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10 minutes ago, Manxst said:

Was he? How long was it after he bought the club, that they turned up en masse to change the seats free of charge? Seem to recall that ‘The Don’ was universally admired for a substantial time? 

I’d say relative to his tenure yeah. No more time than it took us ti figure out Ashley. 

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I'll admit it took me a hell of a long time to COMPLETELY give up on Ashley. I kept hoping that what we were seeing were him making mistakes he'd learn from. That it was incompetence, not malice, that he'd surely come good. The guy was a multi-billionaire after all. In theory, a dream owner.


Sure, I think deep down I knew he was a complete waste of time very early on, but I kept hoping I was wrong. Why would I WANT my club's owner to be shit?


It was probably around 2014/15 I completely gave up any hope and I was cheering opposition goals - a common sight on here around that time. But then after the second relegation Rafa came, and although I knew Ashley for what he was I, like many, had hope again because Rafa believed in us. I even hoped that Ashley would see the error of his ways and that investing would increase the value of the club with Rafa and that we could build something. I knew I was wrong, but I still hoped. You always want to see the best in your owner because they're the ones who have the power to see you realise your sporting dreams.


Of course when Rafa went, every last scintilla of hope was utterly and finally snuffed out, but that was a hell of a long time after the fat prick first took over. And even then, an insane amount of time after he'd bought us and with Steve fucking Bruce at the helm, there were still nearly 50k people who seemed happy enough with his tenure to yeet the best part of £1000 at him every year. Fuck knows how long it'd be before they all gave up.


So no, I'll not berate any other fans for not turning on an owner quickly enough.

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They fell for it for ages. All it took was one of them to say they'd always found Newcastle fans a bit arrogant and thousands of them were suckered in :lol: 'hey, that's what think about Newcastle fans too! Here are some owners who understand the club' etc 

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I thought towards the end of 18/19 when he spent a bit on Almiron he was maybe changes his ways a bit. Even when he couldn't convince Rafa to stay I thought we'd see an Arteta come in. When he announced Bruce though that's when it was blatant he was taking the piss. 

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I concede my experience is coloured by the Mackems I know personally that smelt a rabbit off when the big seat installation thing was kicking off. 

I don’t consider RTG as reflective of my Mackem experience. 

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Guest dazzanufc1892

I think the recent article on his son in law focussing on luxury brands and stores with aspirational brands in them summed it up.


He said Ashley couldn’t understand why people would spend so much for the nicer things, rather than shop in sports direct for his brands. He accepted it though as they were growing and making profits far in excess of SDs growth.


he doesn’t get spending more to have what’s better, he’s happy with bargain basement and it’s how he ran the club.

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They seem to think he's worth £20m plus. They'll be lucky to get £10m. Spurs have a big sell-on fee too. 

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On 27/05/2023 at 18:55, Viana said:

I concede my experience is coloured by the Mackems I know personally that smelt a rabbit off when the big seat installation thing was kicking off. 

I don’t consider RTG as reflective of my Mackem experience. 


They lapped the seat installation thing right up. They were full of it on RTG.  I remember them saying how great it was that for a mere 8 hours of hard labour they were rewarded with a beefburger. Still to this day I'm not sure how he got around the obvious health and safety issue of allowing a load of unqualified yokels to be let loose on power tools to install seats in a large sporting arena but he did so fair play to him.


They only started turning after Charlton beat them in the Play Off Final.

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40 minutes ago, Optimistic Nut said:

They seem to think he's worth £20m plus. They'll be lucky to get £10m. Spurs have a big sell-on fee too. 


He is a decent talent from the little I’ve seen of him, at championship level he would be a massive gamble , hence not a chance£20m , they forget how their stock has fallen . £10m at very best , idiots. 

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6 minutes ago, Optimistic Nut said:

I agree about the taking the piss out of those two ladies tbf. Pretty poor. 

I don’t.  Gummy hags the pair of them. 

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20 hours ago, Optimistic Nut said:

I agree about the taking the piss out of those two ladies tbf. Pretty poor. 


Same. Maybe I’m too Middle Aged and not very ‘Bantz’ these days but I think the flags and all that shite with that pair on is crap patter and distasteful/vaguely misogynistic. However I appreciate like football isn’t nicey nicey and wouldn’t always want that but yeah, I think it’s a bit shit craic basically. I’m quite far detached from the city and the day to day back and forth with the Mackems but strikes me like there’s plenty other stuff we could rip them on, or even better still, just ignore the tragic cunts.

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26 minutes ago, AJ9 said:


Same. Maybe I’m too Middle Aged and not very ‘Bantz’ these days but I think the flags and all that shite with that pair on is crap patter and distasteful/vaguely misogynistic. However I appreciate like football isn’t nicey nicey and wouldn’t always want that but yeah, I think it’s a bit shit craic basically. I’m quite far detached from the city and the day to day back and forth with the Mackems but strikes me like there’s plenty other stuff we could rip them on, or even better still, just ignore the tragic cunts.

Is that not the whole point though? Its not particularly having a go at her as a person, for her looks, or being misogynistic or anything like that. Its all about what she said on that video clip..

"They're norrin the premiership, WE ARE!"

And basically ripping her for that, given they then plummeted to the championsip and then league one just after that clip came out.



Edited by TK-421

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