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Everything posted by ToonTastic

  1. What is the God awful version of Blaydon Races they've decided to start playing??
  2. Where have u heard this? Yeah according to financial fair play rules for championship clubs, i totally made that up hahaha
  3. Good question. Something i just remember from previous discussions. I'll have a look.
  4. Pretty sure clubs have to pay half of the transfer fee as a minimum even if structured payments so still get a decent wedge.
  5. Yeah strawberry corner is the only part of the ground with any noise now. Even those in L7 next to the fans now are shocking. Fingers crossed improvement comes.
  6. I wouldn't waste your time with the Leazes End. Complete lost cause is that place. No more so than the rest of the stadium. Hoping changing where the away fans sit along with a club initiative will help.
  7. He's no age in terms of keepers. He will make a good Premiership keep.
  8. Then that's the end of that I'd say. Just a suggestion, who knows, but IF that was the case I'd say he can go and f*** himself to be honest. Definitely.
  9. Then that's the end of that I'd say.
  10. If £2m is to loan and £13m to buy why not just buy and not bother with the loan?
  11. There's nothing there at all, this whole fuss is because a tabloid ran a story based on basically f*** all. Plus the track record of Mike Ashley.
  12. Not totally true, we have this blinder “We are not talking about names,” Benitez replied with a smile when asked if Townsend was a player he would like to bring back to the North East.
  13. Was it Townsend who turned down the loan option or Palace. I know it was mentioned
  14. Ah I just assumed we always had it didn't realise it was part of the bond. Still club could still offer it be brilliant way to get full stadium.
  15. Ah right see I thought I had it before then and when they phased it out you instead for those pads to apply for cup, away and European games. Maybe my mind isn't what it once was haha
  16. See I thought it was part of the whole guarantee won't move your seat thing under fat Freddy and it just didn't come back after the court case
  17. Why did they stop with the option where the cup games could be part of your season ticket many moons ago?
  18. Disagree, their first touch took him away from goal, just had to stand his ground. No need for the stupid lunge.
  19. Think it makes a difference that this isn't a one off either, it's something to continue on with and make a big thing at the stadium.
  20. ToonTastic

    Steven Taylor

    That's us and he proved he wasn't.
  21. Bloke played 13 games for us or something and folks are going on like he's been here 10 years and left us in the PL to join a rival for cash. Yeah he might regret it but he had the option, he has no reason to show us any loyalty really. His mistake to make.
  22. £12m, made £1m on him.
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