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5 minutes ago, Yorkie said:


I think that's an incredibly extreme take on that game, like. There were some obvious positives even if they didn't outweigh the negatives overall. 


:lol: You're right. Conceding 4 goals at home to Luton was great fun. So many positives.

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1 minute ago, geordie_b said:

Was about to post the same, not read the thread but can’t imagine to be the case. I’m thinking Karen has mixed up Burn and Barnes, probably wasnt paying attention whilst also writing in the comments section of the Daily Mail website


I've checked back. It didn't happen.

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Guest reefatoon
15 minutes ago, Skeletor said:


Why do things that are completely negative need to be made into positives? Sometimes things need to be called out for what they are.

Can you not enjoy a game that you don’t win?

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1 hour ago, South-Cheshire-Toon said:

I'd just like to put electronic pen to electronic paper, and say that even if Newcastle were winning a game 4-0, there would still be people 'complaining' and 'moaning' in the live score thread that's set up for every game.


I happened, as I don't normally 'watch along', on Saturday afternoon to follow the thread, and as per a post I put up, I can only say that I wouldn't want to be seated next to you at one of these games.


As it seems that from the get go, and perhaps some player(s) might have deserved the comments, there was a tirade of 'anger' and 'vitriol' to anyone who so much as mis-placed a pass or lost a tackle.


This was highlighted then after Barnes came on there was nothing but abuse and comments roughly equating to 'get of the pitch you're a waste of space' etc, then 'magically' after he scored, it was as thought butter couldn't melt in his mouth and he was a god-like creature.


I wish that we all just give these people some time and comment 'fairly' when watching - as sometimes, and the main reason I don't follow a live feed - is for all of the negative comments - please take a chill pill and live with it.


Or as my Dad used to say 'If you think you can do better - then go get your fucking boots and show us ! - otherwise - shut the fuck up !"



I've always regarded this place as a space to vent and get out most of my frustration of things tht aren't going exactly the way I want for my football team, it's not a 'real' place with 'real' people so it doesn't really matter what I or any other username says too much. It exists mainly in its own universe. Taking comments too seriously is a bit dangerous and absolutely not reflective of the fanbase as a whole, never was, probably never will be.


That said I do think that there's a spectrum starting to evolve which has 'no criticism at all allowed' at one end and 'this is utter shit, change it all'. People posting at either end of this spectrum can be largely and easily ignored imo. The good discussion takes place where valid criticisms are debated and challenged and solutions are found to solve the problems. The Dan Burn one is a classic. He's becoming a weak link that opposition target so how does Howe fix it? Horses for courses? Stick with Tino? Got to a back 3 with wing backs? That's where the good stuff happens. Much of the other noise - just keep scrolling, dead easy.


Some are looking for attention, others are just looking for a shield

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1 minute ago, Skeletor said:


:lol: You're right. Conceding 4 goals at home to Luton was great fun. So many positives.


To say that it was fundamentally, 100%, unconditionally negative and completely devoid of anything positive is an extreme take. 


The feeling when their fourth went in was vile, akin to actual trauma. That we immediately roared back and rectified the situation in the time it takes to make a cuppa was canny. 

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Guest reefatoon
7 minutes ago, Skeletor said:


:lol: You're right. Conceding 4 goals at home to Luton was great fun. So many positives.

Think some people were expecting us to absolutely thrash them and when it did the happen it left them pissed off. 

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1 hour ago, South-Cheshire-Toon said:

I'd just like to put electronic pen to electronic paper, and say that even if Newcastle were winning a game 4-0, there would still be people 'complaining' and 'moaning' in the live score thread that's set up for every game.


I happened, as I don't normally 'watch along', on Saturday afternoon to follow the thread, and as per a post I put up, I can only say that I wouldn't want to be seated next to you at one of these games.


As it seems that from the get go, and perhaps some player(s) might have deserved the comments, there was a tirade of 'anger' and 'vitriol' to anyone who so much as mis-placed a pass or lost a tackle.


This was highlighted then after Barnes came on there was nothing but abuse and comments roughly equating to 'get of the pitch you're a waste of space' etc, then 'magically' after he scored, it was as thought butter couldn't melt in his mouth and he was a god-like creature.


I wish that we all just give these people some time and comment 'fairly' when watching - as sometimes, and the main reason I don't follow a live feed - is for all of the negative comments - please take a chill pill and live with it.


Or as my Dad used to say 'If you think you can do better - then go get your fucking boots and show us ! - otherwise - shut the fuck up !"




So...positive posts only or fuck off? Got it.

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2 minutes ago, reefatoon said:

Think some people were expecting us to absolutely thrash them and when it did the happen it left them pissed off. 

I think you can also add in the difficulty of fixtures too. When we got beaten down there it was like 'phew, thank fuck all of the difficult fixtures are out of the way, let's enjoy the easy fixtures'........they we get turned over. It just amps up the frustration, it doesn't excuse it but it does kind of explain it

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I personally think its all down to individual characteristics and they’d have the same reactions about other things in life.


I think what helps me be so balanced throughout my 40+ years going is I’m a football fan above being a NUFC fan which allows me to see things with more perspective rather than through B&W tinted glasses. Even when I was very young and disappointment/hurt would stay with me longer than it does today it never prevented me from giving opposing players, coaching staff and fans credit where it’s due. I’d like to think I’m like this with most of life’s trials and tribulations.


What you got to remember (as Bobby Robson said at least once I recall) that as a team you can plan on doing xyz but there is another manager and eleven or more players trying to stop you doing xyz for them to stop you and beat you.


You’ll rarely get two sets of supporters happy after every game but it can help if you can see things from both sides. One player having a bad game might be up against someone having a great game.



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I enjoy the rollercoaster atmosphere in the match threads whenever I have the chance to follow along. It often reflects my initial reactions and thoughts. But I've been here long enough to know who logs on here only to spew negativity. We can't pretend they don't exist – but there is a an option to ignore them if you don't want to see their posts. Luckily we have a lot of good people on here, it's funny how you can have so many good memories about usernames. A lot of yous bring loads of good posts to the table :aww:

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Match threads can be horrific, I’ve said some shit over my time too.


However please don’t take it as a snapshot of the good folk on here, it’s not, very emotive times during the match which tbh I laugh at now as it can be really funny when the shit backfires. 

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This isn't a comment on anything said on your match thread here, and it's something I have said before, but it is really - in a sociological / psychology of the crowd style - interesting how expectations change so much and so quickly.


When you beat us last week, the day after, twitter, all social media, Villa forums etc, all choc full of people basically saying that we'd been 'found out', teams had totally sussed us out now, no way are we finishing top four, we'll probably lose next game etc etc.


I looked at the VillaTalk match thread for that game and it was pretty much exactly as per above. I think, in the same way match threads absolutely contain spur of the moment, emotional criticisms, so do reactions following the match, at least for a while - they are intense and impulsive and massively critical during the game, but ebb a lot following it as rationality returns.


What was interesting about that match in particular was yeah, we were fucking terrible from start to finish and it was a really bad result, but zoom out a bit and it's the first home league defeat in very nearly a year, which adds context.


The bigger picture though is where it gets more interesting - you are a season ahead of us in terms of raised expectations, and it takes a while to set a new standard for a club, but what changes really, really quickly is fans' expectations, ie "we did really well in suchandsuch a time period, it is fucking disgraceful that we've just done this".


I don't think any club is immune from that dynamic.

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3 hours ago, South-Cheshire-Toon said:

Or as my Dad used to say 'If you think you can do better - then go get your fucking boots and show us ! - otherwise - shut the fuck up !"

I'm fairly sure I couldn't perform heart surgery, but if a cardiologist ends up sewing my aorta up by mistake I'm probably allowed to pass comment on his failings. Or at least I could do if I wasn't dead.

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Match threads, and indeed physically being at the game will always bring out the most irrational and emotion based response to most things. Positive and negative. I was at Craven Cottage when Ben Arfa scored and was convinced it was the greatest goal ever scored by a player. By contrast I was at SJP when Reading beat us and thought it was one of the worst days of my life. Heat of the moment will always amplify everything. My reactions in the match thread are usually extreme, but I wouldn't expect to feel exactly the same way 24 hours later, good or bad 

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2 hours ago, Skeletor said:


Why do things that are completely negative need to be made into positives? Sometimes things need to be called out for what they are.


If you didn't watch that match and enjoy it as a spectacle then I think you're following the wrong sport. I was hoping for a drab, standard, low frills 2-0 before kick-off and obviously would have preferred that.


We were poor in certain aspects but one thing we can't fault is the players' efforts and they gave everything into getting a result. It was brilliant entertainment man.



Edited by Optimistic Nut

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3 hours ago, bobbydazzla said:

In the ground some people turn up just wanting to vent anger and frustration, they have no desire to be positive. Just constantly on the players backs from the 1st minute.


I've been in various parts of the stadium this season due to the dogshit ticketing and some areas are just toxic and it's caused by season ticket holders with negative attitudes. 


Why they're like that, I can't quite fathom. It's as if they've never mentally managed to get over the depression of the Ashley area.




Some turn up in the ground with a "I've paid my money so I can say what I want" attitude likes it's a purge zone, where normals rules don't apply.


In and round the ground on Saturday was the first time there was a definite feeling of entitlement from a good few, enough to feel it. It made me think of a Man City fan we met a few years back who said things had changed, the atmosphere, and he was hoping they'd wil the title (their first Premier title)that season so he could fuck off with his Macclesfield ticket and his son would then be old enough to go on his own.

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