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José Enrique


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We should definitely sell Enrique, just think what we could do with the money. He's easily replaced, there are dozens of better left backs out there, just don't ask me to name them


who said that? s*** strawman argument there.


For what it's worth, I think Enrique is a better LB than Carroll is as a striker so it would be more difficult to find a replacement for Enrique.


Errrr I said that


Have you figured out who all  these strikers are yet who are better than Carroll? Of course they'll have to be fairly cheap and on low wages too. Over to you, take your time. 5 or 6 names will do to start off withh


I can name more than 5-6 players better than Carroll but I wouldn't know how much they would cost or their wages, that would all be speculation. For starters I think Dzeko, Suarez, Forlan, Milto are all better than Carroll, could come out with more if I really did care to play your petty game. 

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Look at the wages of players in Man Utd/Liverpool (nevermind Man City) and check their revenue generated last year and their financial position.  We are heading towards a mid-level team because we does not have an owner who is willing to spend his own cash on the club.  Is this something we could blame?

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It's not even about great players though, often it's not even local players but those have come through the ranks at a club, they are the identity of that club. Why did Guti survive longer than every galactico?


Alex Ferguson is the master at it. He's not handing out contract after contract to Brown, Fletcher, O'Shea because they're the best he can get, he could find a better player than those three in a second but they are more important to him than any Ronaldo because that is how he has maintained a winning mentality at the same club for 20 years.


If the players are world class like Giggs then even better, two birds with one stone. That's why Ferguson is the best ever because of the culture he has maintained, far more than any tactics or transfers.


NUFC selling off not only good players but ones who we have produced makes me feel absolutely sick. It still cuts me up to see Michael Carrick playing elsewhere, Carroll will break me. Fastest track to achieving fuck all.


Excellent post, highlights the folly of this idea we could and should just turn over players and expect to keep finding new ones who'll play just as well as the previous squads.


When you pursue a development strategy with a club like ours, you find a good player and you hold on for grim death. Players like Enrique are players you do break any supposed wage cap for because they're absolutely blue chip - players you know will earn their wages and help make sure others will earn theirs, too. They have experience which is literally unobtainable elsewhere because they earned it here. It's one thing to limit offers made to new signings - they're unproven and could end up like Smith, so you want to limit the potential damage, but when they've proven themselves to be special, you make the necessary accommodations and harness the momentum instead of squandering it.


Exactly, 80, exactly! :smitten:

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We should definitely sell Enrique, just think what we could do with the money. He's easily replaced, there are dozens of better left backs out there, just don't ask me to name them


who said that? s*** strawman argument there.


For what it's worth, I think Enrique is a better LB than Carroll is as a striker so it would be more difficult to find a replacement for Enrique.


Errrr I said that


Have you figured out who all  these strikers are yet who are better than Carroll? Of course they'll have to be fairly cheap and on low wages too. Over to you, take your time. 5 or 6 names will do to start off withh


I can name more than 5-6 players better than Carroll but I wouldn't know how much they would cost or their wages, that would all be speculation. For starters I think Dzeko, Suarez, Forlan, Milto are all better than Carroll, could come out with more if I really did care to play your petty game. 


Fucking hell, you really have lost the plot :lol:


Just humour me, are those you listed within Newcastle's approximate wage/transfer/age range and could we really attract them?

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Guest optimistic nit

I give up. If people want to believe that we did everything possible to keep Carroll and made it absolutely clear to him that we wanted him more than we wanted the cash then that's their prerogative.



i dont think anyone believes that, but the idea that carroll was 'forced' to hand in a transfer request and still loves the club sounds a bit naive. i'm not saying the club did their best to keep him or even tried, but as said already he could have stayed if he wanted, and andy carroll doesn't strike me as the type of player who would submit to being forced to do anything he didn't agree with.

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According to the papers we won't accept less than £12m for Enrique.  :snod:


He'll have a year left on his contract this summer. If the board turn down £11m and make him see out his contract I'll drink my own.....well Ill be surprised.

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If a bid for a £8m comes in, Ashley will bite their hands off.


Hmm, not sure. He cashed in for Carroll, but £8m for a Spain U21 international who's one of the league's best in his position would be a bit stingy, no matter how long he has on his contract.


I'd hope (and just about believe) we wouldn't sell him for that.

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Guest Roger Kint

Look at the wages of players in Man Utd/Liverpool (nevermind Man City) and check their revenue generated last year and their financial position.  We are heading towards a mid-level team because we does not have an owner who is willing to spend his own cash on the club.  Is this something we could blame?


You are aware that over the past 14 seasons we have spent fortunes on wages and transfers to acheive just 4(good chance of 5 this season) top half Premier League finishes? Aside from a 3 season spell we have pretty much been midtable crap consistently in that time flirting with and succombing to relegation and financial meltdown. But yeah at least your point about Ashley not spending a penny of his own cash is spot on..............

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Look at the wages of players in Man Utd/Liverpool (nevermind Man City) and check their revenue generated last year and their financial position.  We are heading towards a mid-level team because we does not have an owner who is willing to spend his own cash on the club.  Is this something we could blame?


You are aware that over the past 14 seasons we have spent fortunes on wages and transfers to acheive just 4(good chance of 5 this season) top half Premier League finishes? Aside from a 3 season spell we have pretty much been midtable crap consistently in that time flirting with and succombing to relegation and financial meltdown. But yeah at least your point about Ashley not spending a penny of his own cash is spot on..............


Well yeah. Most of that money being spent on old/uncertain players. While now it's about proven young players - the future of the club.

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Guest neesy111

If a bid for a £8m comes in, Ashley will bite their hands off.


People thought he would accept any bid for Carroll at £15M-£20M.  We got almost double that.

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Guest sicko2ndbest

If a bid for a £8m comes in, Ashley will bite their hands off.


People thought he would accept any bid for Carroll at £15M-£20M.  We got almost double that.


I would risk him running his contract down tbh. If we have a good summer there is mo reason why we can't be challenging for Europe. He may sign an extension on the back of that

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No we came off badly because we lost a Geordie striker with the potential to be the fulcrum of our side for the next ten years. We can't replace that because unfortunately the likes of Carroll come round once or twice in a generation, if you're lucky.


Exactly. Which is why Carroll should have been considered priceless. Don't think I'll ever get over the sale of Carroll, or forgive the 'owners' of the club (because that is all they are, owners) for their lack of ambition when selling him. I do not for one moment believe we are in a position where we "had to sell him" and "could not turn the offer down."


The thought of him scoring 20+ goals a season for Liverpool and becoming the #9 for England for the next 10 years makes me feel quite ill tbh.


Those who think that we aren't now a selling club, are in denial.

The summer will be a true reflection of our direction with  Barton,Tiote, and Enrique getting new contracts and some wise investments from that Carroll fee , i will be optimistic as i see this as a defining time for us and let us judge at the end of the summer transfer window .


Care to give a prediction of what will happen this summer?

same shit as every transfer window  :no:
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If Jose won't extend his contract in the summer, then £8 million will be a decent offer which I'm sure Ashley would accept. If a player is on the point of seeing out the last year of his contract, his transfer value plummets.

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Guest optimistic nit

Look at the wages of players in Man Utd/Liverpool (nevermind Man City) and check their revenue generated last year and their financial position.  We are heading towards a mid-level team because we does not have an owner who is willing to spend his own cash on the club.  Is this something we could blame?


realistically it is this simple, for the forsiable future we will not be able to compete with man u, man city, chelsea, arsenal and spurs. arsenal, man united and spurs already have networks in place that allow them to compete with chelsea and city's spending power and they are established top premier league clubs and we simply will not have the spending power of the other two clubs. if we go down the big spending route, like we have in the past then we will be spending big money on players that are not good enough for the top 6 which will lead to paying over the odds for average players on transfers and wages and a situation a few years down the line where we still are not competing for the champions league yet are paying champions league wages, the exact scenario that ultimately resulted in our relegation.


our best chance of getting in amoungst the top is to start to build a network in the arsenal/ spurs model of sustainable growth. The current top 6 is not sustainable. city apart the rest of the clubs are attempting to at the very least break even and with 6 teams competing for 4 places this will (hopefully) result in the failures of at least 2 clubs. Liverpool and Man U are in precarious financial positions already that will be exacerbated should either go without CL for a prolonged period of time. if we start to grow our club now from the grass roots there may well be a time when the bubble bursts for at least one of the top 6 and if we are in a sound financial position then with a good squad that is when we should look at pushing on and filling that void. right now there are 6 CL quality teams in this league and throwing money at the club will at best result in a (not guareenteed even if we do spend) UEFA cup spot.

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Can't see us selling Tiote, we only just signed the f***ing guy.


Wonder how long it'll be before I open a player thread and it isn't about him being definitely sold in the summer?


Get used to it. We used to be a club who bought players for large fees, give them massive career fulfilling contracts, and then could never get rid of them.


We are now a club who aims for players on lower fees, on lower wages, but with potential to be a hell of a lot better. It is a natural consequence of the second option that we will worry about the players we sign who turn out to be great player, and then leave for bigger and better clubs.


Do it consistently enough for a long period of time and you might get lucky and hit the sweet spot between the Arsenal model and the Man Utd model!




...and if you get it wrong a few times, you end up between the Sheffield Wednesday and WBA model...!

go the other way and it's leeds and pompey........and us to certain extent.


Leeds and Pompey do NOT have our crowd potential or drawing power.

Still, we can always settle for second best instead of 3rd best, eh !?


Leeds and NUFC's problems were the result of having a complete dickhead in charge instead of only a partial one..

you just don't want to get it do ya ? it doesn't matter what the size of crowds, turnover or prestige of club,'crowd potential or 'drawing power'......if you try to live too far beyond your means you'll end up f***ed. the only difference is the size of the numbers, the premise is the same for all.




Just don't want to 'get it'..!?


If I and others hadn't wanted to 'Get it' 20 years ago, the club would still have been run by McKeag's family and KK would never have arrived as manager ONCE. never mind twice...


I don't need a lesson in economics thanks - you are implying that the club would be 'living beyond its means'by competing for decent signings or trying to keep its best players ; that is a matter of conjecture - do you believe that Kuqui is a decent signing for a club like Newcastle ? Or would Gateshead be a more likely setting for him !?


We have sold a young player who, in all likelihood, will play for England for 10 years and win medals with Liverpool - yes, that's right, Liverpool and they WILL win medals despite the envious tripe spouted on here about them because they are ambitious and have rich backers....nobody is saying that NUFC should be signing 35m players but there IS and should be, a balance.


Also, any club selling its top players will never prosper - end of...

If you don't want to talk Sheff Weds, try Burnley and see how selling best players did for them. NUFC DOES have a big support and only clubs with decent support can be successful over a long period. NUFC has not punched its weight over the years and if you can't(or WON'T) see that, you either haven't supported the club for very long or you have a poor memory recall.


Ashley may not be Abramovitch but he COULD back the club a bit better in the market - as could anyone who doesn't blink at losing 1m a shot in casinos..!! Failure to attract or keep good players means that any decent ones left at the club will also want to leave.


How can you say the club hasn't been punching above it's weight when you look at the financial side of things before Ashley took over?  We were paying Champions League level wages!


Any club selling their best players will never proper...?  What about Sevilla, as Village Idiot points out?  It's all about the right balance, which is difficult to find, tbf.


What tripe is spoken about Liverpool as well?  Most of it is justified.  Head over to one of their forums if you don't like the scousers getting insulted.


You have proved your ignorance beyond doubt several times in this post.


I don't know how old you are (and frankly care less), but your comments about Liverpool are those of a prize tw-- or someone whose empty can makes the most rattle. They have achieved far more in a few seasons in the 80s than NUFC have done since 1892. If you are unaware of that, and the respect they have in the game as a result of that then you shouldn't be allowed out, never mind be a NUFC fan.

After reading your insightful(cough)comments, I wish I HAD been born in the NW of the country, then I could have spent my time laughing at the comments written by 'experts on winning trophies' such as yourself !! After all, you are well placed to give advice after seeing your side trounce the PL time after time - not to mention the many cups since 1969....


IF you had taken the trouble to read the posts leading up to the one you chose to benefit us with your comments upon, you would have seen that I made the point that, prior to Ashley, NUFC was being run by a d--khead, and that is why CL wages were being paid....


And WHY should I be interested in the example of a second rate Spanish club like Sevilla ? What do they have in common with NUFC ? Spain has 2 clubs who are any good - end of....just the same as Scotland except that every so often, someone like Valencia makes a show in the Europa Lge because they have imported some Argies or Brazilians...


Glad to be well away from people like you - the good name of NUFC fans is already blackened by similar people and you are in for a rude awakening..unless you are an Ashley troll of course !


Enjoy your success !


You are an absolute moron.


I know Liverpool have been successful in the past retard.  I didn't say they hadn't, most people hate Liverpool fans because they are delusional souls who seem to think they support the greatest club on earth.


I don't why you are trotting out crap like saying I seem think I'm a expert on winning trophies?  Where did I state this?  I can only assume you are losing your marbles mate.


What do Sevilla have in common with Newcastle?  It's called a comparison.  Look it up.  I was comparing the two clubs and showing that a club that has spent millions less than in the past decade or so can still win trophies. 


You obviously don't even care about trophies like the UEFA Cup and are happy to genuflect only to the scousers and their many major trophy wins.


The good name of Newcastle fans is blackened by people like me?  You haven't got a clue...I can only assume you are some old man who has lost his marbles because you are talking absolute rubbish.  Embarrassing.

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If Jose does go, in terms of the strength of the team it's his all-round ability that is pretty irreplaceable for the fee/wages we can "afford".

So trying to replace him with an inferior version can't fail to weaken us.

Defensively we might, just might, get someone his equal. And if that man was, say, good in the air, that could bring something extra to the team - at both ends.

Offensively, a fit Hatem in front of the new man could make up for what we could be losing going forward without Jose.

So a quality defender and a fit Hatem could mean the team does not lose too much down the left. (With Jonas having a part to play as well). All assuming the new defender has the right character etc.

Hate to be even thinking like this. But that's the route I'd go down - putting the emphasis on keeping the defence shored up.


Similarly Carroll can't be replaced with one player, but two new complementary strikers could bring the goals we need and not weaken the team.


So that's Enrique and Carroll covered.....

But if Tiote goes, we're fucked!

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