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Mike Ashley

Doctor Zaius

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Every word I have said there is true I just can’t believe people falling for this all over again and will rush back to line ashleys pockets first chance they get and in turn keep this never ending nightmare rolling on it’s insanity at this point! As has been said above he’s ruined the club and it’s the city next it’s personal for him he hates us. Like Sims says he would be 6 foot under if he pulled these stunts at certain clubs abroad and even the likes of West Ham would have had him ousted by now. We are soft as muck!




Nobody is falling for anything man, what you on about? :lol:


He’s a f***ing nutter.


New forum should see the end of c***s like this, thankfully.


Ah so I’m a c*** now for been angry at the state of this club and for people still going to give Ashley money. I tell you one thing if everyone had my hatred for Ashley and my mentality of he’s not getting a penny off me then he might have fucked off long before now

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Every word I have said there is true I just can’t believe people falling for this all over again and will rush back to line ashleys pockets first chance they get and in turn keep this never ending nightmare rolling on it’s insanity at this point! As has been said above he’s ruined the club and it’s the city next it’s personal for him he hates us. Like Sims says he would be 6 foot under if he pulled these stunts at certain clubs abroad and even the likes of West Ham would have had him ousted by now. We are soft as muck!




Nobody is falling for anything man, what you on about? :lol:


He’s a f***ing nutter.


New forum should see the end of c***s like this, thankfully.


Ah so I’m a c*** now for been angry at the state of this club and for people still going to give Ashley money


Nah, you’ve been a cunt for years pal. Absolute weapon of the highest order.

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Aye doesn’t want to part with a few million pay off for the manager. Irrespective of his stupid fucking managing director paying to hire him and when he’s not doing his job allowing for him to get a pay off. But hey let’s gamble over 100m on the value of the asset and maybe destroy the sale.


Ruined our club.

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Every word I have said there is true I just can’t believe people falling for this all over again and will rush back to line ashleys pockets first chance they get and in turn keep this never ending nightmare rolling on it’s insanity at this point! As has been said above he’s ruined the club and it’s the city next it’s personal for him he hates us. Like Sims says he would be 6 foot under if he pulled these stunts at certain clubs abroad and even the likes of West Ham would have had him ousted by now. We are soft as muck!




Nobody is falling for anything man, what you on about? :lol:


Don't engage, you're giving him the attention he wants.


Who wants attention ffs!? I’m letting off steam about the utter s*** state our club is in and making valid points


I think I’ve found your problem, tubes... You’re not :lol:

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Aye doesn’t want to part with a few million pay off for the manager. Irrespective of his stupid f***ing managing director paying to hire him and when he’s not doing his job allowing for him to get a pay off. But hey let’s gamble over 100m on the value of the asset and maybe destroy the sale.


Ruined our club.


It’s finally reached “now or never”. I’m not expecting anything to happen, but if there was ever a time...

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Aye doesn’t want to part with a few million pay off for the manager. Irrespective of his stupid f***ing managing director paying to hire him and when he’s not doing his job allowing for him to get a pay off. But hey let’s gamble over 100m on the value of the asset and maybe destroy the sale.


Ruined our club.


It’s finally reached “now or never”. I’m not expecting anything to happen, but if there was ever a time...


You can absolutely guarantee they’ve not sounded any replacements out if it does happen. Will be a standing start, if that.

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Aye doesn’t want to part with a few million pay off for the manager. Irrespective of his stupid f***ing managing director paying to hire him and when he’s not doing his job allowing for him to get a pay off. But hey let’s gamble over 100m on the value of the asset and maybe destroy the sale.


Ruined our club.


It’s finally reached “now or never”. I’m not expecting anything to happen, but if there was ever a time...


You can absolutely guarantee they’ve not sounded any replacements out if it does happen. Will be a standing start, if that.


The replacement is already here.

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Every word I have said there is true I just can’t believe people falling for this all over again and will rush back to line ashleys pockets first chance they get and in turn keep this never ending nightmare rolling on it’s insanity at this point! As has been said above he’s ruined the club and it’s the city next it’s personal for him he hates us. Like Sims says he would be 6 foot under if he pulled these stunts at certain clubs abroad and even the likes of West Ham would have had him ousted by now. We are soft as muck!




Nobody is falling for anything man, what you on about? :lol:


He’s a f***ing nutter.


New forum should see the end of c***s like this, thankfully.


Ah so I’m a c*** now for been angry at the state of this club and for people still going to give Ashley money


Nah, you’ve been a cunt for years pal. Absolute weapon of the highest order.


:lol: Another tubes meltdown. Who had March 20th?

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Aye doesn’t want to part with a few million pay off for the manager. Irrespective of his stupid f***ing managing director paying to hire him and when he’s not doing his job allowing for him to get a pay off. But hey let’s gamble over 100m on the value of the asset and maybe destroy the sale.


Ruined our club.


It’s finally reached “now or never”. I’m not expecting anything to happen, but if there was ever a time...


You can absolutely guarantee they’ve not sounded any replacements out if it does happen. Will be a standing start, if that.


The replacement is already here.



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Every word I have said there is true I just can’t believe people falling for this all over again and will rush back to line ashleys pockets first chance they get and in turn keep this never ending nightmare rolling on it’s insanity at this point! As has been said above he’s ruined the club and it’s the city next it’s personal for him he hates us. Like Sims says he would be 6 foot under if he pulled these stunts at certain clubs abroad and even the likes of West Ham would have had him ousted by now. We are soft as muck!




Nobody is falling for anything man, what you on about? :lol:


He’s a f***ing nutter.


New forum should see the end of c***s like this, thankfully.


Ah so I’m a c*** now for been angry at the state of this club and for people still going to give Ashley money


Nah, you’ve been a c*** for years pal. Absolute weapon of the highest order.


:lol: Another tubes meltdown. Who had March 20th?


He’s in the Bruce thread having an identical meltdown. :lol:


Shouting the same ramblings of nonsense to two different groups who all have ear muffs on.

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If Bruce stays I think it's probably because Charnley and Ashley don't believe/aren't aware of just how negative an impact he's having. And given how unappealing the position would be for any would-be manager with certified competence/ambition, replacing Bruce would be an incredibly difficult job for this sorry crew. So they'll stick with him because, from their point of view, this manager is better than no manager. I'm not saying that's the right approach;  ejecting him and the Steves into the sun is one of the least controversial things they could do at this point, even if it meant Henri Saivet was picking the team. But they'll really think keeping Bruce is the most pragmatic/least risky decision. Mental.


Of all the terrible times we've endured in the Ashley era, it really feels like we're in uncharted territory here. There's always been strong themes of negligence and incompetence, and obviously we've suffered through the sub-plot of trying to manufacture mediocrity. But I genuinely don't think we've seen us approach peril quite like this before. We're in the middle of this latest hurricane but this time we can't even be bothered to feebly board up the windows. We're literally just crossing fingers that our house made of matchsticks and sellotape holds together.

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First relegation there was the Shearer throw of the dice. Club legend trying to keep us up. Second time we had a world class manager in place but about 3-4 games too late.


This time we’ll end up with Jones. If we’d sacked Bruce about 6 weeks ago there might have been just enough of a bounce from Jones to maybe nick a couple of wins against the likes of Wolves & Villa. Think he’ll be too much a part of the furniture now for any sort of meaningful change under him. This is the worst it’s been under Ashley for me.

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Fuck Bruce and all the coaching staff including Jones off. Bring someone who will just maybe play players in their correct positions and might actually start a striker in the XIs we play?


Someone who won't pick Shelvey constantly because you have a joke about at training and he says nice things about you whilst being totally fucking cancerous on the pitch. Who won't play probably our best currently fit footballer in Joe Willock in a role the lad has never played before, keep persisting with the biggest waste of space at the club in Joelinton, keep playing Hendrick after he should've been launched after that Southampton red card. Do that and we just might have a chance.

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In this flat out retarded no striker formation, aye. Those 2 are largely useless granted but I'd rather see one of them play through the middle as a striker rather than this mental, split striker bullshit. We've never looked like threatening the opposition goal in the last few games. Lascelles is the scorer of our last 2 goals. :lol:

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Aye it really does seem at this point that we need orthodox wingers and orthodox striker/s. Mad that Murphy didn't get a start after the difference he made last week. Arguably Carroll as well tbh. I know he's a walking injury but if he was fit enough to start games like the Arsenal cup one then surely he'd be fit enough to start games like tonight?

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Carroll can barely move now like but I remember v Villa we put loads of crosses in without any strikers on the pitch. Carroll, someone who is known for despite not being great at scoring headers only came on after we went 0-1 down.


Not advocating Carroll starting games for NUFC in 2021 but this formation just doesn't work. Worked v Everton and for 45 minutes v Southampton. Whoopee.

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I'm sorry like, but the squad Bruce was presented with on the first day of training this season was more than capable of pushing for a top ten spot, Ashleys failing this year was keeping Charnley and Bruce as the decision makers, the playing squad is totally acceptable

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I'm sorry like, but the squad Bruce was presented with on the first day of training this season was more than capable of pushing for a top ten spot, Ashleys failing this year was keeping Charnley and Bruce as the decision makers, the playing squad is totally acceptable


Agreed. Dunno about a top 10 side but it shouldn't be anywhere near a relegation battle.

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