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I think it was fucking class tbh.


I kna just the reaction I'm gonna get to this comment but it is day and night from Mike Ashley's Newcastle custodianship. Look at the buzz they're creating around the club man and the city.


We need to ditch the cynicism and really rally behind it. If this city truly unites it is unstoppable.



Edited by Heron

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I was there in person and the stadium announcer made it worse by building up so much, saying youve never seen anything like this, youll be amazed etc. I thought there was going to be some mental drone display or something. Then there's really naff early noughties video game graphic crowd is projected on the Baltic :lol: It did then look cool when it was real footage and images I thought - I did enjoy that a lot - especially Shearer, Tino and that up there. I gather there was stuff on the river but doubt many there could see that, so maybe it looked much better on telly/stream.


Seemed like there was loads there, nice atmosphere about.



Edited by Superior Acuña

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