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Players should not be allowed to leave the house for anything other than traveling to and back from training, traveling to and back from match day, and traveling to and back from paying respect on Remembrance month.

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4 minutes ago, JEToon said:

Loads of players and athletes want to cut lose


So do I. I could crack open a beer right now but I'm aware that I'm working so shouldn't. It's not about what people want to do, but about always trying to make the best choices. We'll all sometimes fail and that's fine, but it's still a bad choice and that should be acknowledged.


6 minutes ago, JEToon said:

He was doing something he is perfectly entitled to do.


There's probably a lot of things he's signed and agreed to which would suggest that's not the case. All contracts now for loads of jobs will include terms about behaviour in public, what you can say online etc, I know mine does so I'd be astonished if his doesn't given his profile, salary etc. I cannot imagine that any professional footballer is "perfectly entitled" to get drunk to the point they're chucking up in toilets. Can you imagine if a football manager pulled a player aside to ask them about that and they said "well boss, I'm perfectly entitled to!".


10 minutes ago, JEToon said:

All this is just a bit weird to me in general though, seems some want to create a shtick and stink to have on a Newcastle player based on mostly gossip, very odd to me to want to do that 


I don't think most people are doing that. Most people are just debating generally whether getting smashed in public as a footballer is unprofessional or not. I think it is. You disagree. We have different expected standards of behaviour and that's fine, neither of us is wrong in our own personal expectations, but it's not about what we as individuals think. It's about the overall picture and about how it's likely to be perceived by the public as a whole, and about the impression it's likely to create.


That bar is lower for the overall picture than it is for us as individuals because although many might not care, others do. For example (random numbers time) it doesn't matter if 70% of the fanbase don't care about a certain action, because 30% thinking you're out of line is still something you should try to avoid and that needs recognising.


Anyway, speaking of unprofessional acts, I need to get back to work. :lol:

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Just now, Chris_R said:


There's probably a lot of things he's signed and agreed to which would suggest that's not the case.


I reckon players are allowed to go out in public which is all the image is, given how often players go out in public 

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7 minutes ago, Chris_R said:

Literally nobody is disputing they're allowed to go out in public, that's not what this discussion is about and its disingenuous to suggest otherwise.


You did, I have said he was doing something he was entitled to do, and made comment to the picture taken of him only you have then said "There's probably a lot of things he's signed and agreed to which would suggest that's not the case" so yeah you did 


The only actual evidence of him from the weekend is a picture some weirdo took, I would doubt he signed a thing which says he can't do that but you have patently decided he was hurling up in a bog and took it to be that he was doing that... when you have what evidence of that, oh aye, none 

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2 hours ago, Big Geordie said:

'If' his wife has denied him access to his kids, because of him arseing around - then it's understandable if he's going through a tough time. My daughter was weaponized against me, when I left my ex - indeed, she still is at 16.


It's really hard to go through, as a dad.


His kids have been at the games this season with her parents so don't think that's the case. 

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33 minutes ago, JEToon said:


You did, I have said he was doing something he was entitled to do, and made comment to the picture taken of him only you have then said "There's probably a lot of things he's signed and agreed to which would suggest that's not the case" so yeah you did 


The only actual evidence of him from the weekend is a picture some weirdo took, I would doubt he signed a thing which says he can't do that but you have patently decided he was hurling up in a bog and took it to be that he was doing that... when you have what evidence of that, oh aye, none 


That bolded bit is a load of bollocks like. All I've ever said is that it's unprofessional for any footballer to get drunk to the point they're chucking up in a toilet. That's my only argument. I have no idea what Trippier has or hasn't done, I don't even care. He gets a pass for me anyway even if he has (Again, I have no idea) because of all he's done in his time here and what's gone on in his personal life.


Again, for clarity, my only point is that footballers chucking up in toilets due to excess alcohol consumption is't professional. If it wasn't clear already that I was making that point and only that point, hopefully it is now.

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17 hours ago, Dokko said:

The dramatic decline of this lad in a year is book worthy (no doubt our own stagnation mirrors this) Ruined his life and his career, and about to lose half of his wealth and access to his kids. If he was a decade younger you could forgive him, not at his age and seniority. 


I always find it funny that in football we view 34 year old blokes as if they're 54. Aye he's old enough to know better, but I know plenty of people who have made questionable decisions and fucked their marriage up in their early 30s. I'd imagine 35-45 is the most common age range for divorce. 


Unfortunate that it has had such a large impact on his form though. 

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3 hours ago, Andy said:


I always find it funny that in football we view 34 year old blokes as if they're 54. Aye he's old enough to know better, but I know plenty of people who have made questionable decisions and fucked their marriage up in their early 30s. I'd imagine 35-45 is the most common age range for divorce. 


Unfortunate that it has had such a large impact on his form though. 

This 👆 You definitely don’t want to go drinking with any Armed Forces lot, if you consider spewing mid night out is horrifically unprofessional and shocking. I was still doing that way beyond the age of 34. Might've been dared to drink someone else's for a shiny liney pound too 

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3 hours ago, Andy said:


I always find it funny that in football we view 34 year old blokes as if they're 54. Aye he's old enough to know better, but I know plenty of people who have made questionable decisions and fucked their marriage up in their early 30s. I'd imagine 35-45 is the most common age range for divorce. 


Unfortunate that it has had such a large impact on his form though. 

I’m 55 going on 56 and I enjoy few things more than drinking myself into a shocking condition. 

piss poor to see so many judgemental holier than thou comments assuming that professional athletes are not humans and subject to the same frailties as the rest of us. You all know fuck all about his circumstances other than the speculation you choose to dream

up. Clearly all the moralisers here shit candy floss, take cold baths and read the King James Bible daily.  
bollocks man. 

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9 hours ago, Theregulars said:

Just the usual virtue signalling that comes along with a scandal-obsessed and privacy-invasive media and society. So weird and pointless to turn on your own players for doing things that we literally all do. “Oh, he’s a footballer and he must therefore always set a pristine example!” Should he fuck. If he wants to get pissed while injured then he can do so, he’s a grown ass man.

Agreed with everything here and then you had to end it with "grown ass man" 😬🤢😆

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To be fair, looks like he's acknowledged that he was going out too much when he was at Burnley "I was still going out when I was younger – drinking – and I wasn't looking after myself properly. He (Dyche) came in and sorted it all out. My career has totally changed. Burnley helped me get to where I am and I'll never forget that."

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6 hours ago, Andy said:


I always find it funny that in football we view 34 year old blokes as if they're 54. Aye he's old enough to know better, but I know plenty of people who have made questionable decisions and fucked their marriage up in their early 30s. I'd imagine 35-45 is the most common age range for divorce. 


Unfortunate that it has had such a large impact on his form though. 


A fair response to an admittedly emotionally charged post (can't even blame the drink, just in a shitty mood yesterday)


I'm just disappointed tbh. In him, for us and for his family. All deserve better and he's really fucked it here. Worst of all, the last time wasn't the first, so no lessons learned (then yet again he's in and out of bars, pissed chatting lasses up) and he's getting everything that's coming to him, just a real shame everyone else suffers. This is why it's different from a normal 34 year old bloke. Yes his family suffer, but not 10,000's of people, isn't worth tens of millions to a company being paid millions a year, and therefore held to higher standard and accountability (should a 21 year old lad be held as a role model debate is for another time, but there we are, that's footballers and the world) imho. You just can't relate the two whether you want to or not. 

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9 hours ago, Tross said:

I hope some of you aren't gaffers at work like, be a fucking misery to work for some of you lot.



Are you a professional athlete?


Obviously we don't know all the facts of what has happened but getting mortal in public mid-season is very unprofessional. It will take a surprisingly long time for an athlete's body to fully recover from it. In the age of advanced sports science and social media it's just something you don't do anymore as a professional athlete. Tough times etc. but it's disappointing from a senior player seen as a leader.



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For me the thing that I care about when I say unproffesional is the main reason why most top footballer don't get drunk like ever, and that's what it does to your body. I didn't think comparing forum users to professional top level footballers was seen as a sensible thing to do in here (I've seen that be ridiculed several times before, rightly so), but it almost seems like some drastically change their opinion of these types of arguments based on what the argument supports. We often talk about the margins. Small things matters a lot on the top level of football. You don't need to be a virtue signaling moralist to acknowledge that.


Again I'll repeat that I don't know what happened, and if this happened, I fully understand that the bigger picture needs to be taken into consideration in this case (his struggles etc).



Edited by Erikse

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1 hour ago, Erikse said:

For me the thing that I care about when I say unproffesional is the main reason why most top footballer don't get drunk like ever, and that's what it does to your body. I didn't think comparing forum users to professional top level footballers was seen as a sensible thing to do in here (I've seen that be ridiculed several times before, rightly so), but it almost seems like some drastically change their opinion of these types of arguments based on what the argument supports. We often talk about the margins. Small things matters a lot on the top level of football. You don't need to be a virtue signaling moralist to acknowledge that.


Again I'll repeat that I don't know what happened, and if this happened, I fully understand that the bigger picture needs to be taken into consideration in this case (his struggles etc).




Well, I know through a few good sources, as in direct from players or

those that are close to them, friends or family members. That top level footballers (our players included) do in fact get pissed up during the season. 

I’m not saying I agree with it or that it is ideal from an optimal performance standpoint. But the season goes August to May, then assuming no international tournament. Back in for pre-season in like late June? 

To quote Sir Bobby “They can’t be monks, we don’t want them to be monks, we want them to be football players. Because a monk doesn’t play football at this level.”

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