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Football pet hates

Guest JonnyRogers

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Guest firetotheworks



Getting nothing from a shot that hits the bar/post and then goes out. It always feels like you should get a corner or something.

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Linesmen blanking players arguing with them. Disagree with the player arguing with them as well, but they just look like massive tools.


Was thinking that. I know the best thing to do is to not allow arguments as it'll be never-ending. It'll just be 'this is my decision, it's done' 'but it's wrong!' rinse and repeat for five minutes. But I think it's the smug bellend look that they all seem to have engrained on them in the process.

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Referees are trained/told not to engage in arguments. You state the position and that's the end....no further discussion.


Nothing good came come from participating in a discussion here the players disagree with your decision. It's not like the referee can say....you're right...let me have another look at it.


I guarantee that Martin Atkinson wishes that he could call that in to the video judge, but he can't so he has to make a decision.

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I guarantee that Martin Atkinson wishes that he could call that in to the video judge, but he can't so he has to make a decision.


Bullshit. He'd have to be handing that brown envelope back to Abramovich.


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I guarantee that Martin Atkinson wishes that he could call that in to the video judge, but he can't so he has to make a decision.


Bullshit. He'd have to be handing that brown envelope back to Abramovich.



I can't speak for Martin Atkinson but when I referee all I care about is getting the decisions right. I don't care who wins or looses, I only want to be 100% right and I would take all the tools available that i could.

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Guest Tyson

I know it happens at all levels (refereeing incompetency) but it's worse at the WC, and tournament pressure doesn't solely effect players. Call it a type of Little Man's Syndrome, but with some it's as if  (often one of those quota picked referees from a third-world or insignficant football locale, or otherwise a Neville Nobody of little repute the refereeing caper) there's a desire to finally be the 'The Man' on a big stage and this duly compels them to stamp their own signature on a game ie. usually of the early & hastily dished  out red card variety. It's like they value their contribution as a spectacle  of it's own, and that contribution should rival the sense of theatre which already lends itself to the game (minus a ref's input).

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Guest palnese

The word "contact" as justification for just about any form of cheating, as if contact with another human being is enough to send a professional athlete hurtling through the air.



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Guest Roger Kint

The media calling every long range goal Beckham-esque as if it has never been done before or after him  :knuppel2:

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John Motson's pronunciation of "Drogba" - "Drogbaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaar"


Motson should have been forcibly retired years ago. He's not got it right since he did that Liam Brady "Look at that! Look at that!" bit about 35 years ago.

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John Motson's pronunciation of "Drogba" - "Drogbaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaar"


Motson should have been forcibly retired years ago. He's not got it right since he did that Liam Brady "Look at that! Look at that!" bit about 35 years ago.


Likewise Tyldesley's "Nicolah Anelkah". Thank Christ he's buggered off to China, shame Clive couldn't have gone first.

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The media calling every long range goal Beckham-esque as if it has never been done before or after him  :knuppel2:


Even David Batty did one the same week as Beckham.

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