in with goals and assists. Keep everyone happy then.


Very narrow view of looking at things. Almiron and Maximin might not have technically created or scored the goals, but they frightened the life out of West Ham's defence, and their running was pretty much instrumental in all the goals.


It was very narrow minded. Was just being an arse basically.

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Where are people getting this no end product/lack of decision making stuff from? He’s played about 4 games and been instrumental. Bit early to make claims of no end product like, sounds like lazy rhetoric to me.

I think often players who are thought of as having "no end product" are underrated. Even if they're making silly decisions at times they're generally creating more chances than others are, like ASM is



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This thread should just be a 27 page wank fest. The man is class.


i love watching him, is there anyone else in the league at the moment who can ghost past people through the middle of the pitch like he does?  that's what has surprised me the most about him, assumed he was going to be a straight up winger but what's setting him aside is that defenders can't send him inside as he's just tearing through them when they do it as easily as he can out wide


as others have said considering he's playing under steve fucking bruce and team that clearly has no attacking plan he's doing remarkably well imo

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This thread should just be a 27 page wank fest. The man is class.


i love watching him, is there anyone else in the league at the moment who can ghost past people through the middle of the pitch like he does?  that's what has surprised me the most about him, assumed he was going to be a straight up winger but what's setting him aside is that defenders can't send him inside as he's just tearing through them when they do it as easily as he can out wide


as others have said considering he's playing under steve fucking bruce and team that clearly has no attacking plan he's doing remarkably well imo


He makes me forget we have Steve Bruce. I don't think I'd even bother watching games this season if we didn't have him and Schar

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This thread should just be a 27 page wank fest. The man is class.


i love watching him, is there anyone else in the league at the moment who can ghost past people through the middle of the pitch like he does?  that's what has surprised me the most about him, assumed he was going to be a straight up winger but what's setting him aside is that defenders can't send him inside as he's just tearing through them when they do it as easily as he can out wide


as others have said considering he's playing under steve fucking bruce and team that clearly has no attacking plan he's doing remarkably well imo


He makes me forget we have Steve Bruce. I don't think I'd even bother watching games this season if we didn't have him and Schar


agreed, this plus willing almiron to succeed because if anyone deserves to do so for attitude and workrate it's almiron

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He makes me forget we have Steve Bruce. I don't think I'd even bother watching games this season if we didn't have him and Schar

Chances are we won’t have either in February.

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Enjoy the good moments when they come. The main reason ASM and Almiron play for us is because they have glaring weaknesses to their game and no better club wanted to take a risk on them. Better clubs from all over Europe will have scouted them out and decided against them. It's not often nowadays that a club unearths a hidden gem, Kante springs to mind.


That said, he's pretty much my new favourite player, along with the Longstaffs for obvious nepotic reasons :)


I don't have a favourite player any more, the enthusiasm has been completely drained from me. But if I did, it would certainly be a player Rafa signed, not one Ashley/who knows signed.


So over the top man. My goodness :lol:

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Guest Howaythetoon

Sissoko if he was a winger...




Stick to long posts.


Haven’t seen him play in all honesty, just playing cliche bingo in the hope I can quote myself in a few years to say ‘Told You So’


My mate has seen every game this season and he’s usually a good judge of a player and says he’s the kind of dynamic/difference of a player Robert/Bellamy was under Sir Bobby to an average team, only he’s managed by Bruce and we don’t have a Shearer up front. I guess we do have Carroll I suppose..


Oh :lol:

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Guest reefatoon

Bellamy is a good shout. I remember when he first signed he missed some right sitters where he was one one one. He turned out canny though, so hopefully the same happens.

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Cannot remember a thing about Cabella. Peak Pardew/Carver malaise, I barely watched any games. What was wrong with him? Weak or just shit?


Apparently he won player of the month for us in Jan 2014 :lol:

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