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3 minutes ago, wfmk2 said:

I've also been to KSA many times. Was there in November for the first time in 5 years. Visited Jeddah, Dammam and Riyadh on a three week business trip. It's very different these days. Live music, unveiled women smoking in Costa, women driving, businesses not closing at prayer times. Even managed to get a drink at a customer's dinner party. Everyone over there appears to be much happier these days. Crazily enough, Riyadh is actually now the most liberal of the three main cities. 


Not much support for Newcastle on the ground yet, but did managed to catch the Arsenal game at a cafe with Saudi Gazza :lol: He's a very decent bloke. 

And how was Kate Stewart?

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3 minutes ago, MarkyMark said:

Yep, one of my mates worked there a few times and that’s exactly what he said - the embassy was the only place which stocked alcohol, but it was illegal to have any in your system once you left.  He went once, and the taxi ride home was apparently stressful, worrying in case the driver drops him off at the religious police … better to hop across to Bahrain or UAE once a month …


He was very, very well paid on his stays over there (around two years in total) - but I wouldn’t want to set foot there, never mind work.  The stories from him and others I know paint a picture of exactly what I imagined living in an atavistic and brutal dictatorship would be like.


Despite how it still is, it's a lot better now than when I first went in 2013. Think I've posted about it before but they are modernising at quite a pace. The problem is, all the old people (who are generally in senior positions in companies and society) are very resistant to the change. And I get that because they've already seen such massive change in their life times.


There's even rumours that booze WILL be allowed soon in tourist areas as part of Vision 2030. But that's yet to happen.


I don't mind the lack of booze for a few weeks. I drink enough here, I see Saudi like my trip to the Betty Ford clinic. :lol:

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1 minute ago, Chris_R said:


Despite how it still is, it's a lot better now than when I first went in 2013. Think I've posted about it before but they are modernising at quite a pace. The problem is, all the old people (who are generally in senior positions in companies and society) are very resistant to the change. And I get that because they've already seen such massive change in their life times.


There's even rumours that booze WILL be allowed soon in tourist areas as part of Vision 2030. But that's yet to happen.


I don't mind the lack of booze for a few weeks. I drink enough here, I see Saudi like my trip to the Betty Ford clinic. :lol:

Haha yeah, my mate lost a few stone without all those empty calories every weekend

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2 hours ago, Chris_R said:


Well, obviously they're at a slightly higher level than me that goes without saying but I normally work for the Royal Saudi Airforce when I go out there (I had to get subcontracted through BAE for complicated reasons) and I count a few Saudi majors and colonels as friends for many years and have been lucky enough to go to their houses, and I had absolutely no chance of getting a sniff of anything. From everything I know and from how the Saudis are about alcohol, there's zero chance. None. Not only can you not get it because it's just not available in any shop whatsoever to anyone at all, but you dare not even ASK anyone about it because it's so totalitarian over there that you fear they might just march you off somewhere.


Alcohol is against their Muslim beliefs, and they take those incredibly seriously. They hand out leaflets on the plane on the way over there with big banners on saying "DEATH TO DRUG SMUGGLERS" telling you exactly what will happen if you bring in the wrong stuff, and even though I don't even take paracetamol over with me and touch nothing harder than alcohol these days, I still have that moment of panic where I wonder if I accidentally packed a few kilos of coke. :lol:


First time I went over I had to sign a form saying I wouldn't even JUGGLE. I shit you not.


Don't equate Saudi to more relaxed Muslim countries like the UAE (which I've also been to loads) where you can get alcohol as long as you're not Muslim. It's not like that at all. Maybe they do find a way to get some, but because you cannot trust anyone around you and because you are in such an alien environment and know how illegal it is, you'd be fucking stupid to try.

I hope Shelvey and Hendrick try and get a hold of some.

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4 hours ago, Chris_R said:



First time I went over I had to sign a form saying I wouldn't even JUGGLE. I shit you not.


Just googled this and can't find anything? Find out the reason.

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58 minutes ago, Slim said:

Just googled this and can't find anything? Find out the reason.




Managed to dig it out from my emails, it's from back in 2013 and looking at section XII I think it's actually a BAE form rather than a Saudi one - though it doesn't explicitly say, it was just in a load of attachments I received and was asked to fill in and return.


Still, even if it is a BAE form, the contents will just be to protect the visitors against falling foul of any Saudi laws.

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49 minutes ago, Chris_R said:




Managed to dig it out from my emails, it's from back in 2013 and looking at section XII I think it's actually a BAE form rather than a Saudi one - though it doesn't explicitly say, it was just in a load of attachments I received and was asked to fill in and return.


Still, even if it is a BAE form, the contents will just be to protect the visitors against falling foul of any Saudi laws.

Disappointing seeing your user name on here isn't just to celebrate one of the best characters in movie history :undecided:

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It was in Jeddah in around 2009 that I got the most pissed ever on a work trip. In my hotel room chilling when there was a knock on the door and a Saudi guy who I'd meet over there on business asked me to come out with him for the night. Went to his place and got absolutely wrecked drinking whiskey. He then wanted to go on to a place with Lebanese prostitutes but by that time I'd already been sick in his apartment. 


Got back to the Marriott pissed out my head talking/shouting very loudly to all the hotel staff. Next day on the way to the meeting I had to ask my driver to pull over to be sick on the motorway too. All of that day, the Saudi's kept asking if I'd been out with naughty people?


To top it all off, the Saudi guy again knocked on my door that day to give me flowers as he felt bad!


All in all, a good trip! Fond memories of the place apart from my last visit as that was the January where we sold Andy Carroll.

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3 hours ago, Billy Pilgrim said:

If I ever go to Saudi Arabia I am totally practicing some magic 

Probably don’t do that in an Islamic State ?


Things across the whole of this area of the ME are easing. Ramadan was very different last year and I imagine it will be much the same this time around.

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Chelsea will also be there around that time and will play Saudi Champions Al-Hilal and Real Madrid, Barcelona, Atletico Madrid and Athletic Bilbao are all currently there for the Spanish Super Cup but watch how the media will handle this when its us, i doubt even many of the locals will give a shit about Matt Ritchie and co. Being in town :lol:

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Odd the Spanish Super Cup is being hosted in Riyadh. It’s worth 320 million euros in hosting rights to the Spanish federation apparently, who are more than happy to take the money with not a word being said about them having blood on their hands etc etc.

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I worked in Saudi for a while back in 2003/4 and remember after I landed in Bahrain and was driven across the causeway, the Saudi Immigration guys searched my luggage and hand luggage.


I'd bought a few magazines for the flight (GQ that sort of thing) and the fuckers ripped out every page showing females [emoji38].


So, like a fucking Chanel advert with Kylie Minogue or some fucker, spraying perfume; Ripped Ooooot.


The magazine I got back had about four pages hastily held together by what I can only imagine was some Saudi Customs Agents spunk.

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2 minutes ago, Minhosa said:

I worked in Saudi for a while back in 2003/4 and remember after I landed in Bahrain and was driven across the causeway, the Saudi Immigration guys searched my luggage and hand luggage.


I'd bought a few magazines for the flight (GQ that sort of thing) and the fuckers ripped out every page showing females [emoji38].


So, like a fucking Chanel advert with Kylie Minogue or some fucker, spraying perfume; Ripped Ooooot.


The magazine I got back had about four pages hastily held together by what I can only imagine was some Saudi Customs Agents spunk.

Four pages? Maybe they have a point.

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17 hours ago, wfmk2 said:

I've also been to KSA many times. Was there in November for the first time in 5 years. Visited Jeddah, Dammam and Riyadh on a three week business trip. It's very different these days. Live music, unveiled women smoking in Costa, women driving, businesses not closing at prayer times. Even managed to get a drink at a customer's dinner party. Everyone over there appears to be much happier these days. Crazily enough, Riyadh is actually now the most liberal of the three main cities. 


Not much support for Newcastle on the ground yet, but did managed to catch the Arsenal game at a cafe with Saudi Gazza :lol: He's a very decent bloke. 

Yeah, things are really improving at a rapid rate here. Would still say Jeddah (my hometown) is still the most liberal city in KSA though.

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3 minutes ago, Minhosa said:

Nah, not Saudi I wouldn't have thought?

That’s what he told me, he said everywhere was double strict, but certain hotels that were not state owned basically allowed drinking in their rooms in private, not sure if they sold it themselves mind, I’ve not seen him in a while, he’s currently working in Dhaka.



Edited by HTT II

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5 hours ago, NUFC_Chris said:

Odd the Spanish Super Cup is being hosted in Riyadh. It’s worth 320 million euros in hosting rights to the Spanish federation apparently, who are more than happy to take the money with not a word being said about them having blood on their hands etc etc.


Had on, they paid an equivalent amount to host the Spanish Community Shield to what they did to buy us? :lol: 

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