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Everything posted by ToonTastic

  1. Try this instead http://www.newcastle-online.com/2007/12/12/competition-time/
  2. Just a reminder the competition ends this Saturday so if you haven't entered already you may want to enter.
  3. This is better then you can ignore all things scum http://www.virginmedia.com/sport/match-highlights.php
  4. I've heard so much about this guy from steel wheels (I don't normally take enough notice to be bothered, sorry pa guy ) I was expecting so much more. He just sounded down in the dumps. Music was canny in parts but half of it I'd never heard before like 60s and 70s rock. Never mind can't have everything I guess. Still wish it was the 5 aside games rather than cross bar challenge.
  5. All change, from nowhere N-O is now 3rd for the best forum http://info.fanbanta.com/forumawards/nominations.php Daves not on the list for most posts yet though so get voting see if we can top them all
  6. When you click on the bit that says click here it doesn't put the email in your email client ?
  7. Here is a clue for anyone stuck http://www.nufc.premiumtv.co.uk/page/Shearer/0,,10278,00.html
  8. Check out http://www.newcastle-online.com/2007/12/12/competition-time/ for our new Newcastle-Online competition just in time for Xmas.
  9. http://www.newcastle-online.com/nufcpredictionleague/
  10. Scores are all up to date. Don't forget and post your predictions for tonight's game.
  11. The "revolt" was meant to be with regards to travelling down south over Xmas and staying there for 4/5 days nothing to do with training methods, tactics or anything else.
  12. I agree with everything you said, but that doesn't mean that want a Roeder approach to players who clearly need a kick up the backside. To be honest I'd like to see Big Sam take a long run up with a few of them. Oh I agree with that I just think he's making a mess of managing at the minute and I hope it gets it sorted because his techniques are good and will help the club in the long run.
  13. To be honest i still don't understand the time thing, if you buy good players and play them in the correct positions with straight forward tactics you do well. Doesn't mean you win anything you just do well you then give the manager the 5 years he wants and hopefully in that time he will win stuff. Sven is a good example of this, bought good players, played them correctly and they are doing well won't win anything this season but they will in the next few years I have no doubts. Sam though bought players, feels forced to play them, plays strange complex tactics (football is an easy game don't complicate it!) and we aren't doing well.
  14. So that would make the kids happy at Xmas day when there dad goes off and leaves them for a week ?
  15. Nice to see they listened and to be honest it was the right decision.
  16. The game has changed and lifestyles have changed, family comes before football now for most players. The players seem to be complaining because they won't see their families over Xmas which is fair when they could just as easily fly back straight from the Wigan game and fly back down the day of the Chelsea game. Keeping them there makes no sense other than to make players unhappy. It's not a foreign country it's London there should be no ill effects from flying back and forward. Fine if it was just a normal week day but it's Xmas.
  17. Why not, I've just voted for this place
  18. To be honest it's probably more because it's Xmas and the players don't really fancy being away from there families from boxing day (in fact they will probably travel Xmas day) until 3/4 days after Boxing day.
  19. It's not nice, the sport itself is pretty good but there is only a tiny part of the screen devoted to the actual video the rest is taken up by tables, huge news bulletins and then two strap bars at the bottom with rolling info. Hopefully that'll change soon enough. Oh and the other annoyance is the background noise of people working. What's with that it sounds crap, sounds like some sort of Children in need phone appeal.
  20. Depends how you look at it. 6th are Aston Villa with 27 points. 3rd bottom are Sunderland with 10 points. So that's 8 points between us and bottom 3 yet 9 points between us and top 6. Agree with this though.
  21. No point in rushing him back might as well give him a longer break and make sure he's fit, not as if the ball is actually getting up to our strikers so theres no hurry.
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