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4 hours ago, cubaricho said:

Why would we hate that? It’s the only way these days. Such a great way to bring loads of money into the club. 

It’s symbolic of the game’s move away from its working class roots and into the hands of the middle- and upper classes.  The ‘gentrification’ of the game has seen traditional supporters priced out and replaced by tourists and day trippers.  Soulless corporatism now sits at the heart of the ‘People’s Game’. 


There are plenty who are uncomfortable with this (me included), but the horse bolted on this one years ago - NUFC have to keep the playing field level. 

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5 hours ago, tomlynnherrington said:

Build a new ground on Newcastle Racecourse. Hardly used throughout the year.


As discussed a lot on here already perhaps "next to" (but not "on") Newcastle Racecourse, in the 'Parklands' area of Newcastle.


However not a new stadium but a state of the art Training Ground and Academy etc. 


Our Stadium M U S T remain in the City Centre - and it will, at St James' Park.

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9 hours ago, TheHoob said:

They'd need to spend about 10 years upgrading the roads around the racecourse if they wanted to build a stadium there. Westmoor/Four Lane Ends and Gosforth would be absolute pandemonium. 

Heard a few theories of them building it on the Ministry site once it’s moved to Pilgrim Street. It would be fucking chaos around there. The roads can’t cope as it is.

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42 minutes ago, TheGuv said:

Heard a few theories of them building it on the Ministry site once it’s moved to Pilgrim Street. It would be fucking chaos around there. The roads can’t cope as it is.


The 'Benton Park View' HMRC site in High Heaton is a non-starter, for a whole host of reasons, either for a Stadium or a Training Ground.

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15 hours ago, TotalWar said:

If they built a stadium at Gossy Park, on the site of, what used to be, John Jacobs golf course, now Parklands I believe, then they should rebuild the old tram system. It used to go up the Great North Road through Gosforth and terminate at Gosforth Park race course. The tram bridge, and old tram stops and power stands were in the park last time I looked ( for any local history buffs) Hundreds of Billions though.



That's a great idea fook the metro's we need trams ,build a brand new F W Woolworths for a nice pick n mix on the way too ,and pop into the 3mile for a charlston before heading to gossy park:dance:



Edited by Nun tumblers

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On 09/12/2022 at 09:57, Mackem in peace s said:

Yeez lot are so lucky with such massive support,all wheyz can muster is bogof offers on tickets and they huddle us all together like penguins  too keep warm.even our club shop is closed on monda and tuesda.




Penguins? black and shite, penguins?!? You’re fooling nee one ye jawdie basta! 



Edited by Coffee_Johnny

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On 10/12/2022 at 11:52, manorpark said:


The 'Benton Park View' HMRC site in High Heaton is a non-starter, for a whole host of reasons, either for a Stadium or a Training Ground.

Yeah, the new Freeman hospital is to be built on the site.

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We'd never get 50k regularly if we moved SJP out of the city centre imo. Loads would find it too much of a fuck on and the match day experience would be too far removed from what people want. Bars showing dodgy streams would make a killing until they were sussed.

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2 hours ago, Dr.Spaceman said:

We'd never get 50k regularly if we moved SJP out of the city centre imo. Loads would find it too much of a fuck on and the match day experience would be too far removed from what people want. Bars showing dodgy streams would make a killing until they were sussed.

It’s not an issue for other clubs, don’t see why it would be an issue at NUFC


I’m not advocating leaving the city centre mind

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2 minutes ago, TheBrownBottle said:

It’s not an issue for other clubs, don’t see why it would be an issue at NUFC


I’m not advocating leaving the city centre mind

Kind of agree with that ,but position A just a couple of hundred yards up the road nee further. 

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36 minutes ago, TheBrownBottle said:

It’s not an issue for other clubs, don’t see why it would be an issue at NUFC


I’m not advocating leaving the city centre mind


Which other large single city club left their iconic city centre ground to move out of town whilst maintaining regular >50k attendances?

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3 hours ago, Dr.Spaceman said:

We'd never get 50k regularly if we moved SJP out of the city centre imo. Loads would find it too much of a fuck on and the match day experience would be too far removed from what people want. Bars showing dodgy streams would make a killing until they were sussed.


This is true. I said a couple of pages ago that a big % of the crowd only carried on going during the Ashley/Bruce shitshow because they enjoyed their day on the drink in town. Lost count of the amount of people who said "the match gets in the way of a good session" or "I'm not giving up my day on the drink with my mates" when the whole keep your season ticket v pack ypur ticket in debate was in full flow.


Newcastle United is probably more synonymous to the city they play in than any other club in the country. When you say Newcastle, people automatically think Newcastle United and a big part of that is due to the location of SJP and the support. The club would lose a huge part of its identity by moving out of the city boundaries.


I'm all for a move to a new stadium btw. SJP is outdated compared to many of the modern stadiums but it could only be to another site within the city boundary. If that wasn't possible we'd be just as well staying put even if we couldn't extend and with the reality that it could ultimately hold us back.

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1 hour ago, Wandy said:

First I have heard of this. Is that official?


One City Council Member has suggested this as an 'idea' as HMRC at Benton Park View in High Heaton (it is not in 'Longbenton') are moving into the City Centre in 2027, and as BPV is next door to the Freeman Hospital he has said that he thinks it would be a good idea to move the hospital next door.


I would say it is extremely unlikely to happen - but you never know!





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45 minutes ago, manorpark said:


One City Council Member has suggested this as an 'idea' as HMRC at Benton Park View in High Heaton (it is not in 'Longbenton') are moving into the City Centre in 2027, and as BPV is next door to the Freeman Hospital he has said that he thinks it would be a good idea to move the hospital next door.


I would say it is extremely unlikely to happen - but you never know!





I'd be amazed if the site was used for a hospital. It's prime land for an entire new housing estate to be built on it.

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5 minutes ago, Wandy said:


I'd be amazed if the site was used for a hospital. It's prime land for an entire new housing estate to be built on it.

So is the Freeman hospital site if it were to relocate, the houses would probably fetch more money as well.

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