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I heard from someone with French connections a while ago that Sam was in fact looking at their left back Jeremy Mathieu who apparently is highly rated in France. However I blew the guy off!


I think it is more likely that Jeremy Mathieu is indeed the player Sam is considering.





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I heard from someone with French connections a while ago that Sam was in fact looking at their left back Jeremy Mathieu who apparently is highly rated in France. However I blew the guy off!


I think it is more likely that Jeremy Mathieu is indeed the player Sam is considering.




Come on children ... let's not get too excited by that. There were no appendages involved, I repeat none whatsoever!


Mathieu would be a top signing, young and left sided with a good future if they hype is to be believed.


out of contract at the end of the season

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Thank fuck.


I've said it on other threads, without two proper full back we will go down. Most of our shit performances this season have been when we have not had two proper full back. Most obvious example to me was the Stoke home game in the second half. Once the shape goes, it messes everything else up. The central defenders have no idea where they're supposed to be and they get pulled out of position and lose attackers. Also reference any game where N'Zogbia has played left back as an example.


If we get another left back in the window and Mbia as well I would be happy and it would be a good window, particularly for a January when not much happens.

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The more bodies in the better.


I must admit to knowing very little about him, but that was much the same for Bassong and he's been one of the few successes this season. So yeah, I'm intrigued to see how this one turns out should he sign on the dotted line.

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Guest diddimz

Another Frenchman who'll be whining to leave in short order ?


Aye lets slate him before he gets here.  :lol:


Why not its gonna start sooner or later :kinnear:

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Never seen him play,


But maybe Wise and his crew has done their job once again with signing good players. (they few we brought in has been quite allright)


shame about the manager eh.







however this is what we got ,so lets atleast hope  Wise and his gang can do something positive while they are here.



(edit: horrible horrible english)

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Hardly our most needed position but bodies are needed.


Its up there with the most needed seeing as Beye's out for another few months.


Ah didn't realise he was going to be out for months. Not sure what will happen when Beye returns though.

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Hardly our most needed position but bodies are needed.


Its up there with the most needed seeing as Beye's out for another few months.


Ah didn't realise he was going to be out for months. Not sure what will happen when Beye returns though.


Squad depth will happen.


We've been so starved of this phenomenon we can no longer fathom it it seems.

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Hardly our most needed position but bodies are needed.


Its up there with the most needed seeing as Beye's out for another few months.


Ah didn't realise he was going to be out for months. Not sure what will happen when Beye returns though.


Squad depth will happen.


We've been so starved of this phenomenon we can no longer fathom it it seems.


No, i understand the concept but there are not many clubs who have two good players in one position (if infact he is good) therefore one may become unsettled. We don't have a great history of managers making the correct choices. 

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