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2025 N-O League Cup Final Meet (Newcastle): Places still available, please confirm attendance

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1 hour ago, BlazeT44 said:

@Troll and sharing for transparency. Some payments promised soon and some agreed to pay on the day.


24 Tickets Gone @ £15ea

1 ticket left.



Decky x2 £30

Scottish Magpie x2 £30

Me x4 £60

Dokko x1 £15

JB x1 £15

Gbandit x1 £15

Shay x2 £30

AJ9 x1 £15

GDM x1 £15

Paullow x1 £15

SDBS x1 £15

17 tickets @ £15 = £255



Rocker x1 £15

Disco x1 £15

2 Tickets @ £15 = £30



Troll x1 £15 paid by default

1 ticket @ £15 = £15



Shak x1 £15

Mike x1 £15

Ameritoon x1 £15

Kaizero x1 £15

4 tickets @ £15 = £60



With the £255 taken, plus your £15, we're upto £270 collected. Payment from Rocker and Disco gets you your £275 room fee + £27 booking fee back @Troll


Do you want me to send by transfer as soon as I have the £300 mate?


Then maybe the "Pay on the Day" group see me for £15 each, along with the extra £15 from the spare ticket (if filled).


That's a maximum of £75 if everyone shows up, that I'll then take and spend on beer or food for the group ??






Sounds good, will PM you my bank details (and the ticket) when I get a chance.

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16 hours ago, BlazeT44 said:

Initial Plan if OK with all?


11AM -- First Meet & Greet in Town.


11.30AM -- A quick drink at a bar. Few group picture opportunities around town.


1PM -- 2nd Meet Point. Food and Drink.


2.00PM ish -- Another bar of your choice.


3.15 PM -- Meet Up at Liberty/Union rooms. Last Call and Enter


4.30PM -- Kick Off


Anyone recommend 3-4 bars and a decent place to eat?

Genuinely think I’m going to have FOMO missing this despite being in London :lol:


Haven’t met a lot of you freaks for a good few years!


Though I am hoping to meet @Kanjiin London, so every cloud ??

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16 minutes ago, Rocker said:

Do we have anywhere to pile in for scran? I can book somewhere if needs be.


Do it mate - think we need about 15 heads, with he understanding this may fall slightly or increase depending on when people get in.


Think we should aim for 1.30pm ish.



Edited by BlazeT44

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Apologies if it's already been asked but has there been any discussion about Saturday plans at all? Assume at least some will be arriving then? 


Unrelated, if anyone's travelling up from the south and needs accommodation on the Saturday evening, I'd be happy to offer it. I'm not in Newcastle obviously but I'm an easy stop on the way up and have plenty room.  :thup:


(This'll be the FOMO, then :lol:)

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1 hour ago, BlazeT44 said:

@Rocker been brilliant in finding us a spot to eat on the day. 1.30pm at All Bar One.


We need a rough count on heads attending. 


I'm in with x4.

Please can you all let me know ASAP.



Sorry!  Don't mean to mess folk around.  Can you withdraw me from the All Bar One food meet up?  The lad has made other arrangements.  He's taking me somewhere as a belated birthday present.

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Right lads. 


Liberty Rooms.


4x bars but no private bar. He said we have a VIP waitress (oi oi) and if we give her the cash she'd bring us the booze.




Jeans and football shirts accepted.


Advised we get there at 3.


They might be doing food and platters at the venue

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