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General NUFC stuff


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8 minutes ago, Toontimes said:

Thank you - I still think I need to try and remove some of the stuff I don’t need. I might try on the home page later and then could I ask you to try loading it again to see if it makes a difference. I’ll post a new reply when I have had time to do it.

Of course!

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Just seen this article on the BBC -




Just a general question - Under the old managers how did the team get to far flung places like Southampton, Cardiff etc.


I remember see a coach at Wigan when Pardew was manager.


and how do the team currently get to games - eg Brighton last week ?


And do you think for the longer trawls - Norwich, Southampton, or those that involve a long coach trip (namely all of them apart from Leeds), do you think the new owners will indulge in flying ?


or will it be travelling on the day or day before ?





Edited by South-Cheshire-Toon

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21 minutes ago, HTT II said:

Much quicker, instant load basically! 

Brilliant- thank you. So if you want to use it in future make sure that you start at http://nufc-history.co.uk or just make sure the address has nufc-history rather than toontimes you will be fine.


Really grateful for you bringing this to my attention as slow loading pages are the easiest way to lose people and I now know to ensure I always give the “real” address and I can get rid of the toon times site name eventually which will save me money too!

Only did it because the club were threatening me over using nufc in the site name, hopefully that will no longer be an issue.

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5 hours ago, Toontimes said:

Brilliant- thank you. So if you want to use it in future make sure that you start at http://nufc-history.co.uk or just make sure the address has nufc-history rather than toontimes you will be fine.


Really grateful for you bringing this to my attention as slow loading pages are the easiest way to lose people and I now know to ensure I always give the “real” address and I can get rid of the toon times site name eventually which will save me money too!

Only did it because the club were threatening me over using nufc in the site name, hopefully that will no longer be an issue.

That’s Ashley for you and it’s a great website, I love it personally, keep up the great work. It’s now very slick to navigate btw.

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5 hours ago, Toontimes said:

Brilliant- thank you. So if you want to use it in future make sure that you start at http://nufc-history.co.uk or just make sure the address has nufc-history rather than toontimes you will be fine.


Really grateful for you bringing this to my attention as slow loading pages are the easiest way to lose people and I now know to ensure I always give the “real” address and I can get rid of the toon times site name eventually which will save me money too!

Only did it because the club were threatening me over using nufc in the site name, hopefully that will no longer be an issue.

Brilliant site, thank you.

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2 hours ago, Yorkie said:


Fucking hell. ?

Exactly,! I had the name registered already but then the club patented “nufc” as well as “toon army” as far as I remember. A firm of solicitors rang me up and said I shouldn’t be using “nufc’ in a website name without permission. At least he said he would check whether it was ok and I never heard back from them. I needed to keep the name anyway because I had signed up to a lifetime hosting deal based on that site name.

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3 minutes ago, Toontimes said:

Exactly,! I had the name registered already but then the club patented “nufc” as well as “toon army” as far as I remember. A firm of solicitors rang me up and said I shouldn’t be using “nufc’ in a website name without permission. At least he said he would check whether it was ok and I never heard back from them. I needed to keep the name anyway because I had signed up to a lifetime hosting deal based on that site name.


Shameless fuckers. Imagine going after a solo fan operation just wanting to celebrate being a supporter of the club and its history. 


God they were a pack of cunts weren't they. 

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2 hours ago, HTT II said:

That’s Ashley for you and it’s a great website, I love it personally, keep up the great work. It’s now very slick to navigate btw.

Thank you, got lots of other stuff in various stages of completion but I really think I need to get all the summary pages finished so there’s something from the last 30 years on there! I prefer the older stuff really because you come across so many great little stories that will never have been written about again after they were first reported.

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On 10/11/2021 at 14:12, Toontimes said:

If you take a look at the fans part of my 1977/78 review here http://nufc-history.co.uk/nufc-1977-78-season.html there is a small mention of when he set the NUSA up




Amazing website - really enjoyed reading the reviews of my first matches and seasons  - great bonus with the videos of the old matches - trying to spot myself in the crowd.

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19 minutes ago, South-Cheshire-Toon said:

With all of the extra information being banded around from the take over, Brucey leaving, Eddie coming in, there has been a large increase of the number of youtube posters.


I was just wondering what people think about these and where or not they are relevant, do people following those posters ? I've seen that one lad has been 'trolled' for not being a 'real' supporter.


With a ground capacity of 52,000, then take a third as being 'internet savvy' do this posters represent the majority or minority ?


Do you follow any ? (for me I follow a guy called 'Paul' doing 'The Toon Review' - seems decent enough).


Also as well does any one use any other forums ? I was on another but it seems everyone has deserted that one - not many recent updates considering what's happening.


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Just thinking about the FA Cup with Gateshead winning. In May it’ll be the same time gap between then and our 98 Final than between the 98 and the last FA Cup final before that in 74.

Mad that the Moncur, Hibbert & Supermac era is as close to Howey, Lee & Shearer as what Lascelles, Hayden & Wilson is.

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