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Eddie Howe


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3 minutes ago, PauloGeordio said:


“Of course I’ve spoken to PIF and will continue to speak to them. The relationship is good,” Howe said when asked about our majority owners.

“Since they’ve been here and I want to make this clear, they’ve done some amazing things for the football club and I think they are absolutely going to do some amazing things for the football club in the future. Everyone should be very excited about what is ahead for Newcastle.”


All aboard :indi:


Recent quotes?

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8 minutes ago, PauloGeordio said:


“Of course I’ve spoken to PIF and will continue to speak to them. The relationship is good,” Howe said when asked about our majority owners.

“Since they’ve been here and I want to make this clear, they’ve done some amazing things for the football club and I think they are absolutely going to do some amazing things for the football club in the future. Everyone should be very excited about what is ahead for Newcastle.”


All aboard :indi:

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5 minutes ago, The College Dropout said:

Members of NO didn’t buy him for £45m. Nor did they bring him off the bench or start him at LW in those first 6 months. Or at any other time.  


Mate. At Everton he played 9 times at RW and 6 times at LW, the other appearances were central. He played 7 times at LW and 8 times at RW after signing for NUFC in 22/23. He played against us while at Everton at RW. Most people assumed he's versatile but would probably play RW in place of Almiron as soon we signed Barnes. Barnes was not up to speed with Eddie tactics and fitness; Gordon was. Gordon was shit hot to start last season and Barnes never really took off. Barnes then got hurt very early in the season and took ages to return. Meanwhile, everyone knows Howe takes time to trust certain players so persisted.

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2 hours ago, The College Dropout said:

Nah if we didn’t spend anything last summer we wouldn’t have needed to sell this summer. Or it would’ve been minimal.  Obviously we needed to build the squad. 

We’ve sold Anderson and Minteh for 1 season of those players. Harvey Barnes and Tonali will cost another 30m this season. Hopefully we don’t need to do dodgy deals next summer to cover it.  


If we want to sign what we want this summer, this is going to happen, though? Unless we hit lucky this summer and get something like £50m for Trippier, Miggy and Wilson for example, there's going to either be the same next June, or a heavy hitter leaving. 

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1 hour ago, The Prophet said:


Had a quick look in the thread from last summer. Can find hardly any comments suggesting he was a definite left winger, but plenty suggesting he could play a verity of positions.



Hadn't he already played half a season on the LW for us by the time we signed Barnes?



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32 minutes ago, TRon said:



Hadn't he already played half a season on the LW for us by the time we signed Barnes?




Read my post above, he technically played more at RW than LW, but it was basically 50/50. 

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1 minute ago, Kanji said:


Read my post above, he technically played more at RW than LW, but it was basically 50/50. 


No idea where the idea came from that he was solely a left winger.


He's always played all over the place.

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7 minutes ago, KaKa said:


No idea where the idea came from that he was solely a left winger.


He's always played all over the place.


Exactly, it just so happened that he never looked back once he took on Villa at home. 

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2 hours ago, The College Dropout said:

The others you named have all contributed significantly on the pitch. 

My overall point is we’ve paid a premium last summer for a number of players and nobody made a massive impact. The window and other decisions hasn’t been deemed a success and the club have pivoted strategy as a result. 

I don’t think we have room for substantial losses. Our squad cost has increased and it carries year on year.  Our revenues need to increase. And that includes selling more players.  

Right, but we're past talking about on pitch contributions. I don't especially disagree on that:


Tonali to date, objectively speaking, is one of the worst signings in footballing history.


Barnes we pretty much agree on.


Livramento, I think you could argue covered his own wages through the league positioning prize and such. If we hadn't had him our availability crisis would've been even worse, and morale lower.


Minteh never came on but paid for himself in spades.


We started off talking about there maybe being sense in trying to snatch perceived good deals to raise the future tradability of the squad even if they weren't the most highly required players. The irony is that the most highly priced, widely respected, conventionally necessary signing was the biggest let down by a distance - the one where we didn't think we were getting a distressed sale. Superficially, it's the kind of signing we'd now expect to make following the latest pivot towards team changing talents. This actually makes pursuing value deals more defensible.


Re: substantial losses, yes I'm aware. When I say we can make them, I don't mean we can just lay out £100m. But we can absorb the ongoing amortization - which is seeing us hemorrhage substantial amounts - and wages, and still invest. We're not requiring a profit this year, just a measured loss.


But yeah, no top 4 next year and there's a good chance lots of our toys will be taken to cash converters. But at least we'll actually have something to pawn.



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1 hour ago, Yorkie said:


Recent quotes?

No, unfortunately. Believe that's from the same interview where he was bigging up Mitchell and Bunce as top class, but just not necessarily right for him.

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