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Kieron Dyer


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Why cant this thread be about dyer leaving or not? Ohh, thats right, NE5 is here and the same old s*** about the Shepherd board and where we would have been without the fat one. Please give it a rest man and give us some updates or thoughts about Kieron leaving or not!


I have.


Look for them.


Forever naive, despite me trying to educate you.


Oh well.




Actually one time I liked reading your posts but now when I see them I look for some key words. Those being Shepherd, prior boards and stuff related to the issue of wether Shepherd was a f*** up or not. If I see one of these things I just stop reading.


Why dont you just summarize and tell us your opinion about what will happen in the Dyer saga and lets get back to what this thread is about.


I mean come on, what can you possibly say about whether it would be smart or not taking on another 30 million in debt?


1. We dont know how the finances of the club really looks like, Mort gives us his side of the story and Freddy was prepared to spend and must not have thought we were doing a Leeds. The truth is somewhere in between.


2. It could have been smart had we gotten success. If this would have happened or not is also pointless since we dont have a clue as to what would have happened in the summer if the club had not been sold.


3. Does it really matter? Now Ashley owns the club and he will be judged on results as was Shepherd. If he fails, NE5 can laugh at us saying "I told you so" and if he succeds NE5 will probably say "Shepherd was the reason for getting Allardyce" :)


(Hopes for a great insult from you now!)


I haven't supported Newcastle United for over 40 years to laugh when we even lose 1 game.


That is one lesson you should learn about football fans, and a quite amazing response from you. No doubt you even believe what you said.


BTW. I don't expect Allardyce to "fail" - he was my first choice as manager since Bobby Robson left the club - although it depends what exactly you mean by "fail".


Failure to win a trophy perhaps ? Failure to qualify for the Champions League ? Failure to qualify for europe ?


The only thing I am doing here, is applying the same standards across the boards, without bringing personalities into it, whereas you and others are not, because I am quite certain that if we qualify a few times for the Champions League people like you will be telling us that Ashley was a success, whereas Shepherd and Hall were not for exactly the same thing. Which is the whole point of my original comment. Anything anti-Shepherd or pro-Ashley is OK to you people. The simple fact is that there are a hell of a lot of people who simply don't like Shepherd and Hall as people, or for things they have said, to the extent they are unable to make a judgement of them regarding how the team have performed during their time overall. By doing this, your judgement is flawed. Even worse is the fact you won't listen to people who have attempted to tell you the big picture, and the history of the club, to present it correctly.


One thing is certain laddie, and I can see you ignore it because you don't understand, and that is Shepherd and the Halls are the reason why this club has been valued at what it has done, instead of the 10m quid the mackems were sold for.


Now. About Dyer. I said earlier what I think of this deal. In fact, I've said it twice.




Failure to me would be not bringing this club forward I guess, fading out of the big clubs in the premiership. Finishing 10 - 15th most of the time but most of all, not win a trophy in say the next ten years. Dont want to comment about weater or not the previous board was a success or not as it all depends on how you look at it.


What I will say is though in the end I get the feeling that we were perhaps "cheating" a bit. With that I mean spending more than we actually had, an extra 30 million might just be that. Though I dont want to get in a lengthy debate over this as I have no proof if this is true or not. And I suspect, neither do you.


About laughing and so, I said it more as a figure of speech than actually believing that you would be laughing all the way to relegation. What I mean with it was more to say that comparing Shepherd and Hall with Ashley is just to soon. We have played one freakin game of football.


ps. Now when it is all over I actually dont dislike Shepherd that much, he acted professionally through the entire takeover and for that I give him credit. If you feel passionatly for something you can get pretty pissed with something/someone standing in the way of that. I with many others felt that Freddy was holding the club back by not being as professional and competent enough to get us to where we wanted to be. I am sure you can understand that being probably 10 times as passionate about Newcastle than I am.

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Face it, man, NE5. He was past his sell-by date. The club as run by Shepherd peaked a few seasons ago. He failed to consolidate on his limited sucess and we were in decline.


Now he's history. Get over it.


This pretty much sums up how I see it as well.




Do you feel Shepherd could have turned it around again had he been able to stay on?

Do you even feel there was a need to turn anything around or did you think things were going well?

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Wonder if the spuds will have another look at Dyer after that abject performance from their midfield.


He's just what they need, someone aimless runing round in midfield

I'm not sure they know good from bad atm tbh.

THEY might think he'd be perfect........certainly hope so!

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Wonder if the spuds will have another look at Dyer after that abject performance from their midfield.


That's just the point I came on here to make. I think there could be a very good chance. Perhaps we'll not be lumbered after all. Here's hoping!

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Good old Freddie, whats another £30 million when you're already £80 million in debt...


thats right. We could have been spending the last decade floundering in the lower leagues like Sheff Wed and the mackems to name 2, just like we were pre-1992. Just to prove such things are still possible when you have a s**** board.


Oh. And facing extinction, or a club sold for a paltry 10m quid, instead of 130m, such was its value. Proven by the 1991 share issue that couldn't even raise the amount of money that we got when we sold Gazza.


Just the way to run a football club. No trophy players. Plenty of average ones. Ritual annual FA Cup humiliations against the likes of Exeter, Chester, Swansea etc etc .... selling our best players, and 20000 crowds.


I know that MICK will never acknowledge this, as he either doesn't believe it through not being there, or likes to continue to pull the wool over you younger lads eyes and have you believe differently.


Pleased you think we should have bought Miguel instead of Carr mind, increasing the same debt you are criticising.




So you're happy the club is £80 million in debt because we've made an attempt at winning things? Would you have been happy to borrow another £30 million to give Allardyce to spend?


What do you think of Ridsdale at Leeds and Bates at Chelsea? They borrowed millions to back the manager, I suppose that makes them ambitious chairman too in your book? Would you prefer either of them to Ashley?



I'd prefer them to Bob Murray, or the directors we had before, and a canny few other chairman knocking around.  Its not so simple as this, I thought someone like YOU would have known this. Would you have preferred these people to Shepherd and Hall, or Belgravia ?


The majority of the debt is "manageable" based on season ticket sales, like your mortgage, if you have one. Even macbeth admits that.


As it happens, I think Ken Bates is another stupid cockney bastard, but I feel sorry for Ridsdale, he got carried away with being chairman of his club, I think the Irish gasbag O'Leary was just as much to blame as he must have known he was outspending the clubs resources.


Just goes to show you that even the best laid "plans" come unstuck. At least we had a better "plan" than they did eh ?




I'm afraid feeling sorry for Ridsdale is rather pathetic, and to suggest he was somehow duped into overspending by O'Leary is laughable. I wouldn't trust Ridsdale to manage a corner shop and I can't believe he's been allowed such high office at another professional football club. Anyway that's not our problem.



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If this goes through either Mort or Ashley have balls of brass, and Magnussons put the price of every player he buys up by 500k.


If it doesn't go through it's been an expensive mistake. 7 million for Dyer would be a great deal.

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yes around £7m would be great if the deal goes through...I would never thought that we could get 6m for him, and if we get 7 that eould be great. He's one player of the old Newcastle United and im glad to get rid of him, especially for £7m.


Does that take our net spending to around £9/10m for this summer? (just counted quickly from my head)


Simply great piece of bussiness. Getting all these new players for the price of a Boumsong and a little more ,9

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Guest SpinTheBlackCircle



West Ham boss Alan Curbishley has resurrected a £6million deal for Kieron Dyer and the player is expected to sign within days.


Dyer’s move hit the buffers last week as Newcastle owner Mike Ashley said it would not go ahead unless the Hammers met their increased valuation.


This time West Ham have agreed to make a £6m downpayment for Dyer, who played for Newcastle’s reserves in a friendly on Monday.


Ashley is prepared to do business if the downpayment is made, with more money added based upon appearances.


Midfielder Dyer, 28, is desperate to make the switch to the capital so he can be nearer his young family.


Newcastle manager Sam Allardyce is hoping to use the cash from the transfer to buy Bolton midfielder Abdoulaye Faye for £2m.



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Soooo is dyer staying or going because i have just read through a few posts and they dont seem to have any relevance to dyer at all!!!


I don't think anybody on here knows the answer at this time.


What about the ITK's?? They'll know.


And the one who pretends to be a good mate of his (as if THAT'S something to be proud of!! :lol: ).

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Northern Monkey has said in post 777 what is in my mind, it makes sense.


Coupled with the fact that Allardyce himself has complained about backing. Unless you know more than he does about it.


Whether you like it or not, no manager complained about the last board like this. I want to believe they will back the manager as much as the last board, but just because I want to believe it doesn't mean I'm stupid enough to pretend that they are just yet.


What I say stands. If Shepherd and Hall had did this, they would be getting absolutely crucified by you lot, and whats more you know it.


BTW, the ex board had earned the benefit of the doubt in my eyes, because they had backed their managers and shown they had ambition, despite mistakes which of course nobody makes except us. If you underestimate the value of backing your managers, its your problem, people like me have tried to tell you for long enough.




Allardyce on the backing he's had. 


“We’ve invested well, I’ve spent more than I’ve ever spent this summer and I’m grateful for that,” explained a manager who has so far signed seven players. “I’m fortunate to have that, I’ve been able to invest more on transfer fees and more on wages and I’ve got bigger and better players. When you do that you have more quality, you can play better football. When you don’t, it’s about upsetting bigger and better teams, it’s about embarrassing them and it’s something you don’t get credit for. You’re doing it with lesser players and that makes you better than them. But it also means people start saying you’re something you’re not.”






how come chaps like you riducule the Chronicle, then take bits that suit you


Never mind. I expect you will ignore this mind :




Whether the new owner will let me spend as much as Freddy would have is something we’ll find out come the end of August [when the transfer window closes] but there’s a few players I’ve targeted, either for August or when the window reopens in January, and so far, so good.”


and THAT, is all I have said. No more, no less. Quite amazing how you and others are jumping around just because a post isn't either totally anti-Shepherd, or pro-Ashley. But I expected that from the likes of you too.



You ridicule the Times, then take the bits that suit you though. Their claims about the Owen clause, which turned out to be correct, is one example that springs to mind. Also, that Chronicle article quoted above has crediblity because it contains direct quotes rather than just supposition. I suspect you realise this though.

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You ridicule the Times, then take the bits that suit you though. Their claims about the Owen clause, which turned out to be correct, is one example that springs to mind. Also, that Chronicle article quoted above has crediblity because it contains direct quotes rather than just supposition. I suspect you realise this though.


Alex, you talking to the brick wall again?

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There's really not much mileage left in this issue for the sad fucks who are desperate to diss their own club and denounce Ashley and Mort before they've barely got their feet under the desk.


An extra million for Dyer, West Ham's already threadbare credibility further undermined by accusations of dodgy dealings from Derby re Baines, and Ashley continuing to back the manager with the looming arrival of Faye, our eighth summer signing.

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You ridicule the Times, then take the bits that suit you though. Their claims about the Owen clause, which turned out to be correct, is one example that springs to mind. Also, that Chronicle article quoted above has crediblity because it contains direct quotes rather than just supposition. I suspect you realise this though.


Alex, you talking to the brick wall again?


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